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Get out of your feelings…


*nix Master
My (spiritual) ego.

I'm not sure how to translate this 1. I need more context.

I am God and Jesus and so are you.

I also harbor the enemy of God (my ego). My spiritual ego compels me to debate with you, making me God standing against God, quite insane.

Thank you, brother. You definitely brought things that require healing to the forefront.
Whoever has a hold on you is being unmerciful to you. I have nothing further for you. I hope you find meaning, purpose and most importantly God's Free Gift of Salvation.



Master Sixer
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    Between Galaxies
    Well, speaking to you guys now, I feel like I need time to investigate my feelings.

    If we were pulled over for no reason, I wouldn't want him to give his information, but he would, and i wouldn't like that. I want the police to call our bluff and my husband doesn't force the hand. At the same time, I can see what the guys on here are saying about control. He is very controlled, but I'm not sure when it's a good or a bad thing.

    Simple answer is, my husband takes care of everything as far as providing, good father and such. So I feel safe that he won't leave us, but I do not know if I feel safe that he would defend me, at least not the way I want to be defended or think I should be. I think situations from my past have contributed to my feelings as well, and I can see that I put a lot on him. But I'm not sure what's reasonable or not.

    But my feelings go beyond my husband. I don't feel safe in a very general sense.
    Sounds like you have a good strong man there. Blessings to you queen.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    I am NOT God and neither are you.
    I definitely am God and so are you.
    If you are God, when have you commanded the day or shown the dawn its place?
    Literally every time it's ever happened. You misunderstand me, I do not claim to be God alone. God is creation itself and I (and you) am part of creation.
    Sin is not a thought. Controlling your thoughts is like keeping a bird from flying over your head. It's what you do with those thoughts that make it sin. The definition of sin is simple: transgressions against God's Law. Simple.
    Thoughts are Sin because only they can make you do what you do. They make us believe all types of horrible things are the right things to do (transgressions against God's law). And we cannot do anything outside of what our thoughts have made us believe is the right thing to do. Have you ever done the opposite of what you thought was the right thing to do for you? No one else does. No one else can. But thankfully, sin is just a mistake. This post was about correcting mistakes.
    Your spirituality is not in line with Scripture and I fully accept that so, I'll just interpolate: your god, when you speak of God. It's very evident that you have not read the Bible or understand the principles taught in it.
    You are correct, I have not read the Bible, but it's Truths (dressed in a lot of ego at times) are embedded in us/reality itself. God is not ONLY in that book, he is everywhere and everything. And yes, there are many principles taught in it that I have not integrated.
    Good day or evening
    You have no idea how grateful I am to you.

    Bruh Man

    Senior Sixer
    The 5th Flo'
    Good day or evening

    This nigga so damn polite he dropped bombs and was mindful of the reader’s time zone in his salutation.

    I definitely am God and so are you.

    Literally every time it's ever happened. You misunderstand me, I do not claim to be God alone. God is creation itself and I (and you) am part of creation.

    Thoughts are Sin because only they can make you do what you do. They make us believe all types of horrible things are the right things to do (transgressions against God's law). And we cannot do anything outside of what our thoughts have made us believe is the right thing to do. Have you ever done the opposite of what you thought was the right thing to do for you? No one else does. No one else can. But thankfully, sin is just a mistake. This post was about correcting mistakes.

    You are correct, I have not read the Bible, but it's Truths (dressed in a lot of ego at times) are embedded in us/reality itself. God is not ONLY in that book, he is everywhere and everything. And yes, there are many principles taught in it that I have not integrated.

    You have no idea how grateful I am to you.



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    Fairburn, Georgia
    You never debate at face value, you inject imagination into conversations which is your way of moving the goal posts.
    I never debate at face value because the face value is an illusion. Nobody wins debating illusions. I instead speak the Truth behind the illusions because EVERYBODY wins.
    When you get called out on this you down talk people and state that their disagreement with your shifting goal posts and imaginary thinking is due to their own deficiencies.
    I have not down talked to anybody and you will not find an example of it in any of my posts. You may find things that you perceive as down talk, but I have been extremely respectful of everyone. I am not respectful for your sake, but for my own. If I talk down to you, my (spiritual) ego will torment me for it endlessly. I choose not to disturb my peace (such that it is) to make another self feel small.
    You have developed a system that allows you to never have to confront being wrong because you always make subjective points and then shift goal posts as needed.
    Yes, I have found a system that allows me to never have to confront being wrong about an illusion so I'll make OBJECTIVE points that EVERYONE can verify and cannot be shifted as needed as the truth is immovable. No one that pushes back on me has done the work to investigate what I'm saying because otherwise they would not be pushing back on me.

    But you have hit on something profound in me. I do retreat to ultimate/objective truth so that I do not have to face the shaky ground of relative truth.


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    Fairburn, Georgia
    … is a popular phrase in our community, but it's not really possible, it's self-destructive (and destructive to the community by extension) and you don't ACTUALLY want to do it.

    Emotions cannot be controlled, only accepted or ignored. Ignored emotions are just gonna come back more powerful and/or show up in all types of seemingly unrelated, and certainly destructive ways. Accepted, loved and un-judged emotions will dissipate and reveal a lesson if you are open to it.

    The problem isn't emotions, but rather how we habitually interpret them. Emotions ARE NOT a commentary on life, a situation or how someone treats us. They are a natural gift from Source, a barometer/compass that tells us in real time if our thinking aligns with the ultimate Truth of ourselves as God/Source/the Universe sees us.

    Very basically, if you feel "bad" (emotionally) in any way at any time, your thinking about yourself is out of alignment with Truth. If you feel "good" (emotionally) in any way at any time, your thinking about yourself is in alignment with Truth.

    This can get confusing like when say, someone insults you and you get angry. You get the "bad" emotion because there is, at least, the smallest grain of sand part of you that believes what they said is true. But Source knows that it is not so you get a little jolt (or big jolt, depending upon how much of you agrees). That is your cue to turn inwards, find and give love to that part of you which needs it.

    God Universe fitted us with a perfect connection to him/her/it and to "get out of it" is like saying, sever your natural unbroken connection to your maker. Impossible and you actually don't want to do it.
    I honestly did not expect many of the types of responses I got from this. It appeared so nonoffensive, straightforward, easily observed for 1st hand experiential confirmation. I thought this would go smoothly, but it definitely got pretty hot. Maybe it is as a commenter alluding to, I am speaking an indisputable universal Truth (that is not mine, everyone has access to it) on a forum meant for opinions. As a result, the focus is on me and the way I presented it instead of the Truth itself.

    Perhaps individuals would have been more inclined to investigate the actual merits of it had I presented this Truth as my opinion. The world is often counterintuitive like that. But on the other hand, rubbing people the wrong way may have been what was needed to get the point across in the end as it begs the question, why did he rub me the wrong way? Possibly leading to further self inquiry like is that a true thought and/or would I have been rubbed the wrong way by him if I did not have that thought? Either way leads to the same conclusion so…


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    I honestly did not expect many of the types of responses I got from this. It appeared so nonoffensive, straightforward, easily observed for 1st hand experiential confirmation. I thought this would go smoothly, but it definitely got pretty hot. Maybe it is as a commenter alluding to, I am speaking an indisputable universal Truth (that is not mine, everyone has access to it) on a forum meant for opinions. As a result, the focus is on me and the way I presented it instead of the Truth itself.

    Perhaps individuals would have been more inclined to investigate the actual merits of it had I presented this Truth as my opinion. The world is often counterintuitive like that. But on the other hand, rubbing people the wrong way may have been what was needed to get the point across in the end as it begs the question, why did he rub me the wrong way? Possibly leading to further self inquiry like is that a true thought and/or would I have been rubbed the wrong way by him if I did not have that thought? Either way leads to the same conclusion so…
    It ain’t that deep bruh. I’ll recap the thread:

    shannoncigarYou: This is undisputed fact.

    randomdudeconfused Others: Nah, I don’t think that’s undisputed fact.

    shannoncigarYou: It is, you just not smart enough to understand. When you become smart enough you’ll know I’m right.

    lilboosiedigustOthers: Nigga, who are you to say what is universally true or not?

    shannoncigar You: I am God

    prince disgustOthers: No you’re not.

    shannoncigarYou: Yes I am. You’re god too. You’re just smart enough to understand, when you’re smart enough to understand you‘ll know I’m right.

    If you keep talking like this I guarantee you’ll be universally panned across the board. You’re being extremely condescending and pompous and you talking to some real heavy hitters and you don’t even know. You lecturing niggas that pushed their bodies to the brink…the physical, mental, and psychological brink about what they felt in those moments. “Oh no, when you took fire you didn’t control your emotions you actually talked to source and diverted the energy to the 10th power and converted it to a thought which moved the emotion to the spirit realm”. Ok, well show us some credentials, who or what certifies you to talk with such authority? What qualifies you to tell a Boxer what he feels in the ring? To tell him that he’s actually NOT controlling his emotions as he is being punched in the face, liver, jaw, chest, and etc in intense pain but remaining calm and composed. You need to show credentials at this point and no bullshit about you getting the signal from space during aromatherapy baths…real credentials, your work. One cat dropped zerOS on you to show his work, you’re talking on MY work, what’s yours?

    There is no anger or salt in any of these words, we’re having an open dialogue as men.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    shannoncigarYou: This is undisputed fact.

    randomdudeconfused Others: Nah, I don’t think that’s undisputed fact.
    Firstly come thanks for giving me the opportunity to clear things up. I claimed it was fact, but not undisputed. I mean to say it is fact (that isn't mine, that I did not make up, that everybody has access to [everyone is disregarding this part, without self-inquiry]) but it is disputed. It's disputed because it's being dismissed at face value without investigation. I cannot prove something is in you if you refuse to look for it. I cannot prove this is how your emotions work if you refuse to investigate it in your own personal first-hand experience.
    shannoncigarYou: It is, you just not smart enough to understand. When you become smart enough you’ll know I’m right.

    lilboosiedigustOthers: Nigga, who are you to say what is universally true or not?

    shannoncigar You: I am God

    prince disgustOthers: No you’re not.

    shannoncigarYou: Yes I am. You’re god too. You’re just smart enough to understand, when you’re smart enough to understand you‘ll know I’m right.
    I have never claimed or even alluded to anyone not being smart. Whether you recognize this is how emotions work or not has NOTHING to do with intelligence.

    Even the Bible says I'm God (and so are you). The father, the son and the Holy Spirit are one. I am a child of God which means we are one in the same. Sometimes it seems like every other idea in the Bible is taken as literal except this one. I believe this is the most important one to take literally because it makes the idea of "morality" irrelevant. If God is outside of me, I can choose the morality that I want. I can proclaim anyone that's not me is immoral and righteously kill them for defying God (what I think is the morality he shares with me).

    If God is me, it's logical that he is also everyone else and why would I do anything to harm myself? I want what's best for me so I want what is best for you, no matter who you are or what you believe. In that case, you couldn't possibly have things like war or white supremacy because everyone would recognize that shit is insanity.
    You’re being extremely condescending and pompous
    I will search myself for the truth in that, but I think it's mostly perception. Everyone is disregarding the fact that I continuously promote the fact that I am not special in any way. I keep saying this is not my truth. I keep saying everyone has access to it. I did not even claim exclusivity to the God identity. If everyone is God, that doesn't make me any more or less special than anyone else. I'm just a random piece of God that saw something my other self hasn't yet. There is no specialness, it's just an illusion of time. I'm only pointing you to something you already know but may not have recognized.
    You lecturing niggas that pushed their bodies to the brink…the physical, mental, and psychological brink about what they felt in those moments.
    I did not dictate to anyone what they felt at any point.
    “Oh no, when you took fire you didn’t control your emotions you actually talked to source and diverted the energy to the 10th power and converted it to a thought which moved the emotion to the spirit realm”.
    No, you just redirected your attention/focus.
    Ok, well show us some credentials, who or what certifies you to talk with such authority? What qualifies you to tell a Boxer what he feels in the ring? To tell him that he’s actually NOT controlling his emotions as he is being punched in the face, liver, jaw, chest, and etc in intense pain but remaining calm and composed.
    I did not tell anyone what they are, should or should not feel at any point. I have highlighted what causes emotions, what they mean and what you can do about them that would benefit you. They are not here to be controlled nor do you actually have to (because you can make it so the negative ones never appear), they are here to help you heal.
    You need to show credentials at this point and no bullshit about you getting the signal from space during aromatherapy baths…real credentials, your work. One cat dropped zerOS on you to show his work, you’re talking on MY work, what’s yours?
    I can tell you I was depressed for 20 years, trying to control my emotions (which I learned really just means "suppress") and after failing to suppress my depression, I was guided to the spiritual path 5 years ago where I learned to watch my thoughts and which ones I was giving focus to. Then my 20 year depression was gone in less than 3 years. My being here in my current emotional state is my credentials, take them or leave them. Other stuff, I have credits on IMDb, I won an African movie Academy Award, I have a short film about Reparations making rounds in the festival circuit and my latest ongoing project is in my signature.
    There is no anger or salt in any of these words, we’re having an open dialogue as men.
    As I have told you before now, if I feel some type of way after reading your words, it is my problem. It is because something in me needs attention so if you can trigger me, thank you.


    *nix Master
    Firstly come thanks for giving me the opportunity to clear things up. I claimed it was fact, but not undisputed. I mean to say it is fact (that isn't mine, that I did not make up, that everybody has access to [everyone is disregarding this part, without self-inquiry]) but it is disputed. It's disputed because it's being dismissed at face value without investigation. I cannot prove something is in you if you refuse to look for it. I cannot prove this is how your emotions work if you refuse to investigate it in your own personal first-hand experience.

    I have never claimed or even alluded to anyone not being smart. Whether you recognize this is how emotions work or not has NOTHING to do with intelligence.

    Even the Bible says I'm God (and so are you). The father, the son and the Holy Spirit are one. I am a child of God which means we are one in the same. Sometimes it seems like every other idea in the Bible is taken as literal except this one. I believe this is the most important one to take literally because it makes the idea of "morality" irrelevant. If God is outside of me, I can choose the morality that I want. I can proclaim anyone that's not me is immoral and righteously kill them for defying God (what I think is the morality he shares with me).

    If God is me, it's logical that he is also everyone else and why would I do anything to harm myself? I want what's best for me so I want what is best for you, no matter who you are or what you believe. In that case, you couldn't possibly have things like war or white supremacy because everyone would recognize that ish is insanity.

    I will search myself for the truth in that, but I think it's mostly perception. Everyone is disregarding the fact that I continuously promote the fact that I am not special in any way. I keep saying this is not my truth. I keep saying everyone has access to it. I did not even claim exclusivity to the God identity. If everyone is God, that doesn't make me any more or less special than anyone else. I'm just a random piece of God that saw something my other self hasn't yet. There is no specialness, it's just an illusion of time. I'm only pointing you to something you already know but may not have recognized.

    I did not dictate to anyone what they felt at any point.

    No, you just redirected your attention/focus.

    I did not tell anyone what they are, should or should not feel at any point. I have highlighted what causes emotions, what they mean and what you can do about them that would benefit you. They are not here to be controlled nor do you actually have to (because you can make it so the negative ones never appear), they are here to help you heal.

    I can tell you I was depressed for 20 years, trying to control my emotions (which I learned really just means "suppress") and after failing to suppress my depression, I was guided to the spiritual path 5 years ago where I learned to watch my thoughts and which ones I was giving focus to. Then my 20 year depression was gone in less than 3 years. My being here in my current emotional state is my credentials, take them or leave them. Other stuff, I have credits on IMDb, I won an African movie Academy Award, I have a short film about Reparations making rounds in the festival circuit and my latest ongoing project is in my signature.

    As I have told you before now, if I feel some type of way after reading your words, it is my problem. It is because something in me needs attention so if you can trigger me, thank you.
    I only want to examine one thing that you have stated: How am I and God the same?

    I'm an engineer. So, please, talk to me like I'm a 2 year old and logically walk me from step one. When you finish, I should be able to see that I am God.

    Honor me, please.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    I only want to examine one thing that you have stated: How am I and God the same?

    I'm an engineer. So, please, talk to me like I'm a 2 year old and logically walk me from step one. When you finish, I should be able to see that I am God.

    Honor me, please.
    The father (God/creation), the son (God's children/the man part of creation in our case) and the Holy Spirit (the unbreakable connection between the 2) are One, so says the Bible.

    It says so in other ways like the story about the rich man (I do not know it word for word) when Jesus spoke to him that goes something like, when I was cold, you did not clothe me. When I was hungry, you did not feed me, etc. He was speaking, literally, from God/Christ consciousness, from the knowledge of the oneness of man and God.

    Don't judge lest ye(sp?) be judged.

    Also in the crucifixion story, he says forgive them father for they know not what they do. He was asking the father (God/creation) to forgive his murderers because they did not know they were crucifying themselves.

    Taking the crucifixion/judgment line for example, we can understand it through observation of ourselves. We are not able to judge someone else without judging ourselves by the same standard.
    We are not able to harm another self without harming ourselves (even though the harm done to one's self often does not look the same as the harm done to the other).

    Jesus was so profoundly aware of the oneness (between the father, the son and Holy Spirit) and lived it so completely, people either loved him (because truth attracts truth, real recognizes real) or hated him (because the truth will set you free). When you recognize the truth as profoundly as he did, you cannot be bound by anyone or anything and that stepped on some people's feet.

    Other historical figures like the Buddha were of the same level of consciousness. I cannot guarantee you will understand or accept this even if I tell it to you. We have been conditioned all our lives to believe otherwise. I know it intellectually but I have not integrated it, especially not on the level of those individuals.


    *nix Master
    The father (God/creation), the son (God's children/the man part of creation in our case) and the Holy Spirit (the unbreakable connection between the 2) are One, so says the Bible.

    It says so in other ways like the story about the rich man (I do not know it word for word) when Jesus spoke to him that goes something like, when I was cold, you did not clothe me. When I was hungry, you did not feed me, etc. He was speaking, literally, from God/Christ consciousness, from the knowledge of the oneness of man and God.

    Don't judge lest ye(sp?) be judged.

    Also in the crucifixion story, he says forgive them father for they know not what they do. He was asking the father (God/creation) to forgive his murderers because they did not know they were crucifying themselves.

    Taking the crucifixion/judgment line for example, we can understand it through observation of ourselves. We are not able to judge someone else without judging ourselves by the same standard.
    We are not able to harm another self without harming ourselves (even though the harm done to one's self often does not look the same as the harm done to the other).

    Jesus was so profoundly aware of the oneness (between the father, the son and Holy Spirit) and lived it so completely, people either loved him (because truth attracts truth, real recognizes real) or hated him (because the truth will set you free). When you recognize the truth as profoundly as he did, you cannot be bound by anyone or anything and that stepped on some people's feet.

    Other historical figures like the Buddha were of the same level of consciousness. I cannot guarantee you will understand or accept this even if I tell it to you. We have been conditioned all our lives to believe otherwise. I know it intellectually but I have not integrated it, especially not on the level of those individuals.
    So the very first paragraph is where I had trouble. The Father is God/creation? The Son is the children? The Holy Spirit is the connection? What does that mean? Since we are talking about the Bible can you let Scripture interpret Scripture?
    Please explain. I'm not asking you to explain to try to annoy you but you're making emphatic statements and I really want to be clear about what you are trying to say.

    I placed myself in a student position so I will not go back and forth trying to prove you right or wrong.

    Please explain further.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    So the very first paragraph is where I had trouble. The Father is God/creation? The Son is the children? The Holy Spirit is the connection? What does that mean? Since we are talking about the Bible can you let Scripture interpret Scripture?
    Please explain. I'm not asking you to explain to try to annoy you but you're making emphatic statements and I really want to be clear about what you are trying to say.

    I placed myself in a student position so I will not go back and forth trying to prove you right or wrong.

    Please explain further.
    Is difficult for me to quote Scripture as I have not read the Bible. I have only read books on Christ consciousness and received knowledge of it from teachers who have. I use those lines of Scripture because I believed they would be the shortest route to understanding. It was foolish as it took me 5 years and a few fleeting moments of first-hand experience with God to understand it.

    As with the larger subject of this thread, I can't really explain it to you Christ consciousness, it must be experienced to really be believed. You probably already have experienced this oneness I speak of as a short moment of an unexplainable experience of bliss. Really, it depends on who you are and your level of consciousness how you experience these moments of knowing God. You may experience him as an external presence while I experience him as oneness with all there is, it doesn't really matter. It's all the same.


    *nix Master
    Is difficult for me to quote Scripture as I have not read the Bible. I have only read books on Christ consciousness and received knowledge of it from teachers who have. I use those lines of Scripture because I believed they would be the shortest route to understanding. It was foolish as it took me 5 years and a few fleeting moments of first-hand experience with God to understand it.

    As with the larger subject of this thread, I can't really explain it to you Christ consciousness, it must be experienced to really be believed. You probably already have experienced this oneness I speak of as a short moment of an unexplainable experience of bliss. Really, it depends on who you are and your level of consciousness how you experience these moments of knowing God. You may experience him as an external presence while I experience him as oneness with all there is, it doesn't really matter. It's all the same.
    So, how can you speak in such a definite matter but are unable to define the nomenclature of this truth/consciousness that you hold?

    I gave you the floor to teach me and you failed because you are not prepared to answer for this truth that you are so sure about?

    I tried... and I'm so sorry that I did.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    So, how can you speak in such a definite matter but are unable to define the nomenclature of this truth/consciousness that you hold?

    I gave you the floor to teach me and you failed because you are not prepared to answer for this truth that you are so sure about?

    I tried... and I'm so sorry that I did.
    Some things you just have to experience for yourself. I speak so definitively because I have experienced it.

    Of course I failed. I cannot teach an experience to you.


    *nix Master
    Some things you just have to experience for yourself. I speak so definitively because I have experienced it.

    Of course I failed. I cannot teach an experience to you.
    But we were never talking about experiences. I asked you to define God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit in the parameters that YOU laid out. Read my post, I stopped at the first paragraph and asked you for a definition.

    I only suggested that you let Scripture interpret Scripture.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    But we were never talking about experiences. I asked you to define God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit in the parameters that YOU laid out. Read my post, I stopped at the first paragraph and asked you for a definition.

    I only suggested that you let Scripture interpret Scripture.
    God is his creation. We, as part of his creation are his children, his products. The Holy Spirit is our internal guidance system that guides us to the realization of our true identity as God because God is his creation.


    *nix Master
    God is his creation. We, as part of his creation are his children, his products. The Holy Spirit is our internal guidance system that guides us to the realization of our true identity as God because God is his creation.
    Interesting. You have no sources. You have brought zero logic. Your view is unaccountable and thus unacceptable to a thinking person. I believe that you should be able to believe what you want to believe, but when someone ask you a question about your belief, you should be able to give a basic explanation.

    I read in The Bible in 1 Peter 3:15
    But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.

    I don't understand where you are coming from and from what I've read, you don't even know yourself. How can you speak with such authority but the slightest question has your argument withering on the vine before your very eyes. I respect you has a fellow human being, but please don't take this the wrong way: I want nothing more to do with you. I hope you get what you want out of this life and accomplish whatever is in your heart.

    Peace and happy trails.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    Interesting. You have no sources. You have brought zero logic. Your view is unaccountable and thus unacceptable to a thinking person. I believe that you should be able to believe what you want to believe, but when someone ask you a question about your belief, you should be able to give a basic explanation.

    I read in The Bible in 1 Peter 3:15
    But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.

    I don't understand where you are coming from and from what I've read, you don't even know yourself. How can you speak with such authority but the slightest question has your argument withering on the vine before your very eyes. I respect you has a fellow human being, but please don't take this the wrong way: I want nothing more to do with you. I hope you get what you want out of this life and accomplish whatever is in your heart.

    Peace and happy trails.
    I have the best source, you. The problem is you want to understand through thinking what you cannot understand through thinking. I get that. That's my problem too.

    There is no way in a trillion years could I convince you to think about God so profoundly different than you have been conditioned to think of God on this message board. I could have had the best explanation in the world, it would have never been able to trump your belief because that's how we are with everything. It took me years to see what I see.

    Of course you want nothing more to do with me, I called everybody God when your understanding is only one man is God. It probably feels like a profound violation and I apologize for that. Your response is simply inevitable. I take no offense.

    I appreciate our conversations, your open-mindedness and kind words. My only hope for you is that you find Him. Love and Light, Brother.


    *nix Master
    I have the best source, you. The problem is you want to understand through thinking what you cannot understand through thinking. I get that. That's my problem too.

    There is no way in a trillion years could I convince you to think about God so profoundly different than you have been conditioned to think of God on this message board. I could have had the best explanation in the world, it would have never been able to trump your belief because that's how we are with everything. It took me years to see what I see.

    Of course you want nothing more to do with me, I called everybody God when your understanding is only one man is God. It probably feels like a profound violation and I apologize for that. Your response is simply inevitable. I take no offense.

    I appreciate our conversations, your open-mindedness and kind words. My only hope for you is that you find Him. Love and Light, Brother.
    I wasn't born knowing that stealing is wrong. I was taught that stealing is wrong. I say taught and you say conditioned. Conditioning is maintenance for an already held belief or systematic approach. I asked you questions and I would have accepted whatever you said as an indication of a material fact that you hold to be true. Your explanations were seriously lacking the integrity of being rooted in logic or an explainable prognosis to me understanding your truth.
    Suffice to say your system is not for me.

    (I have a overzealous autocorrect tonight. There may be mistakes)


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    I wasn't born knowing that stealing is wrong. I was taught that stealing is wrong. I say taught and you say conditioned. Conditioning is maintenance for an already held belief or systematic approach. I asked you questions and I would have accepted whatever you said as an indication of a material fact that you hold to be true. Your explanations were seriously lacking the integrity of being rooted in logic or an explainable prognosis to me understanding your truth.
    Suffice to say your system is not for me.

    (I have a overzealous autocorrect tonight. There may be mistakes)
    You had to be taught what stealing was before you could be taught not to do it. A baby has no concept of stealing because it has no concept of separation. A baby cannot distinguish itself from its mother.

    Reality itself taught you separation through experience then your parents taught you possession and subsequently, not to steal other people's. But in the beginning, our natural state is oneness. If everyone kept that original understanding, there would be no such thing as stealing. How you gonna steal from yourself? Right and wrong would be irrelevant. Everybody would be nice and love each other. There could be no experience other than love.

    That's the function of this illusion of separation. God, being perfect formless love, had to create a reality of form where he believes in separation and forgets who he is in order to experience anything, in order to know himself. We are just God, experiencing and knowing itself.

    My explanations were seriously lacking because I'm trying to explain God. God isn't a thing because he is everything. I don't know how to explain him. There are other people better at this. This guy pretty much started my spiritual journey (although I started smaller than this).



    *nix Master
    You had to be taught what stealing was before you could be taught not to do it. A baby has no concept of stealing because it has no concept of separation. A baby cannot distinguish itself from its mother.

    Reality itself taught you separation through experience then your parents taught you possession and subsequently, not to steal other people's. But in the beginning, our natural state is oneness. If everyone kept that original understanding, there would be no such thing as stealing. How you gonna steal from yourself? Right and wrong would be irrelevant. Everybody would be nice and love each other. There could be no experience other than love.

    That's the function of this illusion of separation. God, being perfect formless love, had to create a reality of form where he believes in separation and forgets who he is in order to experience anything, in order to know himself. We are just God, experiencing and knowing itself.

    My explanations were seriously lacking because I'm trying to explain God. God isn't a thing because he is everything. I don't know how to explain him. There are other people better at this. This guy pretty much started my spiritual journey (although I started smaller than this).

    If you cannot properly explain something, anything, how do you speak with authority on something?

    I don't know how nuclear fission works so I'm not going to speak on it with authority. I would show what other scientists have said and then based on that I can say that it kinda make sense to me.

    Without looking it up I know nuclear material comes from enriched uranium and sometimes with a more efficient material: plutonium. I could pull sources and prove it. How do I know plutonium is more efficient? I read it in a book.

    Do you see how this works?

    I'm not saying I feel one is better for nukes because on TV it looks like the explosion was bigger...Everything I said is previously is cold hard facts.

    Either you can logically tell me how I am God or not. That was where we started.

    @Jay and I went to war over Apple being a FreeBSD knock off. He presented his points and I gave mine. We exchanged ideas like thinking individuals. In the end we ended up talking about the same thing but differently. But you're not even trying to make an argument at the most basic level.

    Sorry for the rambling. I just want to know how am I God. That's the very first step. I'll watch your video a little later, I have to go.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    If you cannot properly explain something, anything, how do you speak with authority on something?
    I speak on it with authority, because I've experienced it 1st hand.
    Without looking it up I know nuclear material comes from enriched uranium and sometimes with a more efficient material: plutonium. I could pull sources and prove it. How do I know plutonium is more efficient? I read it in a book.

    Do you see how this works?
    I do, but the knowledge that you are God is infinitely more complicated.
    Either you can logically tell me how I am God or not. That was where we started.
    I cannot. It was arrogant of me to think that I could. In order for you to know it, you have to experience it. My words can't mean much of anything to you because I would be describing my own personal experience. It's like explaining my experience of skydiving. Sure, I can say it was exciting and exhilarating but those are just words that mean nothing until you translate it into your own personal experience. Experience is prior to logic because you can experience logic.
    But you're not even trying to make an argument at the most basic level.

    Sorry for the rambling. I just want to know how am I God. That's the very first step. I'll watch your video a little later, I have to go.
    I tried to explain, logically and with scripture, but it's just beyond my abilities. You just have to experience it for yourself.

    I hope the video is helpful. Again, I appreciate your open-mindedness and if you continue "down the rabbit hole", you will too. Guaranteed.


    *nix Master
    I speak on it with authority, because I've experienced it 1st hand.

    I do, but the knowledge that you are God is infinitely more complicated.

    I cannot. It was arrogant of me to think that I could. In order for you to know it, you have to experience it. My words can't mean much of anything to you because I would be describing my own personal experience. It's like explaining my experience of skydiving. Sure, I can say it was exciting and exhilarating but those are just words that mean nothing until you translate it into your own personal experience. Experience is prior to logic because you can experience logic.

    I tried to explain, logically and with scripture, but it's just beyond my abilities. You just have to experience it for yourself.

    I hope the video is helpful. Again, I appreciate your open-mindedness and if you continue "down the rabbit hole", you will too. Guaranteed.

    Jesus taught in parables. If you read Scripture, you can tell who Jesus was talking to by how He chose to speak.
    Farmers: Talks of seeds, fallow ground and harvest.
    Cooks: He talked about baking bread with yeast.
    Fishermen: He talked about "fishing for souls".

    Not being able to make you message palatable is a big red flag.

    You have a seducing spirit that's not only preying on you but he's trying to spread lies in the form of some esoteric life experience that only the enlightened will know.

    He (that unclean spirit) is a liar and a father of lies.

    Free yourself...


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    That's what I thought at 1 point.
    You have a seducing spirit that's not only preying on you but he's trying to spread lies in the form of some esoteric life experience that only the enlightened will know.
    That's what I thought but since, I have experienced it and learned from multiple people saying the same thing in different ways. That's just one dude. There is an entire world of people who have experienced and books that say the same thing. These people have no connections. How is it that all these people with no connections all over the world can be saying and teaching the exact same thing?

    He didn't say only the enlightened would know, he actually said the opposite. The beautiful thing about God is we all have access to Him at all times. Nobody has exclusively. We don't have to go anywhere or really, do anything special to find him. In my experience, he literally came to me at random (or you can say I recognized him randomly) the few short times I've experienced him. I am not enlightened.
    He (that unclean spirit) is a liar and a father of lies.

    Free yourself...
    I appreciate the love for me embedded in your words.

    One thing that I have learned is as God, we work in tandem with each other, many times without ever meeting one another, because we are one (distance is an illusion).. Everything in God's world is happening exactly the way it's supposed to happen. This information simply does not come to those that are not ready to hear it. They may not act on or believe it, but it was supposed to come into their awareness at the moment it did (all part of the process). You had a multi-message conversation with me about this, that was no mistake/coincidence.

    You may toss it aside for the moment, that is cool, that is your path and you should always follow how you feel. It does not matter to God, love allows and he is perfect love, all roads lead to him. I want to be clear that I am not trying to force anything on you, but by virtue of us having this conversation, it was willed by Him/Us/You that you heard this specific message, at this specific time, from this specific other Self.


    *nix Master
    That's what I thought at 1 point.

    That's what I thought but since, I have experienced it and learned from multiple people saying the same thing in different ways. That's just one dude. There is an entire world of people who have experienced and books that say the same thing. These people have no connections. How is it that all these people with no connections all over the world can be saying and teaching the exact same thing?

    He didn't say only the enlightened would know, he actually said the opposite. The beautiful thing about God is we all have access to Him at all times. Nobody has exclusively. We don't have to go anywhere or really, do anything special to find him. In my experience, he literally came to me at random (or you can say I recognized him randomly) the few short times I've experienced him. I am not enlightened.

    I appreciate the love for me embedded in your words.

    One thing that I have learned is as God, we work in tandem with each other, many times without ever meeting one another, because we are one (distance is an illusion).. Everything in God's world is happening exactly the way it's supposed to happen. This information simply does not come to those that are not ready to hear it. They may not act on or believe it, but it was supposed to come into their awareness at the moment it did (all part of the process). You had a multi-message conversation with me about this, that was no mistake/coincidence.

    You may toss it aside for the moment, that is cool, that is your path and you should always follow how you feel. It does not matter to God, love allows and he is perfect love, all roads lead to him. I want to be clear that I am not trying to force anything on you, but by virtue of us having this conversation, it was willed by Him/Us/You that you heard this specific message, at this specific time, from this specific other Self.
    Tell me what it's like when you went out there and saw this.



    *nix Master
    I didn't.

    It's so fascinating to me, you're a man of God who is poking fun at me because I claimed to have experienced God. (I take no offense, BTW)
    I'm not poking fun at you. To be honest I hate unclean spirits. The one that has your mind must have just started on the job because he's not very good at all.

    You and I have finished our exchange and have moved on...


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    I'm not poking fun at you. To be honest I hate unclean spirits. The one that has your mind must have just started on the job because he's not very good at all.

    You and I have finished our exchange and have moved on...
    Love and light, brother