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  1. lexodyssey

    VHS to Digital capture devices

    Yeah I'm not too sure how you go about doing that. That's something I really want to do though. I have a bunch of family videos on VHS that I'd love to get converted. I'm always afraid I've waited too long and lost the videos on them but hopefully not.
  2. lexodyssey

    Why does Apple think their pricing is fair?

    As soon as I saw this thread, I knew @Jay was gonna throw hands usher laugh
  3. lexodyssey

    Are we on the brink?

    That's so true. Retail is a nightmare right now.
  4. lexodyssey

    High Standards In Dating

    I think it's good to have high standards, but you have to be honest with yourself. If you feel like you wouldn't date yourself, then maybe you should reevaluate what kind of expectations you have for others. Your standards are too high when you're asking for something you are not able to give to...
  5. lexodyssey

    Blind dating, ever do it?

    I never have but it never interested me either lol I'm the same way - I like to know who I'm talking to before I meet them.
  6. lexodyssey

    Wired Earbuds?

    I feel like wired earbuds can be easier to deal with. I have wireless but the blue tooth cuts out all of the time which is a pain to deal with. I think the worst part of wired ear buds is that they tangle lol
  7. lexodyssey

    Would you live on Mars?

    I think it's a cool concept to think about, but no, I wouldn't. At least not at first. They would need to work out whatever issues arise before I go to another planet lol They can't even work out issues here on earth
  8. lexodyssey

    Heating is going up this winter by as much as 54%

    Yeah, you can see where we're heading. This is going to make for a rough winter for those in the colder regions.
  9. lexodyssey

    FREE GAME: How To Start A Jewelry Business

    This is great info! I'm always surprised at how it's way easier than you would think to get started in different industries.
  10. lexodyssey

    Your perfect video

    Always love anything with early Janet Jackson!
  11. lexodyssey

    Would you avoid moving to a spot where you know you'd run into an ex?

    I guess it depends on how close you would be to him but if it felt right, I would move there. If you would just occasionally see them, I wouldn't let that stop you. It sucks but you can't let someone from your past dictate your future.
  12. lexodyssey

    So William Shatner went into space with Jeff Bezos

    I thought it was pretty cool lol I've always been into space travel too. I don't think I could ever go into space though, I'm pretty adventurous but I have my limits haha
  13. lexodyssey

    Have you ever changed the mind of a racist?

    Nope. Being mixed, there are some in my distant family that I don't think ever truly got over my parents being together. I agree with @Boss Hog, there's too much evidence that's accessible so being racist is a choice.
  14. lexodyssey

    Y’all See That Plane Crash in San Diego, CA Area today?

    Yeah I saw this earlier. That's so sad. I just can't imagine what the families are going through.
  15. lexodyssey

    Are you someone who holds a grudge?

    I guess it depends on what happened but I feel like I typically do hold grudges. I've never been great at being someone who forgives and forgets lol But I know that can help if it's something that continues to effect you. If you don't hold a grudge, what are some things you do that to help get...
  16. lexodyssey

    The Outer Worlds

    Yeah, I looked at this game last year too. I thought it looked pretty cool, but the fact that it's under $20 after less than a year says something. Either way, I'm sure it'd be fun enough for $20.
  17. lexodyssey


    If you don't learn how to swim with a gator, you aren't allowed to live here sanaalathanlaugh
  18. lexodyssey

    Think the US will ever fully legalize cannabis?

    We have medical marijuana here but that's it. I know it was kind of tense at first but I'm starting to see some advertising for dispensaries pop up here and there. It really should just be legal everywhere but I think we're still a while from that happening.
  19. lexodyssey

    Southwest is heading south!

    Yeah I've seen some stories about people being stranded here for a few days because their flights got cancelled. I also have a friend that works for southwest and he said it's been crazy there.
  20. lexodyssey

    Back 4 Blood

    I'm going to wait a bit and decide but I had considered pre ordering at one point. I loved L4D so I'm excited for it. I know it's going to be judged harshly against L4D but hopefully it can hold it's own.