Yes. Disney has NO friend in me. I am still pissed at that 'stay puffed' CEO who made those crass remarks about our fallen king after his tragic death.
Oops sorry bro. I posted my reply to your comment I wrong area 😂😂😅😅.... I agree with you tho. And NO respect to that doughboy looking CEO heffer who made those disparaging remarks about our fallen king.They've been slipping gay shit in their movies for a minute. I remember there was a dick in the Aladdin cover.
Who?Oops sorry bro. I posted my reply to your comment I wrong area 😂😂😅😅.... I agree with you tho. And NO respect to that doughboy looking CEO heffer who made those disparaging remarks about our fallen king.
I agree with the post that yourself & Jay placed. But I think I put my reply in wrong box. I was multi-tasking lol.Who?
Yes. Disney has NO friend in me. I am still pissed at that 'stay puffed' CEO who made those crass remarks about our fallen king after his tragic death.
Hmmm, I can't remember. But I call her Ms Piggy. She is the heiress of that Disney shit hole 😆😆😆.Who was the king? And what was the name of that POS CEO?
And the king was Kobe BryantHmmm, I can't remember. But I call her Ms Piggy. She is the heiress of that Disney shit hole 😆😆😆.
If LGBT was a Black movement this would be a non-starter. White men are pushing this agenda, 1. Because they love it and 2. They want to reduce the population. If they can make as many gay kids as possible that will stop the population growth before it even starts. It’s sick and sadistic but the white supremacists think 100 years in advance so this is a long game. At least thats how I can make sense of it.^^
She also basically said that, "Something must have happened in the last few years for them to be happily supporting my not-so-secret gay agenda like this. I wonder what happened?"
Had to fix my typo and emphasize my correction.
That's hypocrisy. Saying another thing just to gain publicity and doing another thing in return. They have always been shitty, it's not a new thing to me at all.Disney is stupid. They are complaining about gay discrimination, yet are working to open parks in strictly anti-gay countries & communities. The Alphabet Mafia is definitely toxic.
That nigga took one of circus rockets out of the closet. I don’t think anyone has heard from him since.Isaiah Rashad recently fell out the closet and Joe Budden went in and out the closet to grab a broomstick.
They getting our kids prepared for something and I don’t even want to know what. If you’re an uninvolved parent you are leaving your kids at risk to this sadistic system.Its a sick agenda that is being pushed on our young children. Adults have serial desired and can act accordingly. Children are being indoctrinated and it's not right
The system have been messed up a long time ago but they were very good at hiding it but now, they felt it's time to come out in the open boldly.They getting our kids prepared for something and I don’t even want to know what. If you’re an uninvolved parent you are leaving your kids at risk to this sadistic system.
The agenda is real, sis.I noticed this started back in maybe 2014/2015... Everything, since gay marriage was passed, had to be about gays or being gay. They are pushing it in the schools, TV programming, etc.
Like I get it, there should be more gay representation but they make up less than 5% of the population and we are having them be placed in positions where they account for 50% of whatever is happening. Like, excuse me? This does not make any damn sense.
It‘s even worse with Youtube kids. They make shows that look like kids shows to an adult but if you pay attention they talk about adult subjects.The agenda is real, sis.
If the majority of LGBT was Black and it was mostly Black LGBT that was demanding rights, equality, and better treatment for themselves, they would be a non-factor and no one would give a fuck about them or their issues. Unless of course the TPTB and its tools were able to find a way to grossly benefit from them, infiltrate their movement, and co-opt them as tools to destroy the Black community with.If LGBT was a Black movement this would be a non-starter. White men are pushing this agenda, 1. Because they love it and 2. They want to reduce the population. If they can make as many gay kids as possible that will stop the population growth before it even starts. It’s sick and sadistic but the white supremacists think 100 years in advance so this is a long game. At least thats how I can make sense of it.
Are you referring to Isaiah Rashad? If so, this gives a new meaning to Losing Isaiah. He lost and went out Yusaf Mack style.That nigga took one of circus rockets out of the closet. I don’t think anyone has heard from him since.
Within the last few decades, there has been an entire industry (mainstream, indie, and underground) created by blurring the lines between kid friendly looking things and adult content. That's the joke in itself. They take something innocent and bastardize and even sodomize it into something awful (no pun intended) or something not for kids at all. A total loss of innocence, morality, cleanliness, and even beauty is something like a fetish to them.It‘s even worse with Youtube kids. They make shows that look like kids shows to an adult but if you pay attention they talk about adult subjects.
So they’re using black mostly heterosexual male deaths to fund a bunch of trans stuff. I’m black as fuck but I’ve always sideeyed this organization. Fuck BLM
BLM (the national org) is a despicable organization of grifters enriching themselves off Black men being murdered in the streets.
Truly foul organization.
They're not "trained marxist" anything, or even leftists. They're hustlers, point blank, period, leverage black male death to personal gain.
They used the deaths of "cisgender" black men to push for black trans women. Very exploitative and underhanded.
using the deaths of black men at the hands of police to send money to black trans women for ???
because roughly around 2012 one of the pharmaceutical giants created a menopause-medicine that failed to treat menopausal symptoms and instead created female phenotypes, and that medicine is today the main one used in MTF transitions.
that is (unironically) why.
The 1% has their secret clubs and secret meetings (Bilderberg being one of them). And from what little we know about their behind-the-scenes activities population growth is the main thing on their agenda. I think many of the things we're seeing now falls under the umbrella of curtailing population growth. Normalizing fringe sexual behavior (i.e.: homosexuality, transsexuality, pedophilia), normalizing misandry/feminism (thereby discouraging men to pursue women, get married, start families, have sex, etc.), GMOs, harmful chemicals in our foods that messes with fertility, etc.
BLM is a front organization for feminist/gay groups. Most of the donations to BLM have been re-routed to these weirdo LGBT organizations.
Yes. Tati posted the videos on here and I’m sad I clicked it. That nigga can’t even pretend like he ain’t gay or was just experimenting. He was in the closet and got blasted out at the speed of sound.Are you referring to Isaiah Rashad? If so, this gives a new meaning to Losing Isaiah. He lost and went out Yusaf Mack style.
This is exactly what I think too. If you look at it from a global context what’s the best way to stop population increase without having to having to sterilize, kill, or add civil limits to child rearing? Get the people to willfully accept lifestyles that make them unable to reproduce. From a holistic stance they could be thinking:The 1% has their secret clubs and secret meetings (Bilderberg being one of them). And from what little we know about their behind-the-scenes activities population growth is the main thing on their agenda. I think many of the things we're seeing now falls under the umbrella of curtailing population growth. Normalizing fringe sexual behavior (i.e.: homosexuality, transsexuality, pedophilia), normalizing misandry/feminism (thereby discouraging men to pursue women, get married, start families, have sex, etc.), GMOs, harmful chemicals in our foods that messes with fertility, etc.
BLM is a front organization for feminist/gay groups. Most of the donations to BLM have been re-routed to these weirdo LGBT organizations.
They are using misandry/feminism along with womanist kinds of movements to help dissuade a lot of women from getting in healthy relationships with men, convincing them to either give up on men or oppose men altogether. And they are using misogyny/meninism along with the MGTOW / Red Piller and incel type of movements to help dissuade a lot of men from getting in healthy relationships with women, convincing them to either give up on women or oppose women altogether. Both sexes are at war with each other and themselves. This creates a discordant, disordered, and dysfunctional relationship between both sexes and they ultimately part ways and stay at odds with each other. This also helps prevent families from being created, and eventually help destroy existing families and healthy family dynamics. Many of these dysfunctional, damaged people will either help create no children and households, or help create dysfunctional children and households that will be exploited, co-opted, and targeted by the dominant society and its set traps. The dominant society and TPTB have executed a massively successful program of damaging people, promoting toxicity, exploiting insecurities, selling fake remedies, and encouraging corruption and dysfunction all while pretending that things will be alright, fun, correct, democratic, functional, and wholesome to the very end. View attachment 2529 Wow, these mfers are just letting it all hang out in the open now. Black trans "women" can not only get free surgery and plastic surgeries from the general public they swindled, but now they can also get free rides, free pizza, paid flights, paid trips, hair done, rent paid, and more goodies just because. I can understand if a transperson held a Gofundme for a business trip and that people need housing, but what happened here with this BLM fundraising scam is fucking disgusting. There is no excuse for this level of treachery and corruption. They and these non-Black organizations that benefitted from this scam need pay that ill-gotten money back. Hell, all of these scamming ass non-profits and big fuckshit corporations and Wall Street demons need to pay up for their long-time corruption as well. To these trans "activists" and opportunists out there: Don't you EVER in your fucking life DARE to false advertise and use the fucking deaths of innocent Black people for your own monetary gain and selfish ass reasons again. Shamelessly Despicable. Downright Unforgivable. You have literally and boldly committed a sin. YOU TRAITOR. Everyone has been saying this, but I'm telling you that if transpeople are willing to lie about and hide their sex and identity, then nothing will stop them from lying and hiding information about anything else. Look how they used the deaths of Black people and BLM as a way to raise aand swindle money to give to causes that have mostly nothing to do with the general Black causes such as police brutality and racism. Being a pathological liar, deceiver, cheater, and a thief are serious character flaws that should not be celebrated and fucking awarded. Then again, what do you expect from a society that celebrates the lies about American History and the thieving ass Founding Fathers of Thuggery, Terrorism, Slavery, and Colonization and paints them as important heroes? View attachment 2530 35% of all transpeople are trans women? I don't believe that for a minute. From everything that I've seen so far, I'm convinced that around 65% of all transpeople are trans women and 35% are trans men.
This is exactly what I think too. If you look at it from a global context what’s the best way to stop population increase without having to having to sterilize, kill, or add civil limits to child rearing? Get the people to willfully accept lifestyles that make them unable to reproduce. From a holistic stance they could be thinking: Active Reduction - 10% Die from Starvation - 15% die from war - 30% die from old age Passive/preemptive Reduction - LGBT agenda reducing yearly birth rate by 2% You add it all together and you have a reduction strategy.
Lol I just happened to see it. At least he came out on top, no pun intended.Yes. Tati posted the videos on here and I’m sad I clicked it. That nigga can’t even pretend like he ain’t gay or was just experimenting. He was in the closet and got blasted out at the speed of sound.
And even if people accept certain lifestyles or are gay/lesbian, that still wouldn't make them sterile or infertile. They will still have the option to reproduce if they want to. However, they will merely be less inclined or less likely to reproduce compared to straight people and people in more normal relationships and lifestyles.This is exactly what I think too. If you look at it from a global context what’s the best way to stop population increase without having to having to sterilize, kill, or add civil limits to child rearing? Get the people to willfully accept lifestyles that make them unable to reproduce. From a holistic stance they could be thinking:
Active Reduction
- 10% Die from Starvation
- 15% die from war
- 30% die from old age
Passive/preemptive Reduction
- LGBT agenda reducing yearly birth rate by 2%
You add it all together and you have a reduction strategy.
Transpeople being around 1% of the population isn't enough for them. They want to create more transpeople and nonbinary babies. And if they can't do it naturally, then they have to do it artifically with the following methods such as:Black people represent a little under 20% of the American population. Black Trans people probably represent under 1% of that. It's weird how a microscopic portion of the population is overrepresented in philantropic groups. It's really suspicious and an obvious indication of an agenda-driven societal movement
This is why it's very important be very watchful of what your kids tend to watch at home, at least it's the only place that you can truly keep an eye on what they feed their brain.It‘s even worse with Youtube kids. They make shows that look like kids shows to an adult but if you pay attention they talk about adult subjects.
Well, it only gets worse. There is a town in Cali , Palm Springs to be exact (with all gay city council & mayor) who passed a UBI ---- Universal Basic Income for all T-Hall and non-binary residents there. It wouldn't shock me if the 3 remaining Cali NFL teams will soon be sporting rainbows on their jerseys. This gay agenda (like white supremacy) is a deadly carcinogen in this country.Its a sick agenda that is being pushed on our young children. Adults have serial desired and can act accordingly. Children are being indoctrinated and it's not right
Palm Springs is a dope city but gay people run that joint through and through. The City Hall flies a rainbow flag and out on the lawn they have every other flag for trans, pansexual, etc.Well, it only gets worse. There is a town in Cali , Palm Springs to be exact (with all gay city council & mayor) who passed a UBI ---- Universal Basic Income for all T-Hall and non-binary residents there. It wouldn't shock me if the 3 remaining Cali NFL teams will soon be sporting rainbows on their jerseys. This gay agenda (like white supremacy) is a deadly carcinogen in this country.
It's better to avoid getting in the mix with them because they are definitely going to make your life a living and miserable hell for you. One of cousin's lives there and he's finding it very hard.Palm Springs is a dope city but gay people run that joint through and through. The City Hall flies a rainbow flag and out on the lawn they have every other flag for trans, pansexual, etc.
I don’t be in the mix with them. I have a cigar lounge I like visiting, a hotel I love chilling at, and a steakhouse. I hit those three things and bounce.It's better to avoid getting in the mix with them because they are definitely going to make your life a living and miserable hell for you. One of cousin's lives there and he's finding it very hard.
It's exactly how I move. Whenever I feel like getting out, there is always a VIP section where I can easily go and chill out and I would only have access to the waiter taking my orders.I don’t be in the mix with them. I have a cigar lounge I like visiting, a hotel I love chilling at, and a steakhouse. I hit those three things and bounce.
I think that it in the 20th century it became very predominant with gay right movement and ever since, they started crawling out of their caves which even showed they were well deep in the roots of power in our world today.Does anyone know when the trans thing became a part of the LGB? I was trying to think back. We always had cable and I remember there being a TV station just for gay programing but they didn't have any trans things going on.
I don't mean to be hurtful by saying this but I feel like they do not belong in this group. It deals with gender, not sexual attraction to it makes no sense to be "LGBT".I think that it in the 20th century it became very predominant with gay right movement and ever since, they started crawling out of their caves which even showed they were well deep in the roots of power in our world today.
Oh lord. 😞It's better to avoid getting in the mix with them because they are definitely going to make your life a living and miserable hell for you. One of cousin's lives there and he's finding it very hard.
Let me guess.... Are you talking about Mac from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?A show I watch just recently 180 degreed an entire character's personality and behavior and made him into a gay character in their most recent episodes. I usually expect Hollywood to either introduce a whole new character or just try to develop an already established rainbow mafioso character on the show. But to take a character, that was originally a "musclehead, jock, bully" trope and now you completely 180 him and he's a gay character now, suddenly......?
If at all, the plan for the agenda was to be low-key and inconspicuous, well then this has been a colossal failure.
As a matter of fact, I was not. I was talking about Jed, a werewolf, from a show called Legacies.Let me guess.... Are you talking about Mac from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
I stopped watching IASIP around season 3. I need to start it over and binge the hell out of it one of these weekends.Oh lord. 😞
What's going on with them? Is it the LGBT racism? Toxicity from racist non-Black LGBT in the workplace and in public? Is your cousin a straight or non-interested person rejecting the LGBT people's sexual advances? Is your cousin an LGBT person who had a bad break up with an LGBT person and now that scorned person is viciously turning the whole damn city against your cousin out of spite? I would like to know.
Let me guess.... Are you talking about Mac from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
Oreo is launching a many movie on coming out.
Tried to watch it before, but couldn't get into it. The characters are such insufferable anti-Black racists and none of the characters seem to get their due karma to my liking for what they do or say. Sadly, like anywhere else, Philadelphia is full of racists, especially the whites of Irish and Italian descent. City of Brotherly Love my ass.I stopped watching IASIP around season 3. I need to start it over and binge the hell out of it one of these weekends.
ART....Outside looking in.
What happened to just releasing a damn Limited Editon rainbow cookie that would make you fart in 16 milion artifical colors and calling it a damn day?
Lol, so much money and thought behind this short 🌈 film.
So much money and heart being poured into the pockets and bodies of everyone but Black people. Endless symbolic gestures with heart-string pulling visuals and imagery backed and sponsored by not just pro-LGBT corporations, but also by powerful special interest groups and international governments everywhere. These "oppressed" groups of individuals get tangibles, a dedicated reinforcing machine and massive social engineering campaign that pressures all of society and everyone else to accept and champion and bow down to them, favorable legislation, and rules and laws meant to protect, empower, and coddle them even at the expense of others. LGBT people are not a threat to the white dominant society, not even to the white conservatives that pretend they are (besides, many of these conservatives are actually closeted and on the downlow anyway).
Black people are the only group that only gets symbolic gestures and nothing else worthwhile. We only get symbolic gestures with fake love and fake support at best.
- #BlackLivesMatter hashtags and retweets
- BLM street names and paintings
- Kente cloth kneeling publicity stunt by Nancy Pelosi and company
- Obama "sipping" Flint water and singing "Amazing Grace" for Black people
- Voter outreach and souls to the polls campaigns that keep us powerless
- Having Critical Race Theory that you will promote "Real Black History" as the trojan horse, but end up talking about and promoting LGBTQ+ shit and falsely claim that "transphobia, anti-nonbinaryism and homophobia are due to whitesupremacypatriarchy, slavery, and the white people of Black people = Black men" and rewrite history to make LGBTQIA the new oppressed Black people.
- Legislation for Black people that never passes or actually gets enforced in most cases unless it's something to harm or undermine Black people and make us the face of criminality including hate crime now (like the 94 Crime Bill and Stop Asian Hate BS)
- Community Block Parties
- Finite donations, food drives, and church giveaways
- Black people in commercials
- Promotion interracial relationships / mixing
- The US Military looking to recruit in Black neighborhoods in order to "diversify" the US Military
- Black entertainers being successful and being the face and the supposed "spokespeople" for all Black people
- wELfaRE aNd HaNdOuTs that anyone or any race can get
- Do nothing public Black tokens such as Black politicians and Black police chiefs that cape for white interests and offer nothing tangible or helpful to Black people and don't promote anything that is actually pro-Black
- Urban Redevelopment initiatives that only serve to eventually gentrify our Black neighborhoods and push out, misplace and replace Black people with whites, hipsters, LGBT, Jewish, and non-Blacks.
- And More
We continue to be conditioned, pressured, shamed into crying for a world that would fake cry for us at best. Enough.
I don’t know about that. Not sure I’d compare that act against nature to the divine force we call air. The fact of the matter is that gay activities are more prevalent — it wasn’t before and now it is. It doesn’t stand out, it simply exists. This statement disregards the original post.It's a cognitive bias. If you were to view the country objectively, "straightness" floods every facet of contemporary and historic society so completely, you would laugh at yourself for saying this.
As a heterosexual in a heterosexual world, heterosexuality is so fundamentally pervasive in your awareness, it's virtually invisible. So only the things that are not heterosexual stand out to you, causing you to take note.
Most of everything around us is air, but we rarely notice the air, focusing more on the things that are NOT air.
Now this is going too far. This movie shouldn’t have any sexuality in it. Looks like it’s going to be the Black astronaut that’s the gay one too.
View attachment 2236
“Lightyear” — starring Chris Evans as the putative real-life inspiration for the “Toy Story” character Buzz Lightyear — does feature a significant female character, Hawthorne (voiced by Uzo Aduba), who is in a meaningful relationship with another woman.
Same-Sex Kiss Restored in Pixar’s ‘Lightyear’ Following Staff Uproar Over ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill (EXCLUSIVE)
Restoring a same-sex kiss in 'Lightyear' comes after years of thwarted efforts to include LGBTQ identity into Pixar's films, sources
1000000 %The more I see being pushed on socials and how they target a lot of younger black men and women... It drives me mad.
I am fine with people being gay, lesbian, whatever but I will not support the LGBT+ cult. Screw them.
We need to establish our own neighborhoods and our own businesses. Make sure the freeloaders and wanna-be thugs stay out. Uplift our own and grow a community focused on family, work, and heritage. If we can make to start small pockets like this, it will spread. Let the white suburban moms get their kids brainwashed by the rainbow people.
It's so hard because they are trying to get at our children in every facet of life. They want the teacher talking to them about being gay, the cartoons show it, the music talks about it, we have to be ultra vigilant.This is trash 🗑. It’s up to parents to raise their children to not watch trash, too. That’s going to be one hell of a job!