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  1. lexodyssey

    Do you go to church often? Or not anymore?

    I've pretty much never been to church lol I feel like some of my views don't really align with anyone in church so I would rather just do my own thing.
  2. lexodyssey

    This is the worst "compliment"

    Too much hahaha Exactly! and yes it is. Yup! Like he just awarded you with the compliment of the year because he deems you attractive.
  3. lexodyssey

    How often do you see your friends?

    It's been awhile since I've really spent some time with any of them - Our schedules just never seem to line up anymore.
  4. lexodyssey

    This is the worst "compliment"

    I absolutely hate when white guys say "you're pretty for a black girl". It's such a backhanded insult and they truly think they're saying it as a compliment. I think it's statements like this that can cause young black girls to feel like they aren't beautiful because of their skin tone. I know...
  5. lexodyssey

    Should everyone start wearing their own body cams?

    I don't think it's a bad idea if it's something you choose to do. I was just reading a story about a girls dad who was murdered due to police brutality and they tried everything they could to cover it up for 10 years until she got justice. If there was more body cam evidence it may have gone...
  6. lexodyssey

    I blame hood rats w/money

    Yeah I agree. Growing up with a dad that is an example of how a father should be in the household is really fundamental for learning your role in the family. My mom is also really strong too so I feel like there was a good example of balance between the relationship dynamics.
  7. lexodyssey

    Does anyone here have their own YouTube? Is it worth creating content there?

    I've been debating getting on YouTube for awhile. I even started one a couple times but never stuck with it. I know it's a lot of hard work to constantly create content so you're posting on a set schedule though. I think you can still make good money with it, you just have to grind it out in the...
  8. lexodyssey

    Ways to get involved in bettering your community?

    I used to volunteer at the local VA hospital near me. I also used to help with a program that provided sports equipment and lessons to urban children in the area. I stopped doing all of that when the pandemic hit but I'm hoping they'll allow volunteers again soon.
  9. lexodyssey

    What are some things you do to pamper yourself?

    It doesn't have to be anything cosmetic but just something that you take time out of your weekly schedule to do for yourself. I wouldn't say I have anything consistent that I do but I do like to take some time and go for a quiet walk every now and then. I also like to do an at home spa night...
  10. lexodyssey

    Wigs, Weave, Natural - What is your preference?

    I do a mix of both curly and straight hair. My hair is really easy to style so I kind of just do what I feel like for the occasion. I really just think you should wear your hair however you want and in whatever way makes you feel confident.
  11. lexodyssey

    Do you ever face trouble because of tattoos?

    I think that's getting better and better. I know some of the stricter places are allowing their employees to be a little more free with how they present themselves. I think visible tattoos will always need to be SFW but I think eventually they won't be seen as unprofessional.
  12. lexodyssey

    What's your diet like? Mine is garbage as of late

    This year I've been really off with my routines - Not only did we have the shutdown last year but we also had a lot of family problems this year. I haven't been able to stick to a solid diet all year. But I do try to get moving and do some cardio everyday and I stick to calorie counting but I...
  13. lexodyssey

    Your views on abortion, for or against it?

    Agreed. Other than late term, the decision should be up to the woman because it's her body and her choice.
  14. lexodyssey

    Acrylics/Fake Nails - Classy or Trashy?

    Yeah I agree that at a certain point it's too much. I do like to keep my nails done though. Not only do I like it but I also think it can make you look more professional or "put together", if that makes sense.
  15. lexodyssey

    Do you 'move in silence?'

    By moving in silence I mean keep your goals and moves to yourself until they're done or set in stone. I was reading something that said it was important for women to do this because announcing your goals can sometimes put a target on your back and you'll have people trying to tear you down. I...
  16. lexodyssey

    “What are we?”

    I'm a bit of a take charge person. I'm not saying I would ask right away but I wouldn't leave it undefined for long either. I think communication is important and I don't want to waste time lol
  17. lexodyssey

    Beyonce has just turned 40 and I feel old

    Love her so much! Happy Birthday Bey!
  18. lexodyssey

    Gender Bias In Medicine

    I heard a statement made the other day that was along the lines of "doctors are to black women as police are to black men" and the comments on it were really eye opening. So many stories of women who struggled to get their doctors to listen to them and some had even lost family members due to...
  19. lexodyssey

    Do you rent or own?

    I rent and probably will for awhile. I do plan on buying sometime in the next few years but I'm in no rush right now.
  20. lexodyssey

    Ladies, do you keep anything in your purse for self defense?

    Haha yeah, I'm the same way. My dad keeps saying he wants to teach me how to shoot and I know I need to but I've been putting it off lol