But racism is openly accepted in the USA which is the problem. The problem is these racists commit violent atrocities and either get let off or get slaps on the wrist. There was a guy who went on a rampage in Colorado I believe killing 5 and the police knew about him and his plans but didn’t stop him. Why? Because it’s a white supremacist nation and he was just continuing a proud tradition of terrorism. The entire USA is a safe haven and echo chamber for these types.
Hate crimes against Black people went up 40% in 2020 and it ain’t because racists were banned on Twitter. Until this country confronts it’s past and present it will never heal.
I think most everyday people either don't know it exists to the extent it does or they openly dispute it themselves cause they know it is wrong. It is always those fringe nutjob groups we have to worry about the most and social media has made it easier for them to gather and do harm. As I said, if they end up in their own box (on a separate platform) the problems will get worse.
People in positions of power who openly mistreat black people need to be weeded out first though. So in this sense, that MTG woman being in congress is an issue. I can see why people want her gone. We have an issue with our government, our police departments, and the corporate leaders though and I am not sure how to fix this without getting them out of power. But how?
The only solution I can think of is to change how people get into these positions of power. I said a while ago police shouldn't just be trained and signed on, they should be voted in. We should feel comfortable with who walks the streets and carries those guns. I am all for law and order but not when it is corrupted and he has been from the start. The government... Doesn't matter what side you pick, riddled with racists so they need to be voted out and we need to be better represented. As for corporations, we need to support and uplift our won through businesses. Stop buying stuff from white men. It is hard to get away from though since they basically monopolized the market off the backs of sweatshops in China for dirt cheap. Not sure how to fix that when materialism is such a huge issue in the US as well.