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  1. lexodyssey

    Do you have any horror stories involving the police?

    Luckily I haven't dealt with anything too bad. I was in the car a couple times when I was little and my dad got pulled over for not wearing a seat belt. Nothing ever happened which I'm glad about because we were in GA and you never know.
  2. lexodyssey

    Does Your Pet Eat This Good?

    My dog eats pretty good, he's really spoiled lol I've look at these raw diets but I've never tried it. A lot of those cane corsos are really expensive though so I can see why she would put that much effort in.
  3. lexodyssey

    What's something that tests your patience?

    Admittedly, there's a lot that tests my patience lol But one thing I really can't stand is when people are know-it-alls and try to one-up everything you say or do. I don't mind hearing about your successes but let it be a two-way convo instead of cutting in every 5 seconds with something you've...
  4. lexodyssey

    Getting back together after a breakup?

    I'd like to say I'm the type that doesn't go back to a relationship when it's over, but that would be a lie lol It hasn't gone that way with every relationship I've been in, but I have had one where it became complicated towards the end. We eventually ended things for good, but it took a lot of...
  5. lexodyssey

    Loaning money to friends

    I feel like that's a good way to lose a friend lol I mean, in some cases it's ok if you feel like you need to help a friend out. But if you're loaning the money with the intention on being paid back in a reasonable amount of time, things can get complicated.
  6. lexodyssey

    Omni VR treadmill

    I would love to try this one day! I can't imagine how expensive it must be though lol
  7. lexodyssey

    The Church & the State Have the Same Problem

    Yeah I completely agree. There should be a separation of church and state but a lot of the time, they're on the same side.
  8. lexodyssey

    The Accuracy In This Post....

    Hahaha, this is the best. I just love her face!
  9. lexodyssey

    The Black American Heritage Flag

    Yes! Something to stand for brings a community together.
  10. lexodyssey

    How hard do you think it is to become a successful “gamer”?

    Yeah I think he should go for it. If he has a decent following, he might have something worth building on. A lot of people make it work so maybe he can too.
  11. lexodyssey


    Yeah, if it's someone I'm dating that's fine but for anyone else, I don't like it.
  12. lexodyssey

    If a Man Pays All the Bills, What Do You Feel a Woman’s Role is in the Relationship?

    I wouldn't say cramp my style but it's just not something I've had in my plans. I am very entrepreneurial but I wouldn't let that stop me from being a SAHM mom if that's what I wanted. I think I just thrive better if I'm working. But that's just me now, maybe that'll change one day lol I'm...
  13. lexodyssey

    Do you guys like the Raycon earbuds?

    I haven't tried them but I have wondered how they are. I've been looking for some good wireless earbuds but I feel like so many never live up to the hype. I used to have a pair from Sony that were really good but they stopped charging after a few months. They weren't cheap so I was pretty mad...
  14. lexodyssey

    How do you handle annoying coworkers?

    I don't have any coworkers that are too bad right now, but I've had some pretty bad ones in the past. It was mostly just our personalities clashing, and it made for a lot of tension in close quarters. I've also had a few that were just really nosey and wanted to talk about personal matters. I...
  15. lexodyssey

    Bipartisan police reform negotiations over without deal

    Are we really shocked? Nothing ever gets done. Then they wonder why we're so angry.
  16. lexodyssey

    Companies that change their social pages for black history/pride months

    Yeah exactly. They could really care less about what the cause is. It's just on their monthly schedule to change their profile pictures and that's it. Even worse when the company starts to produce a bunch of products that are black designed or covered in rainbows for the month. So great, now...
  17. lexodyssey

    Do you take any vitamins?

    I want to take vitamins but it's hard for me to take them because I tend to be really sensitive to medicine. I tried a multivitamin but it always made me feel sick. I've settled in on taking Vitamin C, coated fish oil, and B12.
  18. lexodyssey

    Did you ever make friends with someone who bullied you?

    I've never been bullied but I wouldn't be friends with a bully. I hold too much of a grudge lol
  19. lexodyssey

    Apple users, did you update to IOS 15?

    My iPad updated automatically and I'm loving how easy split screen is now lol
  20. lexodyssey

    Shaka Zulu & The History Of The Zulu Kingdom

    This is so true. He deserves more main stream credit.