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  1. lexodyssey

    Do you think we'll have another artist as good as Michael Jackson?

    I don't think so. We'll have good artists but none that compare to his talents.
  2. lexodyssey

    Do you meal prep?

    That looks so good! I’m coming over for dinner lol
  3. lexodyssey

    Would you ever get tech implants?

    This was my exact thought haha
  4. lexodyssey

    Ladies, how do you feel about fake lashes?

    Haha right! The lash band will be falling apart and I’ll be tryin to glue it back together lol
  5. lexodyssey

    Weirdo Stands Outside Lady’s Apartment to Ask Her Out

    Yes! Why would anyone think this would work? Stuff like this makes me rethink that gun thread we were talking on the other day lol It's one thing to be creepy or too forward in a public setting but at my door? That's too much.
  6. lexodyssey

    Ladies, how do you feel about fake lashes?

    I need to try these because the ones I have are so uncomfortable. I've considered eyelash extensions too but they're so expensive lol
  7. lexodyssey

    What are your biggest pet peeves?

    Guys that say stuff like that have me like
  8. lexodyssey

    Ladies, how do you feel about fake lashes?

    I feel like they fall into the same rules as nails. If they're not over the top they're fine but at a certain length they're just too much. I don't wear them a lot but when I have, they're always a pain to put on. I don't know how some girls have them in their daily routine lol What do you think?
  9. lexodyssey

    Apple September Event 2021

    I think I'll pass on all of it. I just upgraded my phone last year and it doesn't look like the new one is too different.
  10. lexodyssey

    What are your thoughts on company's labeling products "Black Owned"?

    Yeah I can see it either way. Stuff like that has helped me personally and I do tend to look for that tag and buy from those places. But I have seen shops attacked (mostly online) for either tagging themselves as that or selling stuff related to being black owned (I've also seen this with LGBT...
  11. lexodyssey

    What's your definition of a partner doing “the bare minimum" in a relationship?

    Yup, exactly! It should be about both of you and not just one side carrying the relationship. You both need to work to be better and grow together.
  12. lexodyssey

    Do you meal prep?

    That's a good way to do it. You can make a lot of different meals with all of that. It really does add up. I cringe thinking about how much I've probably spent lol
  13. lexodyssey

    Texas Brother Schools Cops Who Tried To Violate Him.

    I can't stand the smug look on that cops face.
  14. lexodyssey

    What y’all feeling about married couples and joint accounts?

    I'm not married but that's what I would do. I would have to have some sort of privacy or I wouldn't feel right. I don't think there's anything wrong with a bit of independence and privacy in a relationship.
  15. lexodyssey

    Do you meal prep?

    I know meal prepping is a great way to stay healthy, but I find that what I prep on Sunday isn't always what I want by the time we get into the week. I prefer to have a few staple healthy meals that I cycle through during the week instead of making it ahead of time. What do you all do?
  16. lexodyssey

    Reason 1,864,091 Why Michael Jackson is the GOAT

    Class act. I love how he never missed a beat, he just kept performing while keeping him safe. A lot of artists today would throw a hissy fit and stomp off the stage lol
  17. lexodyssey

    I think Lil Nas X is acting

    I feel like it's a bit of both. He's a flamboyant person but he's also playing up his character. I'm sure he felt like he was going to have a hard time following up after Old Town Road and needed something to keep him relevant. I mean, he got another album and pay day instead of fizzling out so...
  18. lexodyssey

    Do you shop on Amazon?

    I do because I get a lot of my business supplies from it. I have pulled away a bit but right now, it's just the most convenient thing. A lot of times you can at least look for items being sold and shipped by individuals instead of Amazon. Amazon still takes a cut but at least the money is going...
  19. lexodyssey

    150 Self Care Tips

    These are all great tips! It's so important to remember to care for yourself. I feel like that's something I need to work on lol Thanks for sharing!
  20. lexodyssey

    When you play sports, are you very competitive or chill?

    I'm extremely competitive lol I try not to be bitter if I lose but I'm not going to lie, I'll give them the side eye for the next few hours after.