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  1. lexodyssey

    How often do you eat meat?

    I usually stick to chicken and fish but I'll have red meat about once every couple of weeks. I try to stay away from too much red meat and pork for health reasons. There's a lot of good meat alternatives out there but you have to sift through the bad stuff to find the good lol
  2. lexodyssey

    Do y'all use the touchscreen on your laptop?

    I used to have an all in one with a touch screen. I never, ever used it and it was the first thing to go when it started getting old. I feel like you pay extra for the touchscreen but it doesn't really add much to the value.
  3. lexodyssey

    Females Boxing in the Hood

    No way. Like you said, I like boxing in a gym but you won't find me flailing around in the streets like that.
  4. lexodyssey

    T.I. and Tiny No Charges Filed for Alleged Sexual Assualt

    Exactly this. There's so many dangerous cases out there that get brushed to the side because of stuff like this.
  5. lexodyssey

    Do you or have you colored your hair?

    I haven't but I have had different colored clip in extensions in the past. I've been considering adding some highlights to my hair lately but I'm not sure if I'll do it. I am a big fan of different colored hair though but I just don't think I could pull it off lol
  6. lexodyssey

    Did you date anyone you started to dislike fast?

    Yeah, I had a big crush on a guy in high school. We never officially dated but we were around each other a lot and ended up kind of going to a few events "together" and would text a lot. It wasn't long after I started getting to know him that I realized he was really really jealous. Like, he...
  7. lexodyssey

    How common do you think catfishing is on black only dating sites?

    That's crazy. I haven't had that happen but I bet it does happen a lot, especially on exclusive sites. You have to be so careful with who you meet online.
  8. lexodyssey

    Your favorite sneakers?

    I have a few pairs of Jordans and dunks that I love. Other than that, I wear mostly sandals.
  9. lexodyssey

    Would you ever adopt or foster a child?

    If I ever got to a point in my life where I could, I would consider it. A lot of kids in the system deserve good homes so it's a great thing to do if it works for your family.
  10. lexodyssey

    Have you ever dated someone crazy?

    Luckily I've never been serious with anyone crazy. A few guys showed their craziness before it ever got too far. I've seen it happen with friends where they go all in and end up in serious trouble with kids and everything involved.
  11. lexodyssey

    When your Uber Eats Driver is a Crip

    "Ain't nobody scared" cracked me up lol
  12. lexodyssey

    Have you ever had to go to the hospital for anything major?

    I've heard kidney stones are one of the worst things to go through. Luckily, I've never had anything major take me to the hospital. I've had some injuries from sports but that's about it.
  13. lexodyssey

    Tampa police causing families to lose their homes

    This one is happening close to me and it makes me so mad. The Tampa police sent notices to landlords when their tenants were arrested or stopped by officers and pushed for their eviction. No shocker that about 90% of those flagged by the police were black and lost their homes even if the charges...
  14. lexodyssey

    LA County to Require Proof of Vaccination at Bars, Nightclubs, and More Next Month

    I knew this was coming. I wonder if other states will follow?
  15. lexodyssey

    Have any of you been on a cruise?

    Girl! You're going to love it! I'm so ready to get back on a cruise, I've already rescheduled my cruise 3 times due to covid. I always pack something for during the day and for walking around the boat at night. It gets chilly at night because it's really breezy so pack a light jacket too! I...
  16. lexodyssey

    Old laws that are still active today, is it time we change it up?

    Some of these are hilarious lol Who even took the time to write these in? Flamingoes are not allowed in barbershops in ALASKA has to be the funniest one to me.
  17. lexodyssey

    How Is Everybody Today?

    Feeling pretty good today! Wishing the same you for you!
  18. lexodyssey

    What are your hobbies?

    Do you guys have anything you do as a hobby? I have always liked photography and have gotten more into it lately. I also do some drawing here and there even though I'm not great at it lol
  19. lexodyssey

    Have you ever heard about the rat utopia experiment?

    Yeah I had never heard of that but it makes a lot of sense. I can definitely see how that relates to how society is these days.
  20. lexodyssey

    How do you think the average white person would respond to this?

    I think they would respond the same way. I know a lot are genuine but a lot just support the BLM and black causes movements because it's trendy. It's like when girls change their bios on IG or TikTok to 'BLM' but never take any other action than that.