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White Evangelicals


Sixer First Class+
I've had discussions with not just my church going, saved family members but other black 'saved folk' about white evangelicals. I've told them I don't consider them Christians and I don't believe they will go to what you regard as heaven. The first thing they hit me with is 'if you pronounce his name as your Lord and savior you are saved and a Christian'. They also come with the '...only God knows someone's heart' drag as well.

Now my turn:
I ask them 'Are the Pharisees that Jesus spoke out against going to heaven?' and there was some '' and the verdict was divided. I said 'They followed the law to the letter but Jesus was cussing them out so they going to join him in heaven?'

Also Revelations talks of folks in the church who won't get brought up at rapture time.

So we can now establish there are some church folks who aren't going. Okay, so now address white evangelicals specifically. The bible says you will know a Christian by their works. Okay, lets look at their works.

Today's evangelicals were all the prior white baptists, etc from the south and midwest. They are the same people who were all part of slave states, owned slaves, changed scripture to justify it (the bible says any who have changed these words are damned). And those from states who lynched blacks regularly (Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, etc in the midwest).

Let's look at their history. These so called Christians have been on the wrong side of every just event in U.S. history.

1. They were for slavery.
2. They were for the Confederacy.
3. They were for Jim Crow.
4. They were against the women's right to vote in 1919
5. They were against the Civil Rights movement.
6. They were against women equality in the '70s.

Those 6 covers 400 years of unbiblical support, non Christian, anti Christ-esque behavior. And they are saved? They are going to heaven along with blacks? WTF?

So, if any Black Christian still says they are still saved. Then the bar is low AF. Basically then as Christians, the Civil Rights marchers using the same standard could have brought guns and shot them all up and still be saved.

If saved Blacks are saying that the 400 years and present dat acts of white Christian folks still gets them into heaven, then why aren't they doing the same? Answer given: It's wrong. RCNAL: It's not wrong enough to keep you out of heaven though by your standards.

And lastly if you as a black preacher accepts white evangelicals as your brothers and sisters in Christ and they are today supporting Trump, supporting any cop that murders blacks, and that is okay, then you can bounce and keep it moving on trying to convince me to come back to the church.

So, RCNAL they asked, what are they then?
Answer: They are white supremacists who use religion as a cover. No more, no less. White supremacists uses or corrupts religion, ideology, whatever it can for its own power.

I know an alt right coworker and I told him this is how blacks should solve sh*t, instead of asking what would Jesus do, ask yourself what would a white evangelical do and I guarantee you sh*t will get real very, very quick. Because they getting wins and the black Christian way ain't working so why don't we adopt y'alls methods since its winning. He kept quiet after that.
This is not a thread about the legitimacy of Christianity. Believe what you believe. This thread is about 'saved', Christian Black folks considering people who haven't demonstrated they are Christians to be their brothers and sisters in Christ.


The First Sixer
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    Europeans read the Bible and internalize:

    And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    Black people read it and internalize:

    38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a]39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.


    I've had discussions with not just my church going, saved family members but other black 'saved folk' about white evangelicals. I've told them I don't consider them Christians and I don't believe they will go to what you regard as heaven. The first thing they hit me with is 'if you pronounce his name as your Lord and savior you are saved and a Christian'. They also come with the '...only God knows someone's heart' drag as well.

    Now my turn:
    I ask them 'Are the Pharisees that Jesus spoke out against going to heaven?' and there was some '' and the verdict was divided. I said 'They followed the law to the letter but Jesus was cussing them out so they going to join him in heaven?'

    Also Revelations talks of folks in the church who won't get brought up at rapture time.

    So we can now establish there are some church folks who aren't going. Okay, so now address white evangelicals specifically. The bible says you will know a Christian by their works. Okay, lets look at their works.

    Today's evangelicals were all the prior white baptists, etc from the south and midwest. They are the same people who were all part of slave states, owned slaves, changed scripture to justify it (the bible says any who have changed these words are damned). And those from states who lynched blacks regularly (Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, etc in the midwest).

    Let's look at their history. These so called Christians have been on the wrong side of every just event in U.S. history.

    1. They were for slavery.
    2. They were for the Confederacy.
    3. They were for Jim Crow.
    4. They were against the women's right to vote in 1919
    5. They were against the Civil Rights movement.
    6. They were against women equality in the '70s.

    Those 6 covers 400 years of unbiblical support, non Christian, anti Christ-esque behavior. And they are saved? They are going to heaven along with blacks? WTF?

    So, if any Black Christian still says they are still saved. Then the bar is low AF. Basically then as Christians, the Civil Rights marchers using the same standard could have brought guns and shot them all up and still be saved.

    If saved Blacks are saying that the 400 years and present dat acts of white Christian folks still gets them into heaven, then why aren't they doing the same? Answer given: It's wrong. RCNAL: It's not wrong enough to keep you out of heaven though by your standards.

    And lastly if you as a black preacher accepts white evangelicals as your brothers and sisters in Christ and they are today supporting Trump, supporting any cop that murders blacks, and that is okay, then you can bounce and keep it moving on trying to convince me to come back to the church.

    So, RCNAL they asked, what are they then?
    Answer: They are white supremacists who use religion as a cover. No more, no less. White supremacists uses or corrupts religion, ideology, whatever it can for its own power.

    I know an alt right coworker and I told him this is how blacks should solve sh*t, instead of asking what would Jesus do, ask yourself what would a white evangelical do and I guarantee you sh*t will get real very, very quick. Because they getting wins and the black Christian way ain't working so why don't we adopt y'alls methods since its winning. He kept quiet after that.
    This is not a thread about the legitimacy of Christianity. Believe what you believe. This thread is about 'saved', Christian Black folks considering people who haven't demonstrated they are Christians to be their brothers and sisters in Christ.
    They wanted power and did what they needed to do to get it.


    Master Sixer
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    San Antonio, TX
    I've had discussions with not just my church going, saved family members but other black 'saved folk' about white evangelicals. I've told them I don't consider them Christians and I don't believe they will go to what you regard as heaven. The first thing they hit me with is 'if you pronounce his name as your Lord and savior you are saved and a Christian'. They also come with the '...only God knows someone's heart' drag as well.

    Now my turn:
    I ask them 'Are the Pharisees that Jesus spoke out against going to heaven?' and there was some '' and the verdict was divided. I said 'They followed the law to the letter but Jesus was cussing them out so they going to join him in heaven?'

    Also Revelations talks of folks in the church who won't get brought up at rapture time.

    So we can now establish there are some church folks who aren't going. Okay, so now address white evangelicals specifically. The bible says you will know a Christian by their works. Okay, lets look at their works.

    Today's evangelicals were all the prior white baptists, etc from the south and midwest. They are the same people who were all part of slave states, owned slaves, changed scripture to justify it (the bible says any who have changed these words are damned). And those from states who lynched blacks regularly (Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, etc in the midwest).

    Let's look at their history. These so called Christians have been on the wrong side of every just event in U.S. history.

    1. They were for slavery.
    2. They were for the Confederacy.
    3. They were for Jim Crow.
    4. They were against the women's right to vote in 1919
    5. They were against the Civil Rights movement.
    6. They were against women equality in the '70s.

    Those 6 covers 400 years of unbiblical support, non Christian, anti Christ-esque behavior. And they are saved? They are going to heaven along with blacks? WTF?

    So, if any Black Christian still says they are still saved. Then the bar is low AF. Basically then as Christians, the Civil Rights marchers using the same standard could have brought guns and shot them all up and still be saved.

    If saved Blacks are saying that the 400 years and present dat acts of white Christian folks still gets them into heaven, then why aren't they doing the same? Answer given: It's wrong. RCNAL: It's not wrong enough to keep you out of heaven though by your standards.

    And lastly if you as a black preacher accepts white evangelicals as your brothers and sisters in Christ and they are today supporting Trump, supporting any cop that murders blacks, and that is okay, then you can bounce and keep it moving on trying to convince me to come back to the church.

    So, RCNAL they asked, what are they then?
    Answer: They are white supremacists who use religion as a cover. No more, no less. White supremacists uses or corrupts religion, ideology, whatever it can for its own power.

    I know an alt right coworker and I told him this is how blacks should solve sh*t, instead of asking what would Jesus do, ask yourself what would a white evangelical do and I guarantee you sh*t will get real very, very quick. Because they getting wins and the black Christian way ain't working so why don't we adopt y'alls methods since its winning. He kept quiet after that.
    This is not a thread about the legitimacy of Christianity. Believe what you believe. This thread is about 'saved', Christian Black folks considering people who haven't demonstrated they are Christians to be their brothers and sisters in Christ.
    Absolutely agree. Religion is a mechanism of control!

    It's used to justify wrong done to us and to suggest we should remain passive in the face of that wrong!

    It seems white people always look at 2 things about a black man first. 1. Are you married and have kids?
    2. Are you Christian?

    If you have studied criminal justice the both are part of the social control theory. If you care about approval of white people then the second one even more so.

    Basically these are the things that will keep you from beating their azz if they overstep! Most white people seem to always ask about those two things it seems!


    Senior Sixer
    Down From Day 1
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    Latin America
    The biblical requirement in the King James and other versions based on it is profess Jesus as your lord and savior.

    Matthew 7:21-23

    21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    No need to be obsessed with white people, salvation is individual.