I know this really depends on the person and every relationship is different. I don't have any set "rules" but in general, I think saying "I love you" right away, moving in, or getting married under a year together is too fast. But I guess, I would be open to anything if it felt right lol
Never joined but pretty much everyone in my family has been in the military. I know things are different now but I always thought it was a great option depending on what you want to do in life.
Earlier, I was thinking about how we see so many people post on social media, and how different the posts are from their actual life. I always found it funny to see groups of friends recording themselves laughing and having a good time, and as soon as they stop recording they all go back to...
I think it's all in how it's asked. It just can't be asked as if this is an interview, and I'm trying to prove why you should spend time on me. We can work on getting to know each other and, sometime during that time, determine what either one of us brings to the table. As @sourgrapes said...
It is but you kind of get used to them! They pretty much leave you alone unless it's the breeding season. I mean, there are always a few cases of people and dogs getting attacked so, you don't want to take the chance if you see one. But you don't live in fear of seeing one either lol
Yeah I think every area has it's down sides. I've found that in the places where you can get the land you want for the price you want, you don't want to be there and be black lol But you just have to make a list of what you want and see what area hits the most points. No where is going to be...
Hahaha, that's pretty good. Believe it or not, that's a tiny one! I've never had anything like this happen though lol You mostly see the babies in the lakes around. Earlier this year, during the breeding season, I saw about 20 in one lake. There's also an area on the way to South Florida called...
Yeah I agree. I think the sexual freedom is fine but there has to be a balance there. The ones out there now are way too extreme and I feel like they're trying out do each other. I would love to see some real talent out there instead of them using their bodies to get the fame.
I haven't heard about this but I would think it probably has a general meaning about everything that's been going on. Things like abortion, as @Stan Zero said, and mandatory vaccines would be cause for a shirt like this. I haven't looked into it though. What are people saying about it?
Does anyone have a Ring Doorbell or anything similar? I keep saying I'm going to get one but I've been putting it off. If you have one, was it easy to set up and do you feel like it was worth the price?
I used to love Minecraft so much! lol I would play the modded versions too. I think I was the same way - I loved that it was like virtual legos and I could be as creative as I wanted. Makes me miss playing a bit haha
Ok... yall got me. I wouldn't be caught dead without my perfectly matched legging and shirt combo! In fact, I have about 30 pairs sitting in my closet right now. Here's an example of my daily outfit: If you ever need a hook up for leggings, or you want to be your own girl boss, let me know ;)
That's going to be a hard pass. Nothing about that sounds like something I want to watch. I feel like whatever point they were trying to make could have been done differently. Not sure who thought that was a good idea for a Broadway show lol
I've been dying to build one but I haven't yet. Everything is so expensive right now so I'll probably just get some plans together and work on it when everything settles down.
A friend of mine's dad just died last week. Her mom had it too but was able to fight it off. The sad thing is that they were extremely anti mask, anti vax, and anti social distance. They had taken a trip to Alaska a couple months ago and the mom was bragging about how she ate a tootsie pop for...
Yeah I never knew this stuff went on over there. I'm glad they were able to get out of there though. Really interesting video, you tend to forget the danger photojournalists put themselves in.
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