ART I'm all for boycotting the NFL, NBA hell even throw in MLB. But like
Bruh Man said what's the alternative? I don't think watching the Super Bowl or its Halftime show is going to be setting black people back for years, the way continuing to vote blue no matter who will. Do you? I don't think boycotting the NBA All Star game or the NBA playoffs is going to put black people in a bind the way putting money into a collection plate every sunday for religious salvation and a pulpit pimp's vacation will. Do you?
I can watch the NBA, NFL or even MLB and STILL be B1 because I'm a lover of those sports. OUTSIDE of the leagues they represent.
What I can't be is B1 and continue to vote Democrat. What I can't do is claim I'm B1 while still putting money in a collection plate on sunday to assist religious coons drunk off their proximity to supremacy as they continue to tell us to keep hoping and praying that white people will be nice to us one day.
Now I'm not saying we can't discuss and criticize these leagues, and put pressure on them, but what I am saying is we can't be the type of "woke" Blacks who want to be "SO BLACK" you boycott yourself out of living life. That's counter intuitive at minimum it's mentally unhealthy at best.
And let me be clear I'm not even saying you're wrong, because theoretically you aren't. However, we have to be smarter than the situation right now and understand that we have an entire government and its country hell bent on our entire and complete annihilation. That alone just feels like we have bigger fish to fry than being worried about the impact watching a 3 hour football game and a 15 minute halftime show has on Black America. Nevertheless, I understand where you're coming from and we do have to figure out a way to break free from these leagues, but that isn't as important a task at this moment as getting black people on code politically, economically and philosophically. This game we're playing is chess, not checkers.