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Do you think schools need to do more to teach about American history?

American history is full of racism and hate and I think often that stuff gets overlooked today. I don't know how schools teach history these days, but I found out recently when I went into college, that I didn't even know about a lot of what happened in our history. There's so much of history that kids don't know, that if they did, they would see the US being even worse.

I remember learning about a lot of horrible things the US did when I was in elementary school, but I feel like kids these days, are taught about it differently. I blame it on how people want things to be safe for their children. So I have a feeling that a lot of schools don't teach about horrible things until someone is a teen. I feel like this stuff should be taught early on, to teach them that hate is bad, and that we need to learn from the past to be better. We have come far since then, but there is a ton of work that needs to be done even today.

I think it starts with schools. They need to teach our children and their children about not just the good, but all the horrible shit the US has done to its own citizens. idk, I just feel like it's being overlooked by schools these days to make schooling more safe for kids. That's how I'm seeing it anyway. What do you think?

Can you fight?

This twitter post got me thinking about what would I do if I was in a confrontation and I had to defend myself:
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White dude had no idea what he was doing. He ended up being a punching bag. I've worked as a corrections officer and as nightclub security, but I'm not a fighter. I try to avoid confrontations as much as possible. (Plus I usually wear my glasses)

Where do y'all stand?

Are designer labels even worth the cost?

I feel like after you spend so much on quality, you are just paying for the brand or label and it seems frivolous to be throwing money away like that.

I have certain brands and qualities I look out for. I will try to find stuff on sale when I can. But like when you are buying jeans for example, the quality doesn't seem to go up after $100. So what is the point of spending more other than to flaunt the label? Maybe this is just me. Just randomly thinking about it.

Have you ever done one of those DNA tests?

I was always curious. I was actually tempted to get one done a few years ago but I am glad I decided not to because some of the bigger companies were selling off the information of people to corporations and businesses. That felt really shady to me so I haven't wanted to get one done since. Don't know who I could trust!

Have you ever gotten one? If you did, did you learn anything new about yourself?

They put Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" Speech in Fortnite

Yes, you read that right. This was supposedly a team-up with the estate of MLK and Epic Games. So it wasn't some random thing Epic Games did, MLK's family agreed to it. What it is, is a lobby gamers in Fortnite can join. You can't shoot or do much of anything, but I am hearing you can still emote, so you can do dance moves and all that. Kind of distasteful if you can emote during it.

Here's more info on it with a preview of what you can see and do:

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I think it's a cool way to educate children, and people who may have forgotten what MLK was about. If it helps kids learn, I'm all for it. I'm glad they didn't release MLK as a playable character, because I think that would be extremely messed up.

What do you guys think of this? Do you find it kind of weird? Or do you think it's a cool way to educate children about MLK?

Would you ever buy an NFT? And would you ever sell one?

NFTs still confuse me, but I want to learn more about this, because they do sound somewhat promising. Would you ever spend money on an NFT yourself? Or would you rather attempt to sell your own NFT?

I don't know if I have any skills to make my own NFTs, but I think if you can invest in NFTs, I may give that a shot.

And for those of you who have invested in any or have made their own, how is it?

Tyron Woodley lost to Jake Paul, I'm not happy

Some bad news to share with you all. I watched the Jake Paul Vs Tyron Woodley boxing match, and I gotta say, I was sad not to see Jake Paul get knocked out. Sad news is, that Jake Paul won via split decision and I hate it. I was hoping Woodley would have rocked this dude throughout the match, and during one round he nearly did it. Hyped up Dave Chappelle who happened to be in the audience.

But, it wasn't enough, as that round was the only round he would take, with maybe one more round out of the 8 total. Hate to say it, but it was a mediocre fight. Woodley looked awkward at times, but he kept with Jake Paul the whole fight. Paul wasn't faring much better as he clearly was tired early on.

Anyway, think Tyron Woodley will be back to boxing? Or is he done here? I hope we get an actual boxer to take on Jake Paul next. Whoever faces off against the Paul brothers next, I hope they KO them.

Ever get injured during a serious fight?

A few years back I got into a serious fight with this one college guy. He was this annoying white dude who said some racist stuff at a party, I confronted the dude about it, but he didn't seem to care all too much. I then called him out for being racist and he blew up. We ended up getting into a little scuffle after he wouldn't shut up. Turns out, the dude was training to be an MMA fighter, so during the scuffle, he gets me in this arm bar and cranks my arm pretty good before his friends come in and pull him off. Thankfully he didn't break it, but he messed it up pretty good to where I had to get it checked out.

I would have pressed charges, but he ended up leaving before that could happen. I just said forget it, and went home. I just told the doctors some of my friends got into it and that was it.

But yeah, enough on story time, have you ever gotten into a serious fight that resulted in any injuries?

Donda - Kayne's latest album

The album is named after his mother, which I can respect. I haven't listened to it in full but I did skim the tracks a bit. I am not really feeling it. I mean a few tracks sound decent but I feel like he transitioned too far away from his own style. I really enjoy his older work. Maybe this has more to do with me not liking most modern rap than his actual album or ability. Did you hear it yet? What do you think about it?

Why were people so hard on Simone Biles?

During the Olympics, Simone Biles didn't play through a lot of the Olympics. It was rumored to be her neves, or anxiety. I also heard that she wasn't able to take certain medication, as it was against the law in Japan, and due to that she was unable to compete.

Anyway, when she sat out, people went mad on the woman. I don't get it, they called her a quitter, and I think even some called her a baby. I never understood why she got so much hate. Even if it was because she sat out, while others had to miss out. I call BS on that, because no matter what, someone else got to play in her place. So she if anything allowed another young woman to shine while she sat.

Honestly, this is more about mental health. We shouldn't hate on someone because of their nerves. If they can't go, no one should face criticism for it. Just like with Naomi Osaka, that tennis player who backed out of the major tennis event.

Mental health isn't something to hate someone for.

Do you enjoy partying on the weekends, or doing something else?

I used to party every weekend with my lady and friends. But I turned 30 and I honestly couldn't deal with the hangovers, and to be honest, I kind got bored of doing it so much. My weekends these days are hanging with the family, meeting friends on occasion, and maybe gaming, watching movies and when covid ends, traveling.

Have you grown out of partying? I don't mind partying, just not as much as I used to.

What's your opinions on Kanye?

I love and respect Kanye's music, been a fan since I was in middle school. I'm old now, so it's been a long time. Kanye on the other hand, as a person, is not someone I see liking. From the stuff I've saw on him, the things he has said, he kind of sounds likes he's full of himself. Don't get me wrong though, I still love his music, I just think his takes on things are a bit dumb. And the things he's pulled in the past seem kinda douchey, but I can look past the dochey stuff and still enjoy the music. :D

What about you though?

Have you guys checked out GRIP's debut album?

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I just started listening to the album this morning, and I gotta say it's really good. My favorite song on the album is either And the Eulogy Read? and Gutter. But the one featuring Eminem is great as well. I figured share one of the most popular songs on the album. What do you guys think of the album? Could this rapper be the future?

How do you manage your finances and debts?

I grew up watching my parents struggle with this. Now I see my siblings doing the same and it kind of prevented me from acquiring huge amounts of debt out of paranoia. Like I didn't want to be in the kind of position where I have to struggle and worry all the time. I learned some stuff over the years that helped. I use a physical planner I keep at my desk. I write down all my bills and make sure all my money is sorted out for each month. I also write down every transition I do on and offline, rounding up to the nearest $1 to ensure I never overdraw on my account. If I want to buy something I don't need, I wait 2 weeks. If I have forgotten it by the end of the 2 weeks, then I really didn't need it after all. I just do stuff like this.

How do you manage your finances and your debts?

Collectibles as an investment?

A friend of mine's older brother has been doing this for like 10 years now. He buys things like LEGO sets and limited toy items and then just stored them to resell them. He has only sold a few things but he has made a decent profit off them. I just feel like it is a risk because, at any time, you could lose the items in a fire, they could be damaged by water, all sorts could happen. I just don't feel like it is a realistic investment anymore especially not the way toys and stuff are made. If you look at toys from the '70s to '90s, the quality comparison is unreal.

So you think investing in stuff like collectibles or toys is a smart investment?

Do you rent or own?

Currently, I am renting but I am hoping to buy a house next year. Likely going to get a raise at work. I have been looking around at houses on Trulia. The prices seem to be on the higher side compared to just a year ago. Likely down to COVID and people leaving the city and being able to work from home. Curious to see who owns or rents. I have never owned a house before nor rented one. I have only lived in apartments on my own. I am sure it will be a whole new experience for me.

Yoooo Marc Lamont Hill Says Dillan Roof Shouldn’t Get the Death Penalty

This argument that Black Americans always have to take the high road is played out. If Dylan roof was a Black man and sprayed up a White church there would be no question as to giving him the death penalty. Now this supremacist scum is up for sentencing and now we as Black people have to be the moral authority? No thanks, fry him like you’d fry a brotha. Fry him like you fried Tookie Williams. Let’s talk about the merits of the death penalty after we confirm that Dylan Roof is gonna get Burger King as his last meal on earth.

People like Marc Lamont Hill are the scum of Black society.

This is Vicki Dillard coverage of it.
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Has Soulja Boy gone crazy?

So recently Soulja Boy announced that he was the CEO of Atari, a gaming company, and that he had also purchased the company. But, it was later revealed that he was lying, as the real CEO came forward to dispute that. Soulja Boy then countered that they were lying and so on. It's been quite interesting to say the least.

If you guys haven't heard recently, Soulja Boy has been attempting to get a foot into the gaming industry. He so far has sold knock-off video game consoles with his name on them. They happened to have copyrighted roms from the NES on it, and Nintendo literally claimed the site he was using. So when you typed SouljaBoyConsole . com or something, it would go to Nintendo. I forgot the link of the site, but I think it was Soulja watches actually. Yeah, I think he started off selling knock-off smartwatches. Or just really cheap ones, and kept using that link when he started selling the first set of consoles he made. Because he did this a few times, he would sell these cheap chinese knock-offs.

Anyway, this article below goes into the Atari thing.

Atari isn't any better. It is a shell of what it used to be, as the company has been sold multiple times over by this point. So when I heard of Soulja Boy buying Atari and being the CEO, I actually believed it was true. And honestly, the new Atari is kind of crap, as their new console is not doing well. Anyway, what do you guys think of the situation?

Celebs past and present you'd love to chill with

Who are some celebs, past and or present that you'd love to chill with? Snoop Dogg is high on the list for me personally. Not only due to his music, but due to him in general. Dude is just awesome. Imagine hanging out with him? Dude it'd be a blast. Oh and someone else I would like to chill with is Rihanna. I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to right? 😉

Do you think things in Afghanistan and in surrounding areas will keep getting worse?

I'm not completely 100% on what is going on lately. All I know is that the US backed out of Afghanistan and are leaving it up to the afghan army and the people to fend for themselves. And so far that hasn't gone so well. It's left tons of Americans and refugees alone. It's a mess out there. And now the taliban has taken over the government over there essentially, or so I've heard.

Anyway, there was a bombing today I think that left 12 dead. And I think things are just going to keep getting worse in the middle east and surrounding areas.

Do you think the bad aspects of different cultures in the west are being praised too much?

I think they are. When I was still on Twitter, I saw a whole mess of different things. I mean we see it in TV, movies, and music even. Like people are being told to be selfish, worry about themselves, and all that. Like yes, you take care of yourself but not to a point where you become a scumbag or something. I feel like every different kind of culture in the west is being uplifted for its worst attributes. Worst of all, it is being spread now like wildfire and celebrated. You see this in black communities, gay communities, and just generally with women from all different backgrounds. I am all for freedom and people doing what they want in life but making nothing but bad life choices won't just screw up your own life but everyone in your life and around you. They are establishing a culture where failure and struggles in life an inevitable. What do you think about all this?

Tattoos & Body Piercings - They too mainstream now?

Most people I know have one or both. Some have many tats or many piercings while some only have a few. I even know an older woman in her 70's who has 3 of them. I feel like they have officially become mainstream and in that sense, they shouldn't be viewed as something "trashy" or "negative" when it comes to work or careers. Like I guess certain ones can still count as those things. Lord knows you don't want to be applying to be a pastor at a church with a naked woman on your forarm! But generally speaking, they shouldn't be viewed like they were just 30 years back. I feel like both hinder people's abilities to be hired for certain jobs, especially if they are black men. Black women have more leeway but unless you are looking all kinds of strange as a white person, no one bats an eye.

Kind of became two topics here. lol Feel free to touch on either or.
