Search results

  1. lexodyssey

    Alec Baldwin accidentally shot and two people on a movie set (one died)

    This is so sad. I don't understand how something like this happens. I know there has to be so many regulations when it comes to bringing weapons on set.
  2. lexodyssey

    Black Female police officer asked to have an abortion to keep her job

    Wow, that's terrible! I swear these stories are getting worse and worse everyday.
  3. lexodyssey

    Give Me Animals

    Always thought the videos of whales swimming under boats were wild lol
  4. lexodyssey

    Guy Lives in His Car for Over 2 Years and Gives us a Day in the Life Look

    I saw a video like this about a girl who lived out of her car. She had the whole thing set up and it actually looked comfortable, all things considered. I agree that this wouldn't be possible in other states though.
  5. lexodyssey

    White guy gets knocked the f out at a Philly Wawa

    Nothing better for him lol
  6. lexodyssey

    Think Trump is going to end up running in 2024?

    I'm sure he will. I figured he would as soon as he lost. It would be nice to see some different candidates up there but I think it'll be a repeat of last year.
  7. lexodyssey

    Do you think marriage is dying out?

    I don't think its as popular as it was but I don't think it's dying out either. I feel like most of my friends from school are either married or getting married. I think marriage is a necessary commitment in a relationship so it's definitely something I would look for if I felt like it was time...
  8. lexodyssey

    First impressions

    Same here lol Being clean and put together is definitely something I notice immediately. After that, I think what leaves the most impression on me is what he says. If he has a good personality, that's something I'll think about over and above what he looks like. If he says something creepy, it...
  9. lexodyssey

    Florida man marries his goddaughter the day after she turns 18

    They really had a whole wedding like this is normal too. I don't understand people.
  10. lexodyssey

    Facebook is Trying to Change Up it's Name

    That's so stupid. A name change doesn't change anything lol But I'm sure some will fall for it.
  11. lexodyssey

    Black child arrested for drawing

    That's insane. Meanwhile, you have white kids doing whatever they want in school and not getting called out on it.
  12. lexodyssey

    Evander Kane

    I don't know if anyone here follows hockey, but I do a bit. Apparently, Evander Kane on the San Jose Sharks got suspended for 21 games for submitting a fake vaccination card. I don't even think there's a mandatory vaccine requirement in the NHL lol But it's even worse because he was already in...
  13. lexodyssey

    Solar Panels

    Would you ever use solar panels on your house? I've seen houses around here with them and I always thought it was a cool concept. I've heard it ends up causing more problems and can be more expensive though. What are your thoughts on them?
  14. lexodyssey

    US Sailors Tell Stories of Being Used as Unwilling Nuclear Test Subjects

    That's so sad and hard to listen to. I can't imagine what that must have felt like.
  15. lexodyssey

    Are you into the holiday season or does it stress you out?

    I like to decorate and celebrate. Before I was born, there was a big family tragedy that kind of changed my mom's family forever and changed the way her family did holidays. My dad promised her that we would create our own holiday memories so I was lucky enough to have a lot of great memories...
  16. lexodyssey

    I got it fixed.

    What a nice surprise. Looks great!
  17. lexodyssey

    Differences between dating and marriage

    What do you think the differences between dating and marriage are? I know for some, they feel like it's just a legal thing and there isn't really a difference. I've never been married but I feel like a big difference is feeling secure in the relationship and the fact that you two are building...
  18. lexodyssey

    Have you ever had a close friend move away?

    I was the one that moved away from my best friend. Our families were so close, it was a shame it didn't stay that way. I eventually found her on FB a few years later but too much time had gone by at that point.