That's what I do on vacations. I'll rarely check my phone and just enjoy some time to relax without staring at a screen. Other than that, it's hard for me to take a break from tech.
Yeah, I usually come up with some name lol I don't force it or anything so it happens naturally. With my exes, it was usually some variation of their name or it started with something silly they said or did. It got to the point where it felt weird to use their full name and if I did, they would...
I had a friend in school that dated someone online. She met the guy in a game and I guess they hit it off. They ended up meeting a few times during school breaks and they talked every day so it seemed like they were in kind of a normal relationship lol I'm not sure if they stayed together though.
I've seen this so many times with hair care products. They'll use black models and claim their black owned but it's some white guy that owns and runs the company.
Yeah my great grandmother was like that. She hated anyone disruptive, you couldn't even bring it up without her getting mad. As @Mud City Savage said, it was different times.
I used to be in a long distance relationship. We took it slow but neither of us wanted to move so it, of course, didn't work out. I'd be open to it but I would have to be 100% certain before I uprooted my whole life for a guy.
I saw a place around here that's offering a smores date experience. You get a reserved spot around a fire pit and a bunch of ingredients to make smores and hot chocolate. I thought it would make for a fun date night, especially on a colder night! Have you been on any unique dates?
I still don't get how he thinks this is going to change anything. I know some will be fooled into thinking it's a different and better company but it'll be the exact same.
I agree with setting boundaries. It's great to be the one that someone can vent to but it does get exhausting after awhile - Especially if it's all one sided and they only want to talk about themselves. I have that issue a lot because I try to be friendly and people take advantage of that. Just...
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