You: This is undisputed fact.

Others: Nah, I don’t think that’s undisputed fact.
Firstly come thanks for giving me the opportunity to clear things up. I claimed it was fact, but not undisputed. I mean to say it is fact (that isn't mine, that I did not make up, that everybody has access to [everyone is disregarding this part, without self-inquiry]) but it is disputed. It's disputed because it's being dismissed at face value without investigation. I cannot prove something is in you if you refuse to look for it. I cannot prove this is how your emotions work if you refuse to investigate it in your own personal first-hand experience.

You: It is, you just not smart enough to understand. When you become smart enough you’ll know I’m right.

Others: Nigga, who are you to say what is universally true or not?

You: I am God

Others: No you’re not.

You: Yes I am. You’re god too. You’re just smart enough to understand, when you’re smart enough to understand you‘ll know I’m right.
I have never claimed or even alluded to anyone not being smart. Whether you recognize this is how emotions work or not has NOTHING to do with intelligence.
Even the Bible says I'm God (and so are you). The father, the son and the Holy Spirit are one. I am a child of God which means we are one in the same. Sometimes it seems like every other idea in the Bible is taken as literal except this one. I believe this is the most important one to take literally because it makes the idea of "morality" irrelevant. If God is outside of me, I can choose the morality that I want. I can proclaim anyone that's not me is immoral and righteously kill them for defying God (what I think is the morality he shares with me).
If God is me, it's logical that he is also everyone else and why would I do anything to harm myself? I want what's best for me so I want what is best for you, no matter who you are or what you believe. In that case, you couldn't possibly have things like war or white supremacy because everyone would recognize that shit is insanity.
You’re being extremely condescending and pompous
I will search myself for the truth in that, but I think it's mostly perception. Everyone is disregarding the fact that I continuously promote the fact that I am not special in any way. I keep saying this is not my truth. I keep saying everyone has access to it. I did not even claim exclusivity to the God identity. If everyone is God, that doesn't make me any more or less special than anyone else. I'm just a random piece of God that saw something my other self hasn't yet. There is no specialness, it's just an illusion of time. I'm only pointing you to something you already know but may not have recognized.
You lecturing niggas that pushed their bodies to the brink…the physical, mental, and psychological brink about what they felt in those moments.
I did not dictate to anyone what they felt at any point.
“Oh no, when you took fire you didn’t control your emotions you actually talked to source and diverted the energy to the 10th power and converted it to a thought which moved the emotion to the spirit realm”.
No, you just redirected your attention/focus.
Ok, well show us some credentials, who or what certifies you to talk with such authority? What qualifies you to tell a Boxer what he feels in the ring? To tell him that he’s actually NOT controlling his emotions as he is being punched in the face, liver, jaw, chest, and etc in intense pain but remaining calm and composed.
I did not tell anyone what they are, should or should not feel at any point. I have highlighted what causes emotions, what they mean and what you can do about them that would benefit you. They are not here to be controlled nor do you actually have to (because you can make it so the negative ones never appear), they are here to help you heal.
You need to show credentials at this point and no bullshit about you getting the signal from space during aromatherapy baths…real credentials, your work. One cat dropped zerOS on you to show his work, you’re talking on MY work, what’s yours?
I can tell you I was depressed for 20 years, trying to control my emotions (which I learned really just means "suppress") and after failing to suppress my depression, I was guided to the spiritual path 5 years ago where I learned to watch my thoughts and which ones I was giving focus to. Then my 20 year depression was gone in less than 3 years. My being here in my current emotional state is my credentials, take them or leave them. Other stuff, I have credits on IMDb, I won an African movie Academy Award, I have a short film about Reparations making rounds in the festival circuit and my latest ongoing project is in my signature.
There is no anger or salt in any of these words, we’re having an open dialogue as men.
As I have told you before now, if I feel some type of way after reading your words, it is my problem. It is because something in me needs attention so if you can trigger me, thank you.