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  1. lexodyssey

    Do you believe in soulmates?

    I don't believe in it in the sense that there isn't only one person out there for everyone. When I use the term, I see it as someone you just connect with on an entirely different level than most. It can be in a romantic sense or just as friends. What do you think?
  2. lexodyssey

    Robots patrolling the streets in Singapore

    We really are getting closer and closer to robocop. Apparently new robots have hit the streets in Singapore. They're equipped with cameras and are on the lookout for "undesirable social behaviour". Pretty creepy. Meet Xavier, the 'anti-social behaviour' robot on patrol in Singapore
  3. lexodyssey

    You ever hear of this?

    Wow I never noticed that before - That's really interesting! I'll never see that word the same now lol Do you know what video it was? I'd love to see it.
  4. lexodyssey

    Twitch Leak Reveals Streamers on 'Do Not Ban' List

    Twitch is getting worse and worse. I swear all I hear is drama and problems with them now.
  5. lexodyssey

    Stupid Laws

    I feel like the grizzly case must have been used to make a point. Obviously they don't want people getting mauled by bears because they think it's ok to get up close and personal. Not sure why someone would be dumb enough to do that though lol
  6. lexodyssey

    Did you ever end up dating a best friend?

    Yeah, my first real relationship was like that. We were best friends for a long time and we ended up having feelings for each other after awhile. It was fine at first but we ended up arguing a lot because we were both going through some tough times with our families. It's really sad because it...
  7. lexodyssey

    What Browser do you use?

    I use chrome but I agree, it has slowed down. I also like Opera but I haven't tried any of the other ones besides firefox.
  8. lexodyssey

    How Do You Wash Your Chicken?

    This is a crime lol I can't imagine cooking chicken and grabbing the bleach and soap pamgrierdisgust
  9. lexodyssey

    Bad shopping experiences online

    Yeah, I feel like things are pretty bad right now with online shopping. A lot of my experiences aren't necessarily because of the store though, it's usually in who's doing the delivering. I've had FedEx mess up several of my deliveries, so I started having important stuff sent to a friend's...
  10. lexodyssey

    Why does Bill Gates own so much farmland?

    I didn't know that but I'm somehow not shocked. I never trust too much when it comes to him.
  11. lexodyssey


    So true!
  12. lexodyssey

    Jon Gruden under fire for racist remarks

    I saw this earlier. The sad part is, I'm sure if you went through other head coach's emails, you'd find the same thing.
  13. lexodyssey

    Ever date someone who cheated on you with a friend or family member?

    That's rough. I can't imagine what he must have been going through losing a close friend and girlfriend at the same time. I've never had this happen or been around it, but that has to be tough
  14. lexodyssey

    How Do You Date?

    I'm similar to @sourgrapes. I've met a few through mutual friends or while I was out. I've tried dating apps here and there but never had any luck. I try to stay really aware of red flags and I think that makes me picky.
  15. lexodyssey

    Anyone own a drone?

    I was just looking at a drone today lol They've always been interesting to me. I hear there's a big learning curve when it comes to controlling them though.
  16. lexodyssey

    Coke Comes Through With the Stupidest Commercial of the Year

    I really sat through 2 mins of that when your description was enough lol That was pretty bad.
  17. lexodyssey

    What is your take on rappers getting political?

    Yeah I agree. I think it's a great way to get the message across. Music speaks to a lot of people so why not use it to get a point out there?
  18. lexodyssey

    Have you ever had the realization that your "friends" weren't really your friends?

    I've been through this too many times lol I was out with a group of friends, and we all stopped to get something to eat. It was a busy walk-up restaurant, so when we put our orders in, we had to go to separate windows to grab our food. As soon as they got their food, they left me and sat down...
  19. lexodyssey

    Do Men Have it Wrong? Is “Nice Guy" Actually "Creepy Guy"?

    Yeah I agree. Of course there are nicer guys out there but a lot definitely come off creepy. I feel like a lot of guys that label themselves as the "nice guy" tend to overstep boundaries right off the bat.