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  1. lexodyssey

    Post yourself doing something outdoors.

    What: Riding around the Ogeechee River Difficulty: Easy Where: The sticks of Savannah, GA lol When: August 2021
  2. lexodyssey

    Do you believe in ghosts and the paranormal?

    This is my favorite time of the year lol I think I'm on the fence about what I believe when it comes to spirits and ghosts. I think if they are real, they don't show up as clearly as they do in the movies though.
  3. lexodyssey

    Are you cool with seeing white doctors?

    I've had both white and black doctors that have been great but I always seek out the female black doctors that are in my insurance network. After moving a few years ago, I finally found a good black doctor and she's the best. She really listens to anything I say and I don't feel like she's going...
  4. lexodyssey

    Harmattan's Funniest Home Videos

    I love Doberman Pinschers! I used to have one when I was younger - He was such a good dog.
  5. lexodyssey

    Green check

    Agreed! Love the green check.
  6. lexodyssey

    Do you consider yourself an extrovert?

    As with a lot of things, I feel like I'm right in the middle of the introvert/extrovert line. That gets me into a lot of trouble because I always make plans when I'm feeling "extroverted" but never want to do them when the time comes. I always end up going and having fun, but the day of I'm...
  7. lexodyssey

    Alex Jones will have to pay families in lawsuits over Sandy Hook shooting

    From what I know about him, he definitely deserves that and more.
  8. lexodyssey

    Windows 11, anyone upgrading to it?

    I'll have to read about it but I doubt any of my PC's can upgrade if there are new functions lol
  9. lexodyssey

    Exes On Social Media

    How do you feel about the person you're in a relationship with having their exes on social media? I don't care unless they show me that I need to care lol Obviously, if they're talking daily or sending flirty messages, that's a problem. But if they're going to cheat, I feel like they can do that...
  10. lexodyssey

    Can you imagine?

    I know this doesn't happen but it still got me lol I feel like this is something they'll try one day nialongupset
  11. lexodyssey

    How much of your dating life do you share with friends?

    I know some girls that share every single detail. I feel like anything too personal should be kept between the person I'm dating and me. If I need advice on something, I'll share a little more, or if it's a funny story I'll share if I feel like it's ok.
  12. lexodyssey

    What Would You Do...?

    Right? I'd go out for groceries and never come back haha
  13. lexodyssey

    Everybody, Please Share This On Your Social Media Platform.

    Wow, sharing these right now.
  14. lexodyssey

    Patterson, NJ School Lunches Worse Than Prison

    Yeah my kid would definitely have a packed lunch. I just feel bad for the kids that don't have a parent that can or will pack them a lunch though.
  15. lexodyssey

    Do you have a fish tank?

    I really want one! I'm in kind of a temporary place right now so I'm waiting until I'm in more of a permanent spot before I get one. I've actually heard the upkeep is a little less on a bigger tank because the water isn't so touchy. Not sure if that's true though. What do you want to put in the...
  16. lexodyssey

    What are some ways you cope with stress?

    That sounds perfect!
  17. lexodyssey

    What are some ways you cope with stress?

    Whenever I'm stressed, I try to take some deep breaths and I might make a list of whatever is bothering me. I also find that listening to music or getting outside for a bit (If I can) helps. Do you have any tips for dealing with stress?
  18. lexodyssey

    What do you think are the keys to a successful marriage?

    Yeah online dating is great, you just have to sift through the clowns lol I just like that it gets you out of the small dating pool you may have had without it. But I agree with what @Lamont and @Jay said. I think marriage takes a lot of work from both sides but it's definitely possible to...
  19. lexodyssey

    Who pays?

    I would definitely pay. It wouldn't make me feel good to know I'm putting stress on him when I know he doesn't have it.