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  1. lexodyssey

    Is this an example of culture stealing or is she out of line?

    This is so true. This has to be called out, no matter what. Recording it is also a way of getting the word out. Maybe she didn't have to act like that but either way she got the point across.
  2. lexodyssey

    The Internet Is Undefeated

    That's funny lol She took it well though.
  3. lexodyssey

    Diabetes rates in black women nearly double that of white women – WTF?

    That's so true. It's unspoken things like this that contribute so much to the issue. I like the body positivity movement, I think you should be happy with who you are. But I do think there are limits. I think there should be focus on body positivity but I think as much focus should be on...
  4. lexodyssey

    PET PEEVE: Signing up on a site doesn't mean "send me emails every two days"

    I hate that! It's insane how much junk mail I have to sift through. I hate when they try to hide the unsubscribe link or they ask you 15 different questions before finally being able to unsubscribe. Just leave me alone lol
  5. lexodyssey

    Do you keep in touch with any childhood friends?

    Yeah, that's how it was for me. All of my dad's friends have been his friend since he was 10, and I don't know how he did it lol Maybe just different times. It's hard to find someone that you can grow with like that.
  6. lexodyssey

    Fellas, How Are You Handling This?

    sanaalathanlaughThe fact that they were actual cakes is cracking me up. This!
  7. lexodyssey

    Apple users, did you update to IOS 15?

    I keep hearing about IOS 15 and how there's so many great new features but I haven't updated yet. I'm always a little afraid of them ever since that one a few years ago messed with everyone's phones lol But I'm sure I will soon. If you've updated, do you like the new features?
  8. lexodyssey

    Anyone hear about this?

    This is a long read but apparently the water in Benton Harbor, MI is extremely poisoned - Even worse than Flint. The nearby "white town", St. Joseph, of course has perfect water. This has been going on for three years without the city, county, or state taking any action despite the water...
  9. lexodyssey

    8 of 12 top African American Facebook pages are troll farms

    I've never been a big fan of FB but I have to be on there for business purposes (I run a few pages for companies). I try to stay as private on there as I can and I'm rarely on my personal account anymore.
  10. lexodyssey

    Do You Juice?

    Yes! I need to get better about making it and having it everyday but I love a fresh green juice in the mornings. Do you have a juicer or do you blend yours?
  11. lexodyssey

    Facebook and RayBan Smart Glasses

    Really cool concept. I don't think I would get them but I would love to see how they work in person. I know different companies have tried smart glasses a few times in the past but it's only a matter of time until they perfect them.
  12. lexodyssey

    Roku or Kindle Fire Stick?

    What do you use for your streaming services? I use Roku because the fire stick wasn't compatible with my tv (it's an older tv). I really want a smart tv though so that'll probably be my next upgrade. I've also heard that the Roku has a lot more options but I can't really compare it myself.
  13. lexodyssey

    MacOS vs. Windows: Which do you prefer?

    I prefer Windows. Like @sourgrapes said, it's just what I grew up knowing.
  14. lexodyssey

    GPU prices are still off the charts!

    Yeah I know. I think a lot of it is the shortages but also the scalpers have gotten to it too. They'll sell them at extreme prices to turn a profit. It really sucks because it's so hard to upgrade now.
  15. lexodyssey

    What are some signs it is a fetish?

    I haven't dealt with that personally so it's hard to say. I think it's fine to have preferences but when they start wanting/insisting you to play out racial stereotypes is when it can possibly be a problem. Also, when your race is all the person can talk about, even if it's a compliment...
  16. lexodyssey

    Do you keep in touch with any childhood friends?

    Are you still friends with anyone from your childhood? I'm not friends with any of them which I guess is kind of sad lol Most of them I just grew a part from but I did have a pretty big falling out with my best friend in high school. I've wondered how a few of them are doing but I think it's...
  17. lexodyssey

    If a Man Pays All the Bills, What Do You Feel a Woman’s Role is in the Relationship?

    I have always felt like everything should be equal. Meaning if the man pays the bills and supports the household financially, then it's the woman's "job" to keep the house in order, clean, and take care of the kids. If the woman is paying the bills, it's expect of the man to do the household...
  18. lexodyssey

    Would you ever quit your job like this?

    I've thought about it a few times but I never have lol I bet that felt good though
  19. lexodyssey

    Do you like to travel?

    Back before Covid I always loved traveling. Since last year, I've been able to travel around the state and I went to see family a few months ago but I'm ready to go out and see some new places. I've already cancelled several big trips so hopefully I can reschedule for next year! Do you like to...
  20. lexodyssey

    Anyone here a vegetarian or vegan? I can't do it

    I could never go vegan, I like cheese too much lol I've tried to go mostly vegetarian before and I even kept it up for a few months. I don't think it's ever something I could do long term though. Maybe years from now the meat alternatives will be a lot better and it'll be easier.