Black America's only means of survival as a community is self-reliance at this point. The system has made it extremely clear that it is turning over the labor club and we are not in it. I guarantee it will the pinnacle California city with gated off rich owner class, stacked housing for the low income workers working service jobs, a small area for the upper income knowledge workers, and...
Inflation is truly undefeated. My grandpa used to speak on how much he could purchase with a quarter. Now it’s me speaking on what I used to be able to purchase with a dollar.
I would not as it would remove me from the community I support currently. However if you are available I believe lending a hand to an endeavor underway could be beneficial.
I remember when Roland Martin was the gold standard of political commentary until one day he no longer was. We cannot pretend as if the people that flipped the switch on him cannot have the switch flipped on them as well.
Anyone who is harder on Black people than they are towards our enemy is not on the same team. Those are the people who can be swayed because they hold a modicum of deference or sympathy to an opposing force.
The question is where is the food inspector? If this was a brotha or sista selling pre-wrapped snacks we know they would be there in an instant to make sure it was all to spec.
Countries such as Nigeria are in desperate need to develop a Black identity. The refusal to see their commonality on oppression is blinding them to their reality. Many will continue the ethnic beefing even if it results in their collective subjugation and it is saddening.
Without Pan-Africanism Black people in non-African countries will falter economically and eventually die off. There is no prosperous group of Black people in Europe, Asia, or the Americas and that should be a sign that there is no future without a strong Africa.
I watched about 30 minutes of the interview and I concur with the consensus. The Breakfast Club did little to prepare for the interview and did very little to challenge his assumptions. If I had my tin foil kufi I would be under the presumption that they were controlled opposition.
The question we have to ask ourselves are "our they are jobs"? If it can be given to others was it ever ours? Or is this more akin to the employers prioritizing other groups and we feeling left out? If it's the latter we have to ask ourselves why are we depending on another man for our...
Humans are mostly self-centered and this goes to show once again that most people are out for self. Once they are able to procure the resource they require they close the door to everyone else.
It will just result in more White people entering institutions that were beholden to Affirmative Action policies. The Asian Americans that were puppets for the White man in the lawsuit do not realize that less of them will get into PWIs as a result.
Well there were still laws impacting the LGBT community historically but to your point I believe that the radical fringe of their movement have made moderates become opponents. There is a new term they have concocted called “neopronouns” which allows them to go by zie/zer it is absolutely...
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