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  1. lexodyssey

    Why don't we see more black characters leading games?

    Yeah I've thought this before. I hate when some games try to hide behind "historical accuracy" too. If you can respawn immediately and jump off buildings without damage, you can put a black person in a game blackwomancoffee
  2. lexodyssey

    Bruce’s Beach can return to descendants of Black family in landmark move signed by Newsom

    Wow I hadn't seen this yet but it makes me so happy. Let's get more of this going around the country!
  3. lexodyssey

    216k minors sexually abused by French Catholic church

    Yeah they don't care where it comes from as long as they get what they want.
  4. lexodyssey


    I love shrimp but I wonder if it's really worth the price lol
  5. lexodyssey

    Having white friends who 'acted' black

    I've never dealt with it personally but I've seen it and it's always really cringey. They would do better just being friends and enjoying the culture than trying to act like that to fit in or whatever lol
  6. lexodyssey

    Dating someone you work with

    Yeah, I did in high school - It was a disaster haha We worked at the same place and became best friends quickly. Eventually, we had feelings for each other but it ended up falling apart. We had to continue to work together for a long time and we argued a lot but eventually ended up getting along...
  7. lexodyssey


    Same here! This is so cool to see, I can't wait to see them in action.
  8. lexodyssey

    Anyone have any experience with moving?

    Whenever I've moved, I try to stay organized with boxes and mark them with what room they should go in. It makes it easier if you can kind of have everything in the general area it belongs to when you go to unpack. I hope that when I move next time, I can get into the new place a couple of days...
  9. lexodyssey

    Loveless Marriages

    I think there needs to be love in marriage to last in the long run. Of course resources and needs to met, bills need to be paid, and so on. But if she's looking for something meaningful and someone to have a family with, a loveless marriage isn't going to cut it. I feel like if you're in it just...
  10. lexodyssey

    Anyone hear about Bubba Wallace?

    I just saw something about it but I guess Bubba Wallace won his first nascar race yesterday. I wondered what he would end up doing after all of that went down last year with him. We didn't have this forum at the time to talk about it lol but what did you think of what happened with him? Bubba...
  11. lexodyssey

    LA port backup grows to record 62 ships as supply chain crunch worsens

    I believe it. I've seen so many issues with supply, it's crazy. I'm worried it'll only get worse with the holiday season coming.
  12. lexodyssey

    What irks you on a first date?

    For me, it's when the guy treats it too much like an interview and grills me with questions. Questions are a great way to get to know someone, but it needs to flow smoothly in conversation. I don't want to feel like I'm on the witness stand lol
  13. lexodyssey

    Would you go through therapy before divorce?

    I think it depends on the reason why the relationship is falling apart. If both actively want to save the relationship, then that's a good reason to try therapy. I know of a couple who went to therapy but ended up divorcing because they really didn't want to be in a relationship with each other...
  14. lexodyssey

    Being friends first?

    Yeah, definitely. It depends on the person and situation, but establishing a strong bond is the key to a good relationship. Hopefully, the person you marry is your best friend so why not have that friendship early on?
  15. lexodyssey

    BET Hip Hop Awards

    I never really sit and watch any award shows. I usually just catch the highlights after lol
  16. lexodyssey

    Smartwatches, anyone use them?

    I've debated getting one, but I haven't committed to spending that much lol I used to have one of the nicer FitBits, but those things don't seem to last at all. I'll probably get one eventually!
  17. lexodyssey

    Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp down

    Yeah I saw it was down and I didn't even know about the whistleblower interview. I wonder what the fall out will be from all of this.
  18. lexodyssey

    More Than 50 Black Owned Food Brands!

    This is a great resource! Saving this for sure.
  19. lexodyssey

    Do you do anything on/for Halloween?

    Halloween is a big deal for me lol We have a lot of haunted house events here so I'll usually go to one of those!
  20. lexodyssey

    love at first sight

    No I don't lol I just feel like there's too many things you need to know about a person before you can say you love them. I think you can have a strong connection or attraction to them quickly but love involves a lot more than just seeing someone.