yes, we are the most off code people on the planet, white supremacy infected our people for 400+ years and continues to do so with ignorance and hate. The #1 fear the planet has is a unified Black people. Nothing would be able to stop us.
it kinda depends on what you cooking, a lifesaver is a crockpot. you can make so many different meals with it. easy to prep for and everything in one pot. here's something to get you started if you are interested.
I think there's more to all of this than we know, Do you mean to tell me the same people who've been sending messages, controlling, and sending satellites in space for over 5 decades cant crack the code on 5G? There's got to be another component to this.
The disgust I have for tether coons who talk shit about #FBA and have the nerve to do it on my soil. I'm surprised he hasn't been pulled up on yet.. Tariq checks these niggas perfectly skip to 54:30 This is long overdue, and all of these coons need to be checked, on the spot. View...
This thread prompted a lot of response, and after MLK day, Professor Black Truth posted a Moment of Truth today addressing this very issue. i suggest you listen. View:
we have to make sure we teach the next few generations about gatekeeping, when they create the next big sound, art, etc. they need to keep it and police it as the white people do with country music. It's not impossible, it just takes them to stay on code and get on code.
This looks OK, but I don't really think that actor fits the character, they used him to play Apocalypse in X-men, I was very disappointed being a huge fantasy of Apocalypse.
This is why you don't call them, for no reason. Period. If you are not prepared to defend yourself or your property, you need to learn how to. I've never called the police for anything, ever. You're basically calling them on yourself. The monkey suit give them the false illusion of power. They...
We used to go to his spot all the time. Years ago they tried to bully him out of a neighborhood that was mainly white. It's more like a business district but all of the businesses are white and they didn't like to see or smell his BBQ, he'd have all types of people come through, they tried to...
The more I see stories with these white boys acting like neanderthals the more I believe they need to be profiled like they did Black males back in the 80/90's even today. Profile these dirtbags and they might be able to stop this type of shit. Make a "stop and frisk" law for these idiots...
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