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Tina Knowles: Profiled: The Black Man... check out the comments in the video


Royal Sixer
App Beta Tester
Stone Mountain, GA
LOL @ Gayle talking about this when she was doing the same profiling when it came to Kobe Bryant. Nigga was full on dead and she tryna get another Black woman to sling mud on him.
Wow! I wonder how her Black husband, Richard Lawson, feels about her comments? 🤔


Royal Sixer
Community Host
Content Contributor
LOL @ Gayle talking about this when she was doing the same profiling when it came to Kobe Bryant. Nigga was full on dead and she tryna get another Black woman to sling mud on him.
I noticed the blatant irony, hypocrisy and Gayle's willful blindness to the part she has played and continues to play in helping to perpetuate global anti-Black misandry. That popped out like a sore thumb to me.

The whole constant thing with this new series and "reeducating" your abusers is like talking to your abuser or rapist over and over again about how much they hurt you. Some may feel a bit of shame, remorse, or guilt from time to time, but they make sure to shake that shit off and continue being racist (see: Biden during and after being called out by Kamala about bussing during the 2020 presidential debate). If they are sadistic, evil and heartless enough, they will absolutely glee and get off on it like it's their favorite snuff p0rn0.

We have to start moving different and stop showing and expressing our concern and our pain to our enemies like this and begging them to understand us and to "please stop" because we've had enough. We cannot afford to continue to be this openly vulnerable and ignorant to how calculated they actually are and how they truly view and feel about us, even those that seem "supportive" and "well-meaning." Our pain, unhappiness, and suffering are Regular, Premium, and Diesel fuel to them.

Gayle, CBS, CNN, the anti-Black racists in global society, and the anti-Black media continuely play dumb and show their surprised Pikachu faces about widespread anti-Black racism and its atrocities as if this is all shocking, brand new, groundbreaking information that we and they didn't know about before. And sadly, Tina and other Black people keep playing dumb with these racists and their tools while acting fully aware about the anti-Black racism. It's all an act, smoke and mirrors, especially with the media and other anti-Black racists.

Tina seems to mean well with this series, but she and other Black people seem quite ignorant of the War we are really up against and need to revise their approach and look at things from better angles. The fact that the media is happy about this new series, the promotion of the redundant "reeducation of ignorant racists" narrative, the excuses being made for these racists, and the fact that such soft and flowery language is being used in this open interview is proof that this series acts as a form of controlled opposition (whether Tina means that or not). While the concept is somewhat interesting, overall I'm not exactly pleased with this series because it's just the same old song and sad ass dance. Sorry not sorry.

I'm really sick of this shit and all of these interviews, talks, sit downs, get togethers, documentaries, seminars, assemblies, and other shows giving and recycling the same arguments, narratives, talking points, criticisms, trauma, and stories about anti-Black racism with no end or solution in sight. In fact, I consider this a grand insult and offense to our Black intelligence, and a form of psychological abuse because you have to keep hearing, seeing, feeling, living, and reliving the fucked up things that anti-Black racism causes on a daily basis with little repercussions to our oppressive abusers.

Reminder of Key Facts:

  1. Racists and their tools don't give a fuck about our stories and our pain. Otherwise, they wouldn't have done what they have done, do what they continue to do, and they would have stopped and given us Black people comprehensive reparations a long ass time ago. There are plenty of Black History museums with Black people's stories and personal accounts plastered everywhere, and yet there's an unGodly amount of anti-Black alive and thriving today. Explain that shit to me.
  2. You cannot change hearts of those that are heartless.
  3. You cannot reform or reeducate evil or fix stupid.
  4. You cannot force people to like or love you. The best you can do is to get them to respect you.
  5. It is dangerous and deadly to play dumb with racists, evil individuals and known / unknown enemies, and to be ignorant and wilfully ignorant of them and their intentions.
  6. You do not even have to be stupid to be racist, just evil, arrogant, or hateful enough. You have trailer trash uneducated Hicks, many of whom are blue collar or work near minimum wages, but you also have plenty of educated anti-Black racists that are doctors, lawyers, judges, nurses, teachers, scholars, professors, politicians, inventors, engineers, IT professionals, legislators, investors, philosophers, etc. and those in-between that identify with them and share the same or similar anti-Black racist views and blood.
  7. You do not have to be isolated from Black people to hate Black people, heck it has been proven time and time again that you can even be married to Black person, have half-Black kids, go to school with Black people, have Black colleagues, and have Black/mixed friends and still be a racist asshole or an anti-Black POS.
  8. You don't have to be a proud KKK member to be a racist.
  9. You don't have to be white to be an anti-Black racist.
  10. Anti-Black Racism comes in many different forms that you can or refuse to admit to or comprehend.
  11. An individual or group being racist against Black people is not mainly due to misinformation, lack of education, and lack of exposure and ignorance, it's because they are evil, cruel, sick, and stuck on stupid or permanently stuck in their ways. And this global anti-Black society enables, reinforces, protects, coddles, encourages, promotes and rewards it. Period.


The First Sixer
  • Messages
    I noticed the blatant irony, hypocrisy and Gayle's willful blindness to the part she has played and continues to play in helping to perpetuate global anti-Black misandry. That popped out like a sore thumb to me.

    The whole constant thing with this new series and "reeducating" your abusers is like talking to your abuser or rapist over and over again about how much they hurt you. Some may feel a bit of shame, remorse, or guilt from time to time, but they make sure to shake that shit off and continue being racist (see: Biden during and after being called out by Kamala about bussing during the 2020 presidential debate). If they are sadistic, evil and heartless enough, they will absolutely glee and get off on it like it's their favorite snuff p0rn0.

    We have to start moving different and stop showing and expressing our concern and our pain to our enemies like this and begging them to understand us and to "please stop" because we've had enough. We cannot afford to continue to be this openly vulnerable and ignorant to how calculated they actually are and how they truly view and feel about us, even those that seem "supportive" and "well-meaning." Our pain, unhappiness, and suffering are Regular, Premium, and Diesel fuel to them.

    Gayle, CBS, CNN, the anti-Black racists in global society, and the anti-Black media continuely play dumb and show their surprised Pikachu faces about widespread anti-Black racism and its atrocities as if this is all shocking, brand new, groundbreaking information that we and they didn't know about before. And sadly, Tina and other Black people keep playing dumb with these racists and their tools while acting fully aware about the anti-Black racism. It's all an act, smoke and mirrors, especially with the media and other anti-Black racists.

    Tina seems to mean well with this series, but she and other Black people seem quite ignorant of the War we are really up against and need to revise their approach and look at things from better angles. The fact that the media is happy about this new series, the promotion of the redundant "reeducation of ignorant racists" narrative, the excuses being made for these racists, and the fact that such soft and flowery language is being used in this open interview is proof that this series acts as a form of controlled opposition (whether Tina means that or not). While the concept is somewhat interesting, overall I'm not exactly pleased with this series because it's just the same old song and sad ass dance. Sorry not sorry.

    I'm really sick of this shit and all of these interviews, talks, sit downs, get togethers, documentaries, seminars, assemblies, and other shows giving and recycling the same arguments, narratives, talking points, criticisms, trauma, and stories about anti-Black racism with no end or solution in sight. In fact, I consider this a grand insult and offense to our Black intelligence, and a form of psychological abuse because you have to keep hearing, seeing, feeling, living, and reliving the fucked up things that anti-Black racism causes on a daily basis with little repercussions to our oppressive abusers.

    Reminder of Key Facts:

    1. Racists and their tools don't give a fuck about our stories and our pain. Otherwise, they wouldn't have done what they have done, do what they continue to do, and they would have stopped and given us Black people comprehensive reparations a long ass time ago. There are plenty of Black History museums with Black people's stories and personal accounts plastered everywhere, and yet there's an unGodly amount of anti-Black alive and thriving today. Explain that shit to me.
    2. You cannot change hearts of those that are heartless.
    3. You cannot reform or reeducate evil or fix stupid.
    4. You cannot force people to like or love you. The best you can do is to get them to respect you.
    5. It is dangerous and deadly to play dumb with racists, evil individuals and known / unknown enemies, and to be ignorant and wilfully ignorant of them and their intentions.
    6. You do not even have to be stupid to be racist, just evil, arrogant, or hateful enough. You have trailer trash uneducated Hicks, many of whom are blue collar or work near minimum wages, but you also have plenty of educated anti-Black racists that are doctors, lawyers, judges, nurses, teachers, scholars, professors, politicians, inventors, engineers, IT professionals, legislators, investors, philosophers, etc. and those in-between that identify with them and share the same or similar anti-Black racist views and blood.
    7. You do not have to be isolated from Black people to hate Black people, heck it has been proven time and time again that you can even be married to Black person, have half-Black kids, go to school with Black people, have Black colleagues, and have Black/mixed friends and still be a racist asshole or an anti-Black POS.
    8. You don't have to be a proud KKK member to be a racist.
    9. You don't have to be white to be an anti-Black racist.
    10. Anti-Black Racism comes in many different forms that you can or refuse to admit to or comprehend.
    11. An individual or group being racist against Black people is not mainly due to misinformation, lack of education, and lack of exposure and ignorance, it's because they are evil, cruel, sick, and stuck on stupid or permanently stuck in their ways. And this global anti-Black society enables, reinforces, protects, coddles, encourages, promotes and rewards it. Period.
    Wow this is amazing, can we turn this into an article for the blog?


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    We have to start moving different and stop showing and expressing our concern and our pain to our enemies like this and begging them to understand us and to "please stop" because we've had enough.
    I agree with this although may be for different reasons. Whites don't need to learn about Blacks anymore, whites need to learn about whites. They (everybody really) need to learn about their own brains, what they do and why.

    Them not fighting for/withholding Reparations to FBA is racism. "A black man hands no rights a white man is bound to respect." Reparations is our right by even international law. That literally means they and the government are being perpetually racist. It makes the entire argument about who is racist and who's not completely irrelevant. It's not even a valid argument. In my opinion, black people don't need to entertain the idea of labeling individuals as racist. It's like putting a bucket of water in the ocean and only calling the water inside the bucket "water."

    By their own standards, all of them are racist, literally a racist country. I do not believe most know this, because a great deal of them seem to be trying not to appear racist which if you knew you couldn't do by any other means than Reparations, you'd know whatever show you put on to alleviate your guilt is futile. Hell, I don't think many Blacks know this, America isn't (only) racist because of what we see but it's perpetually racist because of what we don't.
    Some may feel a bit of shame, remorse, or guilt from time to time, but they make sure to shake that shit off and continue being racist (see: Biden during and after being called out by Kamala about bussing during the 2020 presidential debate).
    There are plenty of Black History museums with Black people's stories and personal accounts plastered everywhere, and yet there's an unGodly amount of anti-Black alive and thriving today. Explain that shit to me.
    Guilt. They all feel guilt. Ironically, that's the problem. Guilt is extremely uncomfortable and must be offloaded. They will do so using the symbolic methods of the left or outright racism of the far right. Both come from guilt.
    And they fight so hard against Reparations hard of fear. They're frozen between fear and guilt and won't be able to move until forced.

    Continuing with the irony of reality, the best thing for white people is Reparations for FBA.


    Royal Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Stone Mountain, GA
    I agree with this although may be for different reasons. Whites don't need to learn about Blacks anymore, whites need to learn about whites. They (everybody really) need to learn about their own brains, what they do and why.

    Them not fighting for/withholding Reparations to FBA is racism. "A black man hands no rights a white man is bound to respect." Reparations is our right by even international law. That literally means they and the government are being perpetually racist. It makes the entire argument about who is racist and who's not completely irrelevant. It's not even a valid argument. In my opinion, black people don't need to entertain the idea of labeling individuals as racist. It's like putting a bucket of water in the ocean and only calling the water inside the bucket "water."

    By their own standards, all of them are racist, literally a racist country. I do not believe most know this, because a great deal of them seem to be trying not to appear racist which if you knew you couldn't do by any other means than Reparations, you'd know whatever show you put on to alleviate your guilt is futile. Hell, I don't think many Blacks know this, America isn't (only) racist because of what we see but it's perpetually racist because of what we don't.

    Guilt. They all feel guilt. Ironically, that's the problem. Guilt is extremely uncomfortable and must be offloaded. They will do so using the symbolic methods of the left or outright racism of the far right. Both come from guilt.
    And they fight so hard against Reparations hard of fear. They're frozen between fear and guilt and won't be able to move until forced.

    Continuing with the irony of reality, the best thing for white people is Reparations for FBA.
    That'll NEVER happen. They'll continue to give it to everyone else, but us. They know they've wronged us for nearly 500 years & the only way to ease their guilt is ELIMINATE US, while we're still under their rule. Every time they see us, they wonder if we're going to retaliate & that scares the 💩 out of them! 💯 KKKOWARDS never fight fair! 💯


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    That'll NEVER happen. They'll continue to give it to everyone else, but us.
    It will. I don't know how, why or exactly what it will look like but it will happen and it will be satisfactory. This world isn't actually a free for all even though it may look like it. There are unseen rules (like gravity) that govern our relations to each other. Justice is 1 of those rules. Cause suffering and you suffer. It's the Law, one that cannot be broken, ever.

    All these issues whites fight over and like to put before black people's issues can never be solved BECAUSE they ignore black people's issues. White people are suffering, it's just attributed to different reasons. But it's all due to the same reason. These are not isolated issues. It all boils down to justice and if you ignore it somewhere, you won't have it anywhere. It's the Law.

    That's why people need to learn themselves. These laws are embedded within and enforced by us but we can't see them unless we turn inwards. Or else we won't be able to solve any of our problems, but rather just multiply them and think each is an isolated, disjointed problem. Hell on earth.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    Can someone explain what "black femicide" is for me? I kept seeing it in the comment section of the video. I have never heard that term before. Is it some new buzz slogan or something I need to be aware of? It almost seems like it is being used to shift hate further onto black men but that is what I was gathering from the comments. Not 100% sure what the hell it means though.


  • Messages
    Dallas, TX
    I'm really sick of this shit and all of these interviews, talks, sit downs, get togethers, documentaries, seminars, assemblies, and other shows giving and recycling the same arguments, narratives, talking points, criticisms, trauma, and stories about anti-Black racism with no end or solution in sight. In fact, I consider this a grand insult and offense to our Black intelligence, and a form of psychological abuse because you have to keep hearing, seeing, feeling, living, and reliving the fucked up things that anti-Black racism causes on a daily basis with little repercussions to our oppressive abusers.
    It’s the liberal rope a dope where they let Niggas blow off some steam but don’t do anything. They gonna allow you to go on stage and talk about your pain just as long as you don’t demand change and repair. It’s a slick play and makes you feel like they care but they don’t.


    Royal Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Stone Mountain, GA
    It’s the liberal rope a dope where they let Niggas blow off some steam but don’t do anything. They gonna allow you to go on stage and talk about your pain just as long as you don’t demand change and repair. It’s a slick play and makes you feel like they care but they don’t.
    Absolutely & I've known this fact since age 5. Guess what? IDGAF about their demonic asses either! 💯


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    It’s a slick play and makes you feel like they care but they don’t.
    I would add it's also used as a way to alleviate guilt (unconsciously probably). From my perspective it's like misdirection. As a white person, I can watch and say "okay this, this, and this is racist. I don't feel that way so I'm not racist." At that point, it's not even that they don't care, but it's just not something they can do anything about.

    "The problem is those other white people over there. I don't really have to think about it any deeper than that." Same effect tho. It's the difference between someone who doesn't care and someone who believes they can't do anything so it's useless to care. I believe the latter is the most prevalent.


  • Messages
    Dallas, TX
    I would add it's also used as a way to alleviate guilt (unconsciously probably). From my perspective it's like misdirection. As a white person, I can watch and say "okay this, this, and this is racist. I don't feel that way so I'm not racist." At that point, it's not even that they don't care, but it's just not something they can do anything about.

    "The problem is those other white people over there. I don't really have to think about it any deeper than that." Same effect tho. It's the difference between someone who doesn't care and someone who believes they can't do anything so it's useless to care. I believe the latter is the most prevalent.
    I believe it’s nefarious. It’s them saying “i want to keep things the same” and not “im not happy with how things but I cant’t do anything about it”. It’s the former because when you bring up reparations many become obstructionists rather than supporters. They start juelzing about it wouldn‘t and cannot work and that’s inconsistent with what you are saying.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    I believe it’s nefarious. It’s them saying “i want to keep things the same” and not “im not happy with how things but I cant’t do anything about it”. It’s the former because when you bring up reparations many become obstructionists rather than supporters. They start juelzing about it wouldn‘t and cannot work and that’s inconsistent with what you are saying.
    I can see that.

    The ego does not want to lose status, because in it we believe we are safe. If we believe we are in control, we believe we are safe. They obstruct Reparations because they believe, with our freedom is the loss of their status and safety. You can look at it as nefarious though in their position, we would be doing the same thing so if I believe they're being nefarious, I would have to believe the same about myself. They do not think they can do anything about it because that's what they want to believe is the reason for them not doing anything about it. Otherwise, they'd have to believe they're racist. They would out themselves as the bad guys. No bad guys believe they are the bad guys. That's how they're able to be bad guys. Everyone convinces themselves they are the good guys or innocent bystanders.

    So ultimately, I agree with you, I think it is "I want to keep things the same" (because otherwise they don't have control and question their safety) but they need a excuse for this position so they convince themselves there's nothing they can do (or else they'd feel guilt). They have to alleviate/dissipate the guilt and the mind has all types of tricks to do it that we are not always conscious of. I would also say they are not happy with how things are, but do not want to jeopardize their control and safety. Sandwiched between guilt and fear is where I believe white people are. The result is stagnation, frozen in place until things fall apart all around them or they are pushed.

    Judging from the actions we see, we sometimes think otherwise but white people are humans (not saying this is you). There is a structure to their brains that every human shares. There's nothing fundamentally different about them so to understand, the only thing we ever have to do is ask ourselves "If I grew up in their position, with their history/background, what would I be doing?" If I was honest with myself, I'd realize I'd be obstructing Reperations because I'd be afraid to lose control and safety.
    Last edited:


  • Messages
    Dallas, TX
    I can see that.

    The ego does not want to lose status, because in it we believe we are safe. If we believe we are in control, we believe we are safe. They obstruct Reparations because they believe, with our freedom is the loss of their status and safety. You can look at it as nefarious though in their position, we would be doing the same thing so if I believe they're being nefarious, I would have to believe the same about myself. They do not think they can do anything about it because that's what they want to believe is the reason for them not doing anything about it. Otherwise, they'd have to believe they're racist. They would out themselves as the bad guys. No bad guys believe they are the bad guys. That's how they're able to be bad guys. Everyone convinces themselves they are the good guys or innocent bystanders.

    So ultimately, I agree with you, I think it is "I want to keep things the same" (because otherwise they don't have control and question their safety) but they need a excuse for this position so they convince themselves there's nothing they can do (or else they'd feel guilt). They have to alleviate/dissipate the guilt and the mind has all types of tricks to do it that we are not always conscious of. I would also say they are not happy with how things are, but do not want to jeopardize their control and safety. Sandwiched between guilt and fear is where I believe white people are. The result is stagnation, frozen in place until things fall apart all around them or they are pushed.

    Judging from the actions we see, we sometimes think otherwise but white people are humans (not saying this is you). There is a structure to their brains that every human shares. There's nothing fundamentally different about them so to understand, the only thing we ever have to do is ask ourselves "If I grew up in their position, with their history/background, what would I be doing?" If I was honest with myself, I'd realize I'd be obstructing Reperations because I'd be afraid to lose control and safety.
    Good point I often see their perspective when I think about shit i have privilege in like being male or a straight. When I look at those identities it’s clear why they think the way they do it don’t make it right but I get it. You have to take the extra step and try to hear someone out.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    I can see that.

    The ego does not want to lose status, because in it we believe we are safe. If we believe we are in control, we believe we are safe. They obstruct Reparations because they believe, with our freedom is the loss of their status and safety. You can look at it as nefarious though in their position, we would be doing the same thing so if I believe they're being nefarious, I would have to believe the same about myself. They do not think they can do anything about it because that's what they want to believe is the reason for them not doing anything about it. Otherwise, they'd have to believe they're racist. They would out themselves as the bad guys. No bad guys believe they are the bad guys. That's how they're able to be bad guys. Everyone convinces themselves they are the good guys or innocent bystanders.

    So ultimately, I agree with you, I think it is "I want to keep things the same" (because otherwise they don't have control and question their safety) but they need a excuse for this position so they convince themselves there's nothing they can do (or else they'd feel guilt). They have to alleviate/dissipate the guilt and the mind has all types of tricks to do it that we are not always conscious of. I would also say they are not happy with how things are, but do not want to jeopardize their control and safety. Sandwiched between guilt and fear is where I believe white people are. The result is stagnation, frozen in place until things fall apart all around them or they are pushed.

    Judging from the actions we see, we sometimes think otherwise but white people are humans (not saying this is you). There is a structure to their brains that every human shares. There's nothing fundamentally different about them so to understand, the only thing we ever have to do is ask ourselves "If I grew up in their position, with their history/background, what would I be doing?" If I was honest with myself, I'd realize I'd be obstructing Reperations because I'd be afraid to lose control and safety.

    I agree with the first half / 2 paragraphs. With the last one, I wouldn't really try to humanize those that actively dehumanize and barbarically attack us on daily basis. Ironically, Harambe (RIP) that whites worship(ped) actually had more humanity than whites as a whole. True Humans wouldn't have and/or continue to perform Chattel Slavery and genocidal attacks, torture and torment and target and cannibalize and mutilate and destroy Black people and our minds and bodies for sheer fun and picnics and not just for "business", hang us around on trees like dead sharks that they just caught while they hang around smile and take pictures in front of their "kills", using n-words and anti-Black slurs as weapons, building parking spaces and buildings on top of the grave sites of our Black ancestors as if they are discarded trash who don't matter, etc.

    We should think like the enemy and figuratively "put ourselves in their shoes" merely to understand how they think and see things and then eventually have them and their tools defeated and destroyed. Let us make sure not to ever make the deadly mistake to humanize those that have collectively proven time and time again to be proudly and boldly inhumane. After all, them "acting" or "trying" to act human when convenient is merely a calculated act not true to their real Neanderthal nature and they would never truly humanize Black people even after saying things like "we are all human." That is the cruel joke of it all.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    With the last one, I wouldn't really try to humanize those that actively dehumanize and barbarically attack us on daily basis.
    I think that's a valid perspective.
    We should think like the enemy and figuratively "put ourselves in their shoes" merely to understand how they think and see things
    We do. We have the same brains. They hate themselves. Self-hate comes from guilt, which must be offloaded because it is unbearable. Whites harbor the guilt of chattel slavery and on so many must project the evil that they feel they are, on to us. This is why Donald Trump was such a polarizing figure. The left hated him because he put on display, a part of themselves they don't want to look at and the right loved him because he appeared to not feel guilt for anything (especially regarding race).

    No "bad guy" has ever believed that they were the "bad guy" or they believed they had to be the "bad guy" for good reasons. Either way, it's all a mind trick they play on themselves so they don't have to feel what they naturally would feel. White people's self-hate is evidenced by the way they treat us.

    Human psychology ain't no joke. We can and often do fool ourselves into believing the most inhumane actions are for the greater good.
    they would never truly humanize Black people even after saying things like "we are all human." That is the cruel joke of it all.
    They can't humanize black people because in their minds, it would mean they are the "bad guys." "Look at what we did to these humans." Then the guilt floods in.

    White people have the highest rate of "deaths of despair" for a reason. It is not a coincidence. I think it is a very natural and valid response to not want to humanize them, but if we don't, we become them. Look at the Jews in Palestine, didn't learn a damn thing. So as to not be dehumanized again, they forfeited their humanity and became Nazis to the Palestinians.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    Good point I often see their perspective when I think about shit i have privilege in like being male or a straight. When I look at those identities it’s clear why they think the way they do it don’t make it right but I get it. You have to take the extra step and try to hear someone out.
    I think the answer is revealing to them how that by hurting us, they are hurting themselves. All the issues the United States has is actually just one issue: white people are afraid to value justice over status. And so they will eventually lose everything.

    Listen to them, most already think their country is falling apart and it is. As King said, it's a burning building. Because they value status over justice. And we make them deathly afraid of justice because reparations would be justice and they know it. The law of reality is justice must be unilateral so if you don't seek it everywhere, you're not going to have it anywhere. So everything will just keep getting worse for them until they switch gears or they have nothing.

    With all of these movements and causes they fight for (climate, minimum-wage, school shootings, wealth gap, immigration, workers rights) are futile because they are fighting for justice and standing against it, simultaneously. How are you want to get justice for workers while ignoring justice for the descendants of workers ("slaves")? It's insanity!

    What they're doing isn't right sure, but the problem with that is, they have no idea what they're doing. So I say, we don't need documentaries like the aforementioned about the stereotypes of black people as much as we need documentaries about the insanity of white people.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    They can't humanize black people because in their minds, it would mean they are the "bad guys." "Look at what we did to these humans." Then the guilt floods in.

    White people have the highest rate of "deaths of despair" for a reason. It is not a coincidence. I think it is a very natural and valid response to not want to humanize them, but if we don't, we become them. Look at the Jews in Palestine, didn't learn a damn thing. So as to not be dehumanized again, they forfeited their humanity and became Nazis to the Palestinians.

    Have you ever seen the amount of contempt on the faces of many of them as they sneer, look down, roll their eyes or "try" to act uppity and indifferent and unannoyed in your presence as if you were "the crying brat" acting up in a store that should be ignored and thrown out altogether? Even a lot of so-called white liberals and non-conservatives are guilty of this.

    It's even worse when you are facing injustice or difficulties and they witness it and try to vehemently act like they saw nothing. You can feel the hatred and disregard.
    Like, "How dare you try to put me on the spot and make me feel sorry for you? You should be ashamed of yourself. You don't belong here and are not welcomed. You are unworthy and deserve everything bad to happen. I refuse to acknowledge your presence, problems, and humanity."
    This is part of how the phrase "White Silence is Violence" came to be.

    "We become them?"
    Ha, you sound like my grandparent when they claim (paraphrasing), "Nah stop sounding like them. Are we gonna keep hating them so we end up just like them and become what they are?" That is weak and weakness is not respected or valued. Nobody loves their bullies. The only reason people don't fight back is due to fear of repercussions. I don't mess with that "let's not bully the bully and become the bully" narrative or mindset, especially with those that are relentless. It's just not realistic and practical for survival. A Black woman once sang "I Will Survive" and we need to stand by that phrase and not end up dead like disco.

    While white Americans brag and lie about the US being the post-racial melting pot of the world to make themselves and "their" nation look good and progressive, they also constantly admit and bitch about multiculturalism being a failure on white supremacist YouTube and other racist shitholes. Multiculturalism is only a failure because they allowed it to be, and they have proven time and time again historically that they cannot peacefully coexist with anyone, not even amongst themselves. That's why they are embarrassingly rewriting/erasing/whitewashing history, suing their opponents, and crying about CRT to get away from this harsh, devastating truth and their horrific historical track record.

    White Jewish are white in the same way white Christians are white, white Mormons are white, white Beeches are white, and white LGBTQuota are white. They are all just different sets of imperialistic, terroristic colonizers much like the Proud Boys, Aryan Nation, White Nationalists, Federalist, Populists, Democrats, Republicans, Ku Klux Klan, 3% Percenters, Militia Terrorist Groups, the Board of Education, the White House, Congress, and Deputy Gangs (or Police Unions) and countless others are different sectors of White Supremacy.

    The White Jewish are oppressing Palestinians and Black people (such as Ethiopian Jews and Hebrew Israelites) in Israel they way that they are really helping to oppress Black people in America and elsewhere, especially with the toxic and violent anti-Black news, media, entertainment that they promote and own on a global scale 24/7. Look at what the white Jewish are doing to a Black Jewish person named Whoopi Goldberg.

    If Whoopi Goldberg looked like Seth Rogen or Bari Weiss or even Meghan McCain and said the same thing, they wouldn't act like this. In fact, Meghan McCain would not be suspended and merely would have been forced to apologize and within the last few years, Seth Rogan said something on one of his podcasts about the Israeli-Palestine conflict that would be considered pro-Palestine or "anti-semitic" by the Jewish community, but he's the white Jewish answer to white Joe Rogan so nothing happened to him.

    White Jewish like Lyor Cohen, Andy Cohen, David Geffen, Wolff Blitzer, Bill Maher, Donald Sterling, Bryan Singer, Mike Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, Bari Weiss, Judd Apatow, etc are as racist as non-Jewish whites such as Clint Eastwood, Kevin Spacey, Donald Trump and the Trumps, Joe Biden, the McCains, Joe and Mika, John "muh dick is a white supremacist" Mayer, Kid Rock, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Ted Nugent, Madonna, Charlize Theron, Matt Damon, Morrissey, Pantera frontman, Berlin lead singer, etc.

    (Hell, I might of slipped up and accidentally included a few white Jewish or "half-Jewish" people in my list of non-Jewish whites. It was actually quite challenging to separate the Jewish and Non-Jewish whites from each other. Wanna know why? Because they're all fucking white and there's no real difference between them in my eyes unless they put on a kippah or some shit. Not to mention, lots of white Jewish lose or hide their original Jewish surnames and even adopt "non-Jewish" surnames to gain access to full white privileges and during marriages with non-Jewish male partners.) And vast majority of Jewish people identify as White, live and are seen as white, and are white.

    Black people are continuously getting jumped, torn up, and beaten the fuck down nationwide and worldwide by Whites, Asians, Indians, Arabs, Jewish, so-called Christians, LGBTQ, Latinos, Tethers, other immigrants, some of own very own, and everyone else. We cannot stay down forever unless we want to perish and once we do get up, we can never afford to go down ever again.

    Power respects power. It's not my rules, it's the law of the Universe. It is by natural design.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    I think the answer is revealing to them how that by hurting us, they are hurting themselves.
    White Supremacy is both homidical and suicidal and no amount of "It's okay to be racist, oh I mean uh white" stickers, revelations from God Himself, and unlimited power will ever make them whole. They will happily and enthusiastically slaughter themselves and take everybody and this entire planet with them out of pure spite and joy. Satan has adopted the white race and their tools as pawns for its ultimate mission to destroy this planet and everything good in it.


  • Messages
    Dallas, TX
    I think the answer is revealing to them how that by hurting us, they are hurting themselves. All the issues the United States has is actually just one issue: white people are afraid to value justice over status. And so they will eventually lose everything.
    But it will turn from one white group to another if we dont insert ourselves.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    But it will turn from one white group to another if we dont insert ourselves.
    That's why I'm beyond worried because even if whites were to go extinct tomorrow, the amount of anti-Blackness and White Supremacy they have poisoned the entire planet with won't go extinct with them. They have poisoned all of Europe (their homeland), all of Asia, all Latin countries, all of Canada and the Americas, all of fucking Africa, Australia, EVERYWHERE. Asians already thought that darker skin was dirty and poor and that whiter skin meant that you were from a higher class, and global White Supremacy ideology emboldened that for them. They emboldened anti-Black sentiments with already racist Arabs that owned Black slaves too. If it's not white minority rule, then it will be white or lighter skinned Latinos, Arabs, and Asians being the new white people and they will ensure to proudly genocide Black people and finish carrying out White Supremacy if they aren't stopped.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    While white Americans brag and lie about the US being the post-racial melting pot of the world to make themselves and "their" nation look good and progressive, they also constantly admit and bitch about multiculturalism being a failure on white supremacist YouTube and other racist shitholes. Multiculturalism is only a failure because they allowed it to be, and they have proven time and time again historically that they cannot peacefully coexist with anyone, not even amongst themselves. That's why they are embarrassingly rewriting/erasing/whitewashing history, suing their opponents, and crying about CRT to get away from this harsh, devastating truth and their horrific historical track record.

    White Jewish are white in the same way white Christians are white, white Mormons are white, white Beeches are white, and white LGBTQuota are white. They are all just different sets of imperialistic, terroristic colonizers much like the Proud Boys, Aryan Nation, White Nationalists, Federalist, Populists, Democrats, Republicans, Ku Klux Klan, 3% Percenters, Militia Terrorist Groups, the Board of Education, the White House, Congress, and Deputy Gangs (or Police Unions) and countless others are different sectors of White Supremacy.

    The White Jewish are oppressing Palestinians and Black people (such as Ethiopian Jews and Hebrew Israelites) in Israel they way that they are really helping to oppress Black people in America and elsewhere, especially with the toxic and violent anti-Black news, media, entertainment that they promote and own on a global scale 24/7. Look at what the white Jewish are doing to a Black Jewish person named Whoopi Goldberg.

    If Whoopi Goldberg looked like Seth Rogen or Bari Weiss or even Meghan McCain and said the same thing, they wouldn't act like this. In fact, Meghan McCain would not be suspended and merely would have been forced to apologize and within the last few years, Seth Rogan said something on one of his podcasts about the Israeli-Palestine conflict that would be considered pro-Palestine or "anti-semitic" by the Jewish community, but he's the white Jewish answer to white Joe Rogan so nothing happened to him.

    White Jewish like Lyor Cohen, Andy Cohen, David Geffen, Wolff Blitzer, Bill Maher, Donald Sterling, Bryan Singer, Mike Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, Bari Weiss, Judd Apatow, etc are as racist as non-Jewish whites such as Clint Eastwood, Kevin Spacey, Donald Trump and the Trumps, Joe Biden, the McCains, Joe and Mika, John "muh dick is a white supremacist" Mayer, Kid Rock, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Ted Nugent, Madonna, Charlize Theron, Matt Damon, Morrissey, Pantera frontman, Berlin lead singer, etc.

    (Hell, I might of slipped up and accidentally included a few white Jewish or "half-Jewish" people in my list of non-Jewish whites. It was actually quite challenging to separate the Jewish and Non-Jewish whites from each other. Wanna know why? Because they're all fucking white and there's no real difference between them in my eyes unless they put on a kippah or some shit. Not to mention, lots of white Jewish lose or hide their original Jewish surnames and even adopt "non-Jewish" surnames to gain access to full white privileges and during marriages with non-Jewish male partners.) And vast majority of Jewish people identify as White, live and are seen as white, and are white.

    Black people are continuously getting jumped, torn up, and beaten the fuck down nationwide and worldwide by Whites, Asians, Indians, Arabs, Jewish, so-called Christians, LGBTQ, Latinos, Tethers, other immigrants, some of own very own, and everyone else.
    I don't contend with anything that you say really, just a couple of your points and some of mine you have misrepresented.
    "We become them?"
    Ha, you sound like my grandparent when they claim (paraphrasing), "Nah stop sounding like them. Are we gonna keep hating them so we end up just like them and become what they are?" That is weak and weakness is not respected or valued.
    I do not make a judgment on whether it is weak or strong. It just is what it is. Think like them for good purposes, you eventually become them because as they do what they do and have done what they done throughout history, they've always thought it was for good purposes. This wisdom/foresight, understandably and validly, is often not respected or valued. This is why history appears cyclical: we (Humanity) just do the same thing, making the same mistakes, over and over again.
    Nobody loves their bullies. The only reason people don't fight back is due to fear of repercussions. I don't mess with that "let's not bully the bully and become the bully" narrative or mindset, especially with those that are relentless. It's just not realistic and practical for survival
    Putting aside I never said anyone should love them, just pointing out a pattern of self-hate, but if "nobody loves their bullies" how do you know it's not practical for survival? Isn't that just an assumption if no one does it?

    I would agree that it isn't realistic at this level (of our collective consciousness development) in that the animal in someone else often brings out the animal in us. Everybody's consumed with their animalistic instinctual reaction.
    Have you ever seen the amount of contempt on the faces of many of them as they sneer, look down, roll their eyes or "try" to act uppity and indifferent and unannoyed in your presence as if you were "the crying brat" acting up in a store that should be ignored and thrown out altogether? Even a lot of so-called white liberals and non-conservatives are guilty of this.

    It's even worse when you are facing injustice or difficulties and they witness it and try to vehemently act like they saw nothing. You can feel the hatred and disregard.
    Like, "How dare you try to put me on the spot and make me feel sorry for you? You should be ashamed of yourself. You don't belong here and are not welcomed. You are unworthy and deserve everything bad to happen. I refuse to acknowledge your presence, problems, and humanity."
    This speaks to my point. We often think it's about us, but is actually about them. Our very presence makes them feel guilt so they lash out at us. They project their own feelings of self-hate, inadequacy onto us so they don't have to deal with themselves.

    Just like a bully, they hurt you because they are hurt. Their actions don't actually show/contain/say anything about their feelings about the objects of their attacks. It's all just projection of self-hate.

    I'm not insinuating how (what) anyone (black people) should feel (do) about it. But I do think it's advantageous to know exactly what we're looking at.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    White Supremacy is both homidical and suicidal and no amount of "It's okay to be racist, oh I mean uh white" stickers, revelations from God Himself, and unlimited power will ever make them whole. They will happily and enthusiastically slaughter themselves and take everybody and this entire planet with them out of pure spite and joy. Satan has adopted the white race and their tools as pawns for its ultimate mission to destroy this planet and everything good in it.
    Because homicide and suicide flip sides of the same coin.

    "It's okay to be racist…" Is that really what you think I'm saying?

    You're right, no "thing" will ever make them whole because like us, they already are and just don't know it.

    "They will happily and enthusiastically slaughter themselves and take everybody in the planet with them out. Spite and joy"

    If you think this is true, you must think it would also be true for you in their position. No judgment. I do my best to come to this conversation free of judgment of anyone.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    But it will turn from one white group to another if we dont insert ourselves.
    "I think the answer is revealing to them how that by hurting us, they are hurting themselves. All the issues the United States has is actually just one issue"

    I recognize this is a big part of why Fred Hampton was so dangerous, he saw the connections and was successful at articulating them to whites who would normally think White Supremacy is advantageous to them.
    Whites (and Blacks for that matter) have been convinced that all these separate issues are "separate" issues, giving them the false idea that ignoring justice for someone (Reparations) is actually an option.

    The founding documents say "Justice for All" but they failed to say that's literally the only way justice can exist.

    Dr. King said "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" because injustice anywhere invalidates justice everywhere.

    When we talk about Reparations to whites, it's really just a question of "do you want justice to exist for you?" I do not doubt some will habitually rationalize that Reparations is not justice but that literally means they believe American chattel slavery was justice. If they believe that, they unconsciously believe they are not worthy of justice because there is no reason to fight for any rights when you believe it is valid for the government to take them all from anyone for arbitrary reasons. They feel hopeless. That's why we insert ourselves, because we do not.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    Because homicide and suicide flip sides of the same coin.

    "It's okay to be racist…" Is that really what you think I'm saying?

    You're right, no "thing" will ever make them whole because like us, they already are and just don't know it.

    "They will happily and enthusiastically slaughter themselves and take everybody in the planet with them out. Spite and joy"

    If you think this is true, you must think it would also be true for you in their position. No judgment. I do my best to come to this conversation free of judgment of anyone.
    No. Whites have had this bullshit campaign going on for years with the slogan, "It's okay to be white." Nobody ever said being white was a bad thing. It's just not okay to be racist. But they can't tell the difference because in their subconscious minds, to be white is to also be racist and that's them who made it to be so. So when we call out White Supremacy and racism, they think that we are attacking them just because they're white and nothing more, not because of what they do or say or represent to reaffirm the White Supremacy and their racism on a daily basis. That's what makes it so absurd.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    No. Whites have had this bullshit campaign going on for years with the slogan, "It's okay to be white." Nobody ever said being white was a bad thing. It's just not okay to be racist. But they can't tell the difference because in their subconscious minds, to be white is to also be racist and that's them who made it to be so. So when we call out White Supremacy and racism, they think that we are attacking them just because they're white and nothing more, not because of what they do or say or represent to reaffirm the White Supremacy and their racism on a daily basis. That's what makes it so absurd.
    Agreed and I would also add it's built into the system. The label "white" was literally created for the sole purpose of being racist. LOL so in a way, they're right to equate racism and white. It says if they are at least subconsciously remembering the purpose for the creation of the "white" label and I would imagine it triggers them when we approach that tender area.

    Imagine knowing/realizing "the identity which is given to me by society at birth and I have accepted so willingly in adulthood was created specifically to deal injustice to the planet." I'd probably be testy about it too. How could I think of myself as a "good guy" when I identify with a label created to cause suffering?

    Campaigns like that are products of pure guilt offloading. The more we point out racism, the more they hate themselves, the more they attempt to project that self-hate outwards to us. I'm not insinuating we should feel guilty, actually it's nobody's fault. That's the real absurdity. We are stuck in a loop , needlessly.
    Last edited:


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    The founding documents say "Justice for All" but they failed to say that's literally the only way justice can exist.

    Dr. King said "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" because injustice anywhere invalidates justice everywhere.
    This response may be slightly off-topic, but let me vent. While I agree with this quote by Dr. King, I hate hearing it. My main issue with this quote along with that grating "First they came for them.....then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me" quote is that there are non-Blacks, white liberals, Alphabet people, and those from special interest groups that use these quotes as weapons against Black people when we tell them to hold their own nuts and that we get nothing but backstabbing and venom in return when we help them out. They have weaponized these quotes to continue to shame and guilt trip us so that we can continue to mule for them and their interests and causes with nothing but contempt in return.

    Then you got LGBT and now trans and non-binary individuals (mostly white) making a sick mockery of the civil rights movement and crying being "misgendered" and how that is a form of "injustice." Bish what? And then to add salt to injury, you have deranged transwomen and governments trying to trample the rights of women while screaming "die cis scum die" just because we acknowledge the fact that gender / sex cannot truly be changed and that we need women only spaces / shelters and they can make their own.

    Then the whole thing with MAPS (aka, open ped0phil3s) claiming "oppression" and "misunderstanding?" And the continual push for transracials to be accepted? It's Fucking mental illness. These privileged fucks want to be oppressed and oppressive the same time just like the rest of the whites, white Jewish, Asians, Latinos, etc. They are boosting up their movements and "struggles" not only to eat off ours, but to ultimately destroy ours and to destroy our claim to reparations/injustice and have us blamed for the shitshow they are causing. And I will be damned if I have to be forced to speak out against their "injustice." That shit is nothing but a circus that we FBA do not condone it and I don't think MLK would appreciate his quotes and speeches being used by these opportunistic enemies against us, at all. This needs to be considered abuse.

    Black people's injustice exceeds everyone's "injustices" by light-years. If there wasn't a Civil Rights Movement made for and by Black people (FBA), these mfers and opportunists would have nothing and they would be in their home countries or somewhere quiet in the suburbs cross dressing in their wife's panties while still being a white racist (hey Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner).

    Putting aside I never said anyone should love them, just pointing out a pattern of self-hate, but if "nobody loves their bullies" how do you know it's not practical for survival? Isn't that just an assumption if no one does it?
    Please elaborate.

    "They will happily and enthusiastically slaughter themselves and take everybody in the planet with them out. Spite and joy"

    If you think this is true, you must think it would also be true for you in their position. No judgment. I do my best to come to this conversation free of judgment of anyone.
    Black people have been on this Earth longer than anyone else and even if we had wars and beefs with each other or whoever else or we wanted to make money for ourselves, we didn't cause widespread pollution, Bubonic Plague, destruction to the world's environment, and irreparable climate change over it. Outside of things like the Rwanda genocide, we can name way more genocides and outright atrocities that have been historically committed by other races on a grand scale. Africa is the currently the way it is due to white and Asian terrorists and colonizers and the lack of Black people on code with each other against their true enemies (which is actually not each other). Even if Black people were to have the same level of power as whites globally, it would not be in our collective hearts to do the same level of damage as they do.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    I'm not insinuating we should feel guilty, actually it's nobody's fault. That's the real absurdity. We are stuck in a loop , needlessly.
    I propped you for most of the post, but...ssss. I find this part quite problematic. I wouldn't absolve them of responsibility at all. Nobody told them to have interracial relationships with mixed children and yet call their mixed kids and Black spouses the n-word. Nobody told Biden and company to pass the Crime Bill. Nobody told Joe Rogan to do and say what he does to maintain anti-Black racism. Nobody told them to harass and attack Black people and murder Ahmaud, Tamir, Amir, Brianna, Atatiana, etc. Nobody told Fox News and Breitbart to do what they do. I think you get the point. Because if "it's nobody fault" then why does the US government and others need to pay us Reparations? Because there is a fault, and the fault is with them and this sick country. Last time I checked, if you find a fault in something, then you need to repair it ASAP. That is where cash reparations for FBA Black people and doing everything to make things right for Black people come in.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    This response may be slightly off-topic, but let me vent. While I agree with this quote by Dr. King, I hate hearing it. My main issue with this quote along with that grating "First they came for them.....then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me" quote is that there are non-Blacks, white liberals, Alphabet people, and those from special interest groups that use these quotes as weapons against Black people when we tell them to hold their own nuts and that we get nothing but backstabbing and venom in return when we help them out. They have weaponized these quotes to continue to shame and guilt trip us so that we can continue to mule for them and their interests and causes with nothing but contempt in return.

    Then you got LGBT and now trans and non-binary individuals (mostly white) making a sick mockery of the civil rights movement and crying being "misgendered" and how that is a form of "injustice." Bish what? And then to add salt to injury, you have deranged transwomen and governments trying to trample the rights of women while screaming "die cis scum die" just because we acknowledge the fact that gender / sex cannot truly be changed and that we need women only spaces / shelters and they can make their own.

    Then the whole thing with MAPS (aka, open ped0phil3s) claiming "oppression" and "misunderstanding?" And the continual push for transracials to be accepted? It's Fucking mental illness. These privileged fucks want to be oppressed and oppressive the same time just like the rest of the whites, white Jewish, Asians, Latinos, etc. They are boosting up their movements and "struggles" not only to eat off ours, but to ultimately destroy ours and to destroy our claim to reparations/injustice and have us blamed for the shitshow they are causing. And I will be damned if I have to be forced to speak out against their "injustice." That shit is nothing but a circus that we FBA do not condone it and I don't think MLK would appreciate his quotes and speeches being used by these opportunistic enemies against us, at all. This needs to be considered abuse.

    Black people's injustice exceeds everyone's "injustices" by light-years. If there wasn't a Civil Rights Movement made for and by Black people (FBA), these mfers and opportunists would have nothing and they would be in their home countries or somewhere quiet in the suburbs cross dressing in their wife's panties while still being a white racist (hey Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner).
    I definitely agree with you on this point. The legacy and memory of MLK has been grossly abused by most every nonblack for selfish reasons. They literally use the words of a man that gave his life, fighting for justice to perpetuate injustice. Though, it's because they don't know what justice is. They don't know the meaning of the words they speak. If they did, they wouldn't dare speak them. In my opinion, it's akin to them saying the N-word. But we don't treat it like that, express how extremely disrespectful it is like we do regarding the N-word so it's free game. And then, if we actually fall for it…
    Please elaborate.
    I mean to say if nobody ever loved their bullies, what evidence do we have that says it's not practical to survival?
    Black people have been on this Earth longer than anyone else and even if we had wars and beefs with each other or whoever else or we wanted to make money for ourselves, we didn't cause widespread pollution, Bubonic Plague, destruction to the world's environment, and irreparable climate change over it. Outside of things like the Rwanda genocide, we can name way more genocides and outright atrocities that have been historically committed by other races on a grand scale. Africa is the currently the way it is due to white and Asian terrorists and colonizers and the lack of Black people on code with each other against their true enemies (which is actually not each other). Even if Black people were to have the same level of power as whites globally, it would not be in our collective hearts to do the same level of damage as they do.
    Now, with our current consciousness, I don't believe we would but if we were back at the beginning of white supremacy and the roles were reversed (we came out of Europe and they came out of Africa) we would've totally did the same thing. We be living under black supremacy right now lol and we be destroying the earth and wreaking havoc on her people. The fact that WS is currently destroying the planet is completely random because given the same specific situation and conditioning, anyone would respond exactly the same. On a side note: That's why the current way they "do" justice has never and could never produce justice for anybody. They're punishing people for what anybody would've done given the same situation and conditioning.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    I propped you for most of the post, but...ssss. I find this part quite problematic. I wouldn't absolve them of responsibility at all. Nobody told them to have interracial relationships with mixed children and yet call their mixed kids and Black spouses the n-word. Nobody told Biden and company to pass the Crime Bill. Nobody told Joe Rogan to do and say what he does to maintain anti-Black racism. Nobody told them to harass and attack Black people and murder Ahmaud, Tamir, Amir, Brianna, Atatiana, etc. Nobody told Fox News and Breitbart to do what they do. I think you get the point. Because if "it's nobody fault" then why does the US government and others need to pay us Reparations? Because there is a fault, and the fault is with them and this sick country. Last time I checked, if you find a fault in something, then you need to repair it ASAP. That is where cash reparations for FBA Black people and doing everything to make things right for Black people come in.
    I'm not absolving them of responsibility, I'm absolving them of guilt. They are not equal. If you feel guilt, you might try to fix the problem or (like most of them are doing) your perpetually try to obfuscate and offload the guilt so you don't have to feel it and just do nothing.

    I know it isn't the mainstream way of thinking, but guilt actually isn't very helpful because the way we individually and collectively respond to it is unpredictable. Why are white people so racist? Guilt. It literally feeds racism because racism is the way they've been conditioned to offload their guilt. If they make us "the bad guys" or deserving of injustice, they don't have to feel guilt for doling it out to us. That's why during slavery, they made up all the pseudoscience and rationales (God said it was okay, they like being slaves, they don't feel familial or physical pain, etc.) for why they can/should do what they were doing, to dissipate the guilt. Guilt hasn't actually worked for 500 years (granted, there has been movement).

    Luckily, you don't actually need guilt to activate responsibility. Especially since the responsibility of Reparations to FBA is a responsibility to themselves. It's justice. The question is do they want justice for themselves and/or the children, you gotta give it to receive it. Or do they feel like they are lucky enough to not need it? They might say yes until they figure out/are shown everything that's wrong with their lives and this country is because they are abdicating responsibility to themselves. They ignore justice for FBA (because the elites want it ignored) but they have to go through justice for FBA to get justice for themselves. Any of them can figure this out, but they are afraid of feeling guilt so they don't even make the attempt.

    Mr. Chris

    Community Host

    The anti BM rhetoric is starting to spread.

    Trigger warning by the way.
    Gayle is such a stupid bitch. If she wants to know how a black man is profiled, then have a black man on her sorry ass tv show. She needs to get her lips from mammy oprah's vaginal lips, stop being lazy and have grown ass black men (that got their shit together) on to her show so she can learn something.

    Tina Knowles needs to make sure her daughter Solange doesn't going around putting hands on brothas so that she doesn't get the taste smacked out of her mouth! The fuckery continues indeed!


    Royal Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Stone Mountain, GA
    Gayle is such a stupid bitch. If she wants to know how a black man is profiled, then have a black man on her sorry ass tv show. She needs to get her lips from mammy oprah's vaginal lips, stop being lazy and have grown ass black men (that got their shit together) on to her show so she can learn something.

    Tina Knowles needs to make sure her daughter Solange doesn't going around putting hands on brothas so that she doesn't get the taste smacked out of her mouth! The fuckery continues indeed!
    Solange could've gotten that demonstration from Jay-Z, when she attacked him in the elevator, but he just kept putting his arms up. Beyoncé just stood there & watched. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    Mr. Chris

    Community Host
    Solange could've gotten that demonstration from Jay-Z, when she attacked him in the elevator, but he just kept putting his arms up. Beyoncé just stood there & watched. 🤷🏽‍♀️
    Exactly. The next time Solange puts her hand on a different man, she may end up getting the Ray Rice treatment. Just saying. lol


    Royal Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Stone Mountain, GA
    Exactly. The next time Solange puts her hand on a different man, she may end up getting the Ray Rice treatment. Just saying. lol
    True, her & others! 💯 Act like a man & get treated like one! The result(s) won't be in your favor, just because you're a female! 💯
    #StayInYourLane &


    I never heard of such a term "Blk femicide" until after reading that sickening comment section WFT. I have NEVER seen any Blk Man get away with ANY murder let alone kill or harming a blk woman with out suffering Consequences if not frm the law def from other Blk Men. Most Blk Men know the code for putting their hands on a sista and it is much like the code for hurting a child , you will get a hole stomped through you or you might not live to see the nxt day and if you go to jail for doing such cowardly act better hope the brothas on the cell block don’t find out because then you will be DOA in the DOC. So im srry but I don’t understand where that narrative is coming from.


    Master Sixer
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    Between Galaxies
    I never heard of such a term "Blk femicide" until after reading that sickening comment section WFT. I have NEVER seen any Blk Man get away with ANY murder let alone kill or harming a blk woman with out suffering Consequences if not frm the law def from other Blk Men. Most Blk Men know the code for putting their hands on a sista and it is much like the code for hurting a child , you will get a hole stomped through you or you might not live to see the nxt day and if you go to jail for doing such cowardly act better hope the brothas on the cell block don’t find out because then you will be DOA in the DOC. So im srry but I don’t understand where that narrative is coming from.
    Black women adopting White women talking points.

    Red Velvet

    Master Sixer
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    New York
    Hmmm I’m confused. Isn’t Gail that media destroying the reputation is Black men? She’s angry? 😂 She mad at herself.
    That part got me too. I’m like “the nerrrrrtve of this heffa” to even speak on this subject. She attacked a dead Black man, you can’t get any lower than that.

    Deleted member 884

    I noticed the blatant irony, hypocrisy and Gayle's willful blindness to the part she has played and continues to play in helping to perpetuate global anti-Black misandry. That popped out like a sore thumb to me.

    The whole constant thing with this new series and "reeducating" your abusers is like talking to your abuser or rapist over and over again about how much they hurt you. Some may feel a bit of shame, remorse, or guilt from time to time, but they make sure to shake that shit off and continue being racist (see: Biden during and after being called out by Kamala about bussing during the 2020 presidential debate). If they are sadistic, evil and heartless enough, they will absolutely glee and get off on it like it's their favorite snuff p0rn0.

    We have to start moving different and stop showing and expressing our concern and our pain to our enemies like this and begging them to understand us and to "please stop" because we've had enough. We cannot afford to continue to be this openly vulnerable and ignorant to how calculated they actually are and how they truly view and feel about us, even those that seem "supportive" and "well-meaning." Our pain, unhappiness, and suffering are Regular, Premium, and Diesel fuel to them.

    Gayle, CBS, CNN, the anti-Black racists in global society, and the anti-Black media continuely play dumb and show their surprised Pikachu faces about widespread anti-Black racism and its atrocities as if this is all shocking, brand new, groundbreaking information that we and they didn't know about before. And sadly, Tina and other Black people keep playing dumb with these racists and their tools while acting fully aware about the anti-Black racism. It's all an act, smoke and mirrors, especially with the media and other anti-Black racists.

    Tina seems to mean well with this series, but she and other Black people seem quite ignorant of the War we are really up against and need to revise their approach and look at things from better angles. The fact that the media is happy about this new series, the promotion of the redundant "reeducation of ignorant racists" narrative, the excuses being made for these racists, and the fact that such soft and flowery language is being used in this open interview is proof that this series acts as a form of controlled opposition (whether Tina means that or not). While the concept is somewhat interesting, overall I'm not exactly pleased with this series because it's just the same old song and sad ass dance. Sorry not sorry.

    I'm really sick of this shit and all of these interviews, talks, sit downs, get togethers, documentaries, seminars, assemblies, and other shows giving and recycling the same arguments, narratives, talking points, criticisms, trauma, and stories about anti-Black racism with no end or solution in sight. In fact, I consider this a grand insult and offense to our Black intelligence, and a form of psychological abuse because you have to keep hearing, seeing, feeling, living, and reliving the fucked up things that anti-Black racism causes on a daily basis with little repercussions to our oppressive abusers.

    Reminder of Key Facts:

    1. Racists and their tools don't give a fuck about our stories and our pain. Otherwise, they wouldn't have done what they have done, do what they continue to do, and they would have stopped and given us Black people comprehensive reparations a long ass time ago. There are plenty of Black History museums with Black people's stories and personal accounts plastered everywhere, and yet there's an unGodly amount of anti-Black alive and thriving today. Explain that shit to me.
    2. You cannot change hearts of those that are heartless.
    3. You cannot reform or reeducate evil or fix stupid.
    4. You cannot force people to like or love you. The best you can do is to get them to respect you.
    5. It is dangerous and deadly to play dumb with racists, evil individuals and known / unknown enemies, and to be ignorant and wilfully ignorant of them and their intentions.
    6. You do not even have to be stupid to be racist, just evil, arrogant, or hateful enough. You have trailer trash uneducated Hicks, many of whom are blue collar or work near minimum wages, but you also have plenty of educated anti-Black racists that are doctors, lawyers, judges, nurses, teachers, scholars, professors, politicians, inventors, engineers, IT professionals, legislators, investors, philosophers, etc. and those in-between that identify with them and share the same or similar anti-Black racist views and blood.
    7. You do not have to be isolated from Black people to hate Black people, heck it has been proven time and time again that you can even be married to Black person, have half-Black kids, go to school with Black people, have Black colleagues, and have Black/mixed friends and still be a racist asshole or an anti-Black POS.
    8. You don't have to be a proud KKK member to be a racist.
    9. You don't have to be white to be an anti-Black racist.
    10. Anti-Black Racism comes in many different forms that you can or refuse to admit to or comprehend.
    11. An individual or group being racist against Black people is not mainly due to misinformation, lack of education, and lack of exposure and ignorance, it's because they are evil, cruel, sick, and stuck on stupid or permanently stuck in their ways. And this global anti-Black society enables, reinforces, protects, coddles, encourages, promotes and rewards it. Period.
    This is Gold. We need to etch this in the brains of Black people EVERY WHERE. I know many who would struggle to receive it though.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    Between Galaxies
    😫 it’s deplorable
    It sure is. We need to stop looking for allies anywhere outside of ourselves.

    It's damn right insulting how most Black women wanna be white, instead of giving thanks to the Most High & cherishing our gifts that are bestowed onto us!
    Well kissing white ass is the path of least resistance in the short term so cowards gravitate to it. What they don’t realize is that in the end they get destroyed because if they are untrustworthy. Fighting this system has all the pain front loaded and reward at the end. Being a coin has the reward in the front and the pain in the end.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    It's damn right insulting how most Black women wanna be white, instead of giving thanks to the Most High & cherishing our gifts that are bestowed onto us!
    Ain't that the truth! The hueless society have soooo done a jedi mind trick on black women that they are incapable of even recognising one self let alone each other. It's so egregiously pathetic because hueless women have NOTHING to be envious of yet black women wanna emulate them -nuts!