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Why does everything have to be gay?


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    KFCB CEO Christopher Wambua bans all movies with LGBTQ+ content in Kenya

    More and more countries are not playing. We can learn from this.
    It's all denied fear due to misperception.

    If heterosexuality was the only way the creator intended, what's the problem?

    Can you go outside and just start flying? Can you stop eating for the rest of your life and live into your nineties?
    Can you stop sleeping and not go crazy and die?
    Can humans procreate without an egg and a seed?

    I ask these questions to make the point that the laws the creator set CANNOT be broken under any circumstances so it simply cannot be that ANYTHING the creator did not intend, could actually happen. It isn't reasonable to believe that LGBT is something the creator did not intend to exist. Therefore, this can't be anything but the unreasonable: fear.

    A law like this teaches the youth of Kenya to fear men as if they were gods that have the ability to defy God. In the end, it's just a misperception. They don't know that's what they're teaching.


    Master Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Atlanta, GA
    It's all denied fear due to misperception.

    If heterosexuality was the only way the creator intended, what's the problem?

    Can you go outside and just start flying? Can you stop eating for the rest of your life and live into your nineties?
    Can you stop sleeping and not go crazy and die?
    Can humans procreate without an egg and a seed?

    I ask these questions to make the point that the laws the creator set CANNOT be broken under any circumstances so it simply cannot be that ANYTHING the creator did not intend, could actually happen. It isn't reasonable to believe that LGBT is something the creator did not intend to exist. Therefore, this can't be anything but the unreasonable: fear.

    A law like this teaches the youth of Kenya to fear men as if they were gods that have the ability to defy God. In the end, it's just a misperception. They don't know that's what they're teaching.

    Huh??? Laws are broken all the time. Breaking Yah's law is called sin. If it was impossible to break his laws, sinners wouldn't exist. This world wouldn't be the way it is now if breaking His laws was impossible.


    Latin America
    It's EVERYWHERE!!!! Every TV show or movie there they are, in video games, sports etc.
    The way they are pushing the gay and Trans agenda lately, it sure does looks like they have been waiting for the opportunity to press on the world to see them as the dominant force. The government is sponsoring them big time.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    Huh??? Laws are broken all the time. Breaking Yah's law is called sin. If it was impossible to break his laws, sinners wouldn't exist. This world wouldn't be the way it is now if breaking His laws was impossible.
    I think this begs some really good questions.

    Why would the creator make laws that cannot be broken AND laws that can? We (humans) don't even do that. I mean, we unofficially do, but officially, every law is meant to be observed. But we are human, we can't do anything 100%, 100% of the time.

    Is the creator like us? Is the creator of everything there is, a flawed human or as flawed as humans? If the creator is a flawed human like us, why does "he" believe it okay to punish us for mistakes "he himself" could just as easily make?

    Why do we think sin exists? Because that is what we were told from flawed humans and self-described sinners?

    If sin and sinners did not exist, how do we know the world wouldn't be as it is now?


    Master Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Atlanta, GA
    I think this begs some really good questions.

    Why would the creator make laws that cannot be broken AND laws that can? We (humans) don't even do that. I mean, we unofficially do, but officially, every law is meant to be observed. But we are human, we can't do anything 100%, 100% of the time.

    Is the creator like us? Is the creator of everything there is, a flawed human or as flawed as humans? If the creator is a flawed human like us, why does "he" believe it okay to punish us for mistakes "he himself" could just as easily make?

    Why do we think sin exists? Because that is what we were told from flawed humans and self-described sinners?

    If sin and sinners did not exist, how do we know the world wouldn't be as it is now?
    I disagree. I just don't think they're good questions.

    Even if you don't believe in the Bible, without law and order, there's chaos. Even more than it is now.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    I disagree. I just don't think they're good questions.

    Even if you don't believe in the Bible, without law and order, there's chaos. Even more than it is now.
    What makes them not good questions?

    I believe in the Bible. Actually, I know (not believe) the Bible conveys truth. I just don't believe in popularly accepted interpretations. I think the way it has been interpreted IS EXACTLY the reason for the chaos.

    If sin exists, I must attack you or it's excusable to attack you because a higher power said so. I don't even have to give you an explanation. I don't have the think about it. I don't have the feel remorse. ALL is acceptable because you sinned.

    Every "sin" EVER committed has been due to someone perceiving "sin". Every war ever started, every human ever enslaved, tortured, etc.

    If sin does not exist, you acted out of a misperception. You made a mistake because you saw what wasn't true. We can hash that out over lunch. (Disclaimer, some misconceptions take more than lunch to clear up)


    Master Sixer
    Super Moderator
    App Beta Tester
    Atlanta, GA
    It's all denied fear due to misperception.

    If heterosexuality was the only way the creator intended, what's the problem?

    A law like this teaches the youth of Kenya to fear men as if they were gods that have the ability to defy God. In the end, it's just a misperception. They don't know that's what they're teaching.

    Ponder Denzel Washington GIF by Entertainment Tonight

    What's your deal? Does the thread title offend you? You cannot continue your bloodline with homosexuality. Which is why it's unnatural.

    Every living thing tries to continue it's existence in some way. With humans and most animals, it's called procreation. Plants produce seeds and/or replicate themselves. Even bacteria and some other animals continue their existence through replication. For most viruses, if they kill too quickly, they change to be less deadly because they can't reproduce and spread if the host dies too quickly. To take actions that lead to the cessation of your bloodline AND your species as a whole is death.

    A law like this does not teach the youth to fear men. They are trying to ensure the future and the growth of their nation. They're called slippery slopes for a reason. They're accepting so much here in the U.S. that you have people writing think pieces on p*dophilia being accepted. When the P is added to LGBTQIA+ will you be defending this mindset? I hope not.

    I think this begs some really good questions.

    Why would the creator make laws that cannot be broken AND laws that can? We (humans) don't even do that. I mean, we unofficially do, but officially, every law is meant to be observed. But we are human, we can't do anything 100%, 100% of the time.

    Is the creator like us? Is the creator of everything there is, a flawed human or as flawed as humans? If the creator is a flawed human like us, why does "he" believe it okay to punish us for mistakes "he himself" could just as easily make?

    Why do we think sin exists? Because that is what we were told from flawed humans and self-described sinners?

    If sin and sinners did not exist, how do we know the world wouldn't be as it is now?
    Laws are not made to be broken. They are made to guide you to a holy and just way of living. A way of living that is beneficial to everyone and ensures the continuation of your bloodline and humans as a whole. Sin exists because people and other entities decide to break laws. No one is telling you to be 100% perfect all the time. However, there's a difference between accidentally sinning and sinning on purpose. And to keep sinning once you know it's wrong? Please...

    What makes them not good questions?

    I believe in the Bible. Actually, I know (not believe) the Bible conveys truth. I just don't believe in popularly accepted interpretations. I think the way it has been interpreted IS EXACTLY the reason for the chaos.
    If you truly know the Bible conveys truth. You wouldn't be posing these questions, especially about this subject. Your questions expose your disbelief and your unknowing. It's disingenuous and reeks of confusion...

    So I ask again... What's your deal? Does the thread title offend you? (Because I've seen some of your other posts on this subject...)

    Ponder Denzel Washington GIF by Entertainment Tonight


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    Ponder Denzel Washington GIF by Entertainment Tonight

    What's your deal? Does the thread title offend you? You cannot continue your bloodline with homosexuality. Which is why it's unnatural.

    Every living thing tries to continue it's existence in some way. With humans and most animals, it's called procreation. Plants produce seeds and/or replicate themselves. Even bacteria and some other animals continue their existence through replication. For most viruses, if they kill too quickly, they change to be less deadly because they can't reproduce and spread if the host dies too quickly. To take actions that lead to the cessation of your bloodline AND your species as a whole is death.

    A law like this does not teach the youth to fear men. They are trying to ensure the future and the growth of their nation. They're called slippery slopes for a reason. They're accepting so much here in the U.S. that you have people writing think pieces on p*dophilia being accepted. When the P is added to LGBTQIA+ will you be defending this mindset? I hope not.

    Laws are not made to be broken. They are made to guide you to a holy and just way of living. A way of living that is beneficial to everyone and ensures the continuation of your bloodline and humans as a whole. Sin exists because people and other entities decide to break laws. No one is telling you to be 100% perfect all the time. However, there's a difference between accidentally sinning and sinning on purpose. And to keep sinning once you know it's wrong? Please...

    If you truly know the Bible conveys truth. You wouldn't be posing these questions, especially about this subject. Your questions expose your disbelief and your unknowing. It's disingenuous and reeks of confusion...

    So I ask again... What's your deal? Does the thread title offend you? (Because I've seen some of your other posts on this subject...)

    Ponder Denzel Washington GIF by Entertainment Tonight
    My deal is when I see people causing themselves undue stress, The creator moves me to speak up. The title isn't personally offensive to me, it just says "Reality is bothering me" and I am attempting to point to the fact that Reality isn't bothering "you," you're using Reality as an excuse to bother yourself.

    It's an unconscious habit we all have. Whatever issue only escalates (in the mind of whomever with the issue) until they recognize what they are doing to themselves.

    This just happens to be a subject with which I am very familiar. I can see how people are merely just torturing themselves to no end because I've been there. There is some ego in there as well that tells me I can plant the seed to someone else's freedom. It also helps me deepen my understanding. You know teaching and learning are simultaneous.
    Laws are not made to be broken.
    They are made to guide you to a holy and just way of living. A way of living that is beneficial to everyone and ensures the continuation of your bloodline and humans as a whole.
    I agree, that's why the creators laws cannot be broken.

    Laws like gravity and needing to eat to live ensure our survival and cannot be broken. Why then also make laws that can be broken that if broken, can lead us to our demise?
    It's inconsistent. Do you want to ensure our survival or not? Everything else in the universe is consistent/perfect. I believe that is the nature of the creator. Making both, laws that can AND those that cannot be broken is inconsistent. Inconsistency is a human trait.
    If you truly know the Bible conveys truth. You wouldn't be posing these questions, especially about this subject. Your questions expose your disbelief and your unknowing. It's disingenuous and reeks of confusion...
    Why would I not be posing these questions? Why would the creator not want me asking questions (about any and everything)? Is it afraid I'd go off and create my own universe? Is it afraid I challenge it to a duel and win? Is it in need of my love to survive so it's afraid if I knew certain things, I withhold my love? Why would the creator keep secrets from us? It doesn't make any sense to me. The idea that my curiosity is somehow a threat to the creator is just not believable.

    My questions expose my unbelief in popular interpretations, not the Bible itself. I've already used God's Reason and Holy Spirit to answer these questions for myself. I'm not confused about their answers. I pose them to invite others to ask them.

    "Why does everything have to be gay?" Is a cry of the self tortured.
    It happens because of fantasies.
    • We fantasize the creator made laws that can be broken.
    • We fantasize that homosexuality is new or created by the Greeks.
    • Therefore, we fantasize they can be created.
    • We then fantasize that since they are, we know how they are created.
    • We fantasize that homosexuals are heterosexuals that don't want to be heterosexuals because homosexuality is better.
    • We fantasize about the possibility so many people will "Choose/turn" homosexual, we would end the human race.
    The accumulation of these unsupported fantasies cause us stress about something that's existed since man existed. Though I am sure the fantasy of the threat is just as old. As long as heterosexuals believe homosexuals are "different" they will believe they are a threat. Itself torture that then gets pushed out and reflected back.

    Heterosexuals choose to believe the fantasies instead of homosexuals. Ironically, the choice is actually yours.


    Master Sixer
    Super Moderator
    App Beta Tester
    Atlanta, GA
    My deal is when I see people causing themselves undue stress, The creator moves me to speak up. The title isn't personally offensive to me, it just says "Reality is bothering me" and I am attempting to point to the fact that Reality isn't bothering "you," you're using Reality as an excuse to bother yourself.

    This just happens to be a subject with which I am very familiar. I can see how people are merely just torturing themselves to no end because I've been there. There is some ego in there as well that tells me I can plant the seed to someone else's freedom. It also helps me deepen my understanding. You know teaching and learning are simultaneous.---

    I agree, that's why the creators laws cannot be broken.

    Laws like gravity and needing to eat to live ensure our survival and cannot be broken. Why then also make laws that can be broken that if broken, can lead us to our demise?
    It's inconsistent. Do you want to ensure our survival or not? Everything else in the universe is consistent/perfect. I believe that is the nature of the creator. Making both, laws that can AND those that cannot be broken is inconsistent. Inconsistency is a human trait.--

    "Why does everything have to be gay?" Is a cry of the self tortured.
    It happens because of fantasies.
    • We fantasize the creator made laws that can be broken.
    • We fantasize that homosexuality is new or created by the Greeks.
    • Therefore, we fantasize they can be created.
    • We then fantasize that since they are, we know how they are created.
    • We fantasize that homosexuals are heterosexuals that don't want to be heterosexuals because homosexuality is better.
    • We fantasize about the possibility so many people will "Choose/turn" homosexual, we would end the human race.
    The accumulation of these unsupported fantasies cause us stress about something that's existed since man existed. Though I am sure the fantasy of the threat is just as old. As long as heterosexuals believe homosexuals are "different" they will believe they are a threat. Itself torture that then gets pushed out and reflected back.

    Heterosexuals choose to believe the fantasies instead of homosexuals. Ironically, the choice is actually yours.
    Oh, look. A word salad.

    So What No GIF

    Even some homosexuals say the push of homosexuality in every facet of life is too much. Are you going to try to convince them the opposite is happening as well? Tell them they aren't living in reality and are just fantasizing about what is happening?? You are pushing confusion.
    No one is torturing themselves or causing themselves "undue stress". We are merely stating the facts about what we see and how it affects society. All actions have consequences and the consequences from inserting homosexuality into everything will show itself in the years to come.
    Stop saying "we" for everything. You do not speak for everyone, and you do not speak for the Creator. Using your logic, it seems you would welcome p*dophiles with open arms. I hope you don't have children around you... The rest of us being concerned about them violating children is just fantasy talk (according to your logic). This is a dangerous way of thinking... just to be contrary to others in an attempt to appear more enlightened and more knowledgeable.
    Don't be pedantic. We have no control over gravity. Eating is not a "law", it is simply a process to continue life, as is breathing. Choosing to not do either to the point of death breaks the law of "Thou shalt not kill."
    You typed a whole essay (filled with contradictions), but dodged that homosexuality is unnatural at its core.
    This is a fact, not a fantasy.
    It is indeed different from the natural order of things.
    This is a fact, not a fantasy.
    The idea that my curiosity is somehow a threat to the creator is just not believable.
    Your disingenuous curiosity is a threat to YOU. If you use your free will to sin and/or encourage others to sin (sin is transgression of the law). That is a YOU problem. It is not a threat to the Creator. Your questions expose your disbelief and your unknowing. Even though you are trying your hardest to convince us that you are enlightened and "very familiar" with the subject matter. Again... it's disingenuous and reeks of confusion...

    If you're stumbling with basics... Moderate to advanced topics will be your downfall. Cuz, baby.... you ain't ready AT. ALL.
    No more word salads, please. If you continue being disingenuous, I will not respond. I have limited free time and I don't want to use it on someone being contrary for the sake of being contrary and just to appear knowledgeable. Please... that is your ego screaming loudly. You can't hear it because you're too busy talking talking talking and not studying to show yourself approved.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    homosexuality is unnatural at its core.
    This is a fact, not a fantasy.
    This is the crux of the issue and it begs questioning.

    To say something is unnatural means it is not of nature. Nature comes from God/the creator. So, unnatural means "not of God". We're saying something exists that the creator did not create and/or did not intend to exist. This is, by definition, a flawed version of God.

    We must then ask the question, is God actually flawed or is our perception flawed.

    Deleted member 884

    I think the framing is the issue here like you say "straight people who are unsure…" Already assumes a default, that gay people are really straight people who were converted. I believe it is this belief that must create anxiety around minority sexualities.

    But, I doubt that's actually how it works, I don't think it's necessarily religious conditioning or a belief that decides your sexuality although there are many that treat it as such. I think there is an element much deeper that we actually cannot "touch". I do not believe it is nature "or" nurture but both so it's just going to be what it is.

    No one says they are straight because of conditioning so I believe there is some kind of need to not believe sexuality is uncontrollable when it comes to other sexualities. I think it is ultimately about survival.

    We are habitually afraid of our own nature because we believe we'll kill ourselves if left to our own devices. We see ourselves as separate from the world's nature (although having features and tendencies created by it). I think we underestimate nature's reach and intelligence.

    I do not negate the idea that straight people are pressured to be gay, I negate the idea that it matters.
    You can’t touch it because it doesn’t exist. It’s just perversion of the mind. Reproductive parts have a purpose and requires an act between them also for a purpose— to create. Since our birth we open our senses to what is around us and develop based on how we think about what we have sensed. If you sense perversion or the need to use your reproductive parts contrary to their purpose, you can still perform the act. This isn’t rocket science. People are making and clingy to decisions and contributing nothing to society. Television tells us it’s a “feeling that we can’t quite put a finger on” like being a woman is based on feelings… as a woman I can tell you it’s not true. You don’t wake up feeling like a woman… you just are. Influence and persuasion are powerful tools for destroying a nation.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    My dad said something that was simple yet profound. I never thought of it like this.

    I can't remember how we got on the topic but he goes :

    " You know, the only reason this LGBT stuff is happening to this extent is down to prosperity. Do you think men and women would be openly gay and proud if the country was in a third-world state? No, they would be focusing on survival and reproduction. Even the poor people in America have luxuries you would never find in another country like free access to clean water. You just walk into a Mc'ds and get yourself a cup and use their bathroom. You take all these modern luxuries people take for granted away and the LGBT people are the first to be forgotten."


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    San Antonio, TX
    What's happening is they are trying to normalize it. They are forcing no one to speak against it through cancel culture.

    Let's face it, that sh*t used to be ostracized in our community back in the day. It was not accepted and we didn't act as if it were okay.

    You were viewed as weird, disgusting and immoral.

    Now they just force us to be okay with it. Not only that they try to push our kids into thinking it's normal. Thus making them far more likely to participate in it!


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    You can’t touch it because it doesn’t exist. It’s just perversion of the mind. Reproductive parts have a purpose and requires an act between them also for a purpose— to create. Since our birth we open our senses to what is around us and develop based on how we think about what we have sensed. If you sense perversion or the need to use your reproductive parts contrary to their purpose, you can still perform the act. This isn’t rocket science. People are making and clingy to decisions and contributing nothing to society. Television tells us it’s a “feeling that we can’t quite put a finger on” like being a woman is based on feelings… as a woman I can tell you it’s not true. You don’t wake up feeling like a woman… you just are. Influence and persuasion are powerful tools for destroying a nation.
    I understand, all that you have said is totally logical if you regard yourself as nothing more than the physical form that appears before your physical form.

    But if you investigate that: "I am thinking, my thoughts are not physical" it becomes apparent that there is a nonphysical component to reality. You're right, it's not rocket science. Where then, is the law that says the nonphysical must conform to the physical?

    You allude to the idea that people that are not procreating contribute nothing to society, though I don't believe you actually believed that but rather it encompasses your feelings about certain people/activities of which you disapprove. I think it's fine that you disapprove, but you're conflating your approval/disapproval with what should/should not be and justifying it using a single data point out of infinity. Meaning, EVERYTHING in the universe has infinite variation and you're using one variation (however common) to invalidate all the others. I'm guessing you're of the one valid variation. Convenient.


    I am fine when it comes to adding more representation for gay/bi-sexaual characters. It doesn't bother me at all. What bothers me is when a movie, show or other medium feels it is needed to add every single type of orientation/race/etc to the story.

    A show I tried to watch years ago reminds me of this. It was called Sense8 and I remember early on they were establishing all of these characters, everyone different in their own way. One character was gay, another trans, another muslim or something and it had other sexual orientations in the mix. What I'm trying to say, is that it just felt unrealistic, like everyone was picked because of their difference. I never finished the show though, so I can't judge on where it went.

    But I look at it that way, because I felt it was odd they had to include every type of person in this show to appease someone. Just took me out of the show if anything.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    But I look at it that way, because I felt it was odd they had to include every type of person in this show to appease someone. Just took me out of the show if anything.
    I know that show you're talking about and including every type of person was the entire point of the show. They put so many "different" people in there to show there was no real difference, that they were superficial. It was a decent show in that respect, using our differences to illustrate to us our sameness.

    Deleted member 884

    I understand, all that you have said is totally logical if you regard yourself as nothing more than the physical form that appears before your physical form.

    But if you investigate that: "I am thinking, my thoughts are not physical" it becomes apparent that there is a nonphysical component to reality. You're right, it's not rocket science. Where then, is the law that says the nonphysical must conform to the physical?

    You allude to the idea that people that are not procreating contribute nothing to society, though I don't believe you actually believed that but rather it encompasses your feelings about certain people/activities of which you disapprove. I think it's fine that you disapprove, but you're conflating your approval/disapproval with what should/should not be and justifying it using a single data point out of infinity. Meaning, EVERYTHING in the universe has infinite variation and you're using one variation (however common) to invalidate all the others. I'm guessing you're of the one valid variation. Convenient.
    I don’t disapprove and I meant it. Literally useless. Alone, human existence would end. Yes, I do actually mean everything I said. The disapproval comes from within not without. Projection.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    I don’t disapprove and I meant it. Literally useless. Alone, human existence would end. Yes, I do actually mean everything I said. The disapproval comes from within not without. Projection.
    You're familiar with projection. Maybe you believe I'm doing it, maybe in some ways I am.

    I see that you are clinging to many uninvestigated assumptions. I see it because I do it.

    Yes, without procreation, human existence would end. But you are assuming with 0 evidence that TV and/or a LGBT pressure campaign could actually make that happen. With that belief, how could you not disapprove?

    Deleted member 884

    Listen, here’s the thing. I understand that truth is hard to accept so you’ll just say anything that maybe sounds thought provoking. There are natural processes gifted to us from the most high for human survival…. A flower needs certain things to grow from seed, condensation is a natural phenomenon that occurs within certain conditions… I could go on and on about how just because white people experiment on any and everything (especially Black people: Anatomy of a Negro, Black in Antiquity, etc) to pretend that they have answers that we should cling to, doesn’t mean the truth isnt more evident by watching and observing the most high. I have no desire to twist this conversation around to adapt to your comfort level. When you can look at nature and see that we are wonderfully made to live and bear fruit, then perhaps you’ll be less confused about what I’m saying. I don’t care to make up ideas or dedicate my thoughts to lies. Seems to me like we’ve been told so me lies by the enemy that eventually we become weary and want to do the easiest thing, which is just give up truth and adopt bullshit…. I do not “disapprove” of people’s CHOICE to live in perversion or in a lie…. They can do as they will…. Doesn’t mean others have yo value it. FURTHERMORE, I find it DISGUSTING that they encourage this type of abuse and even celebrate this perversion in OUR community when many homosexuals are suffering in this false reality created for them.

    I have no intention on responding again, because I will not help you feel good about reducing and destroying Black lives. This is our planet and we BELONG here.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    Listen, here’s the thing. I understand that truth is hard to accept so you’ll just say anything that maybe sounds thought provoking. There are natural processes gifted to us from the most high for human survival…. A flower needs certain things to grow from seed, condensation is a natural phenomenon that occurs within certain conditions… I could go on and on about how just because white people experiment on any and everything (especially Black people: Anatomy of a Negro, Black in Antiquity, etc) to pretend that they have answers that we should cling to, doesn’t mean the truth isnt more evident by watching and observing the most high. I have no desire to twist this conversation around to adapt to your comfort level. When you can look at nature and see that we are wonderfully made to live and bear fruit, then perhaps you’ll be less confused about what I’m saying. I don’t care to make up ideas or dedicate my thoughts to lies. Seems to me like we’ve been told so me lies by the enemy that eventually we become weary and want to do the easiest thing, which is just give up truth and adopt bullshit…. I do not “disapprove” of people’s CHOICE to live in perversion or in a lie…. They can do as they will…. Doesn’t mean others have yo value it. FURTHERMORE, I find it DISGUSTING that they encourage this type of abuse and even celebrate this perversion in OUR community when many homosexuals are suffering in this false reality created for them.

    I have no intention on responding again, because I will not help you feel good about reducing and destroying Black lives. This is our planet and we BELONG here.
    I don't disagree with how biology works. I am merely pointing you to deeper questions and revelations. Your prospective, we are here solely to procreate indefinitely for no reason, is a very grim, dead end prospective of creation that causes you all types of suffering and disgust with reality. Luckily, it isn't true.

    The most high created something much more deep, profound and purposeful than merely perpetual physical procreation.

    Of course you don't have to entertain my questions or thoughts. Everyone gets there in their own time. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what I say nor if you take it seriously. The creator has put us in a NO-LOSE situation. Eventually, everyone sees the Truth (capital T) behind the physical (lowercase t) without fail.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    My dad said something that was simple yet profound. I never thought of it like this.

    I can't remember how we got on the topic but he goes :

    " You know, the only reason this LGBT stuff is happening to this extent is down to prosperity. Do you think men and women would be openly gay and proud if the country was in a third-world state? No, they would be focusing on survival and reproduction. Even the poor people in America have luxuries you would never find in another country like free access to clean water. You just walk into a Mc'ds and get yourself a cup and use their bathroom. You take all these modern luxuries people take for granted away and the LGBT people are the first to be forgotten."
    That is definitely a poignant point. I agree. The more secure human beings are, the more freedom they enjoy, the higher consciousness has the potential to rise. LGBT people may be the 1st to be forgotten (driven underground, persecuted, killed, etc.) but they won't be alone. So because the idea they should be free is the same that says other groups should also be free.

    Give power the free pass to abuse an undesired group, it won't stop there. It never has. Black people, we're focused on ourselves as is most advantageous for us and everyone really because we are not the only ones that suffer effects of our oppression.

    The Creator's Universe is perfect, no one suffers alone. Of course, the inverse is also true.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    That is definitely a poignant point. I agree. The more secure human beings are, the more freedom they enjoy, the higher consciousness has the potential to rise. LGBT people may be the 1st to be forgotten (driven underground, persecuted, killed, etc.) but they won't be alone. So because the idea they should be free is the same that says other groups should also be free.

    Give power the free pass to abuse an undesired group, it won't stop there. It never has. Black people, we're focused on ourselves as is most advantageous for us and everyone really because we are not the only ones that suffer effects of our oppression.

    The Creator's Universe is perfect, no one suffers alone. Of course, the inverse is also true.
    Solid words. It is just crazy how much things can change in the blink of an eye. I think LGBT people should be accepted as people like everyone else but it has gotten to the point where we are to view them as BETTER than everyone else. It has become trendy to have some sort of LGBT "+" identity within our youth and this mindset is hindering them. Pronouns don't mean shit in the real world.


    Royal Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Stone Mountain, GA
    Solid words. It is just crazy how much things can change in the blink of an eye. I think LGBT people should be accepted as people like everyone else but it has gotten to the point where we are to view them as BETTER than everyone else. It has become trendy to have some sort of LGBT "+" identity within our youth and this mindset is hindering them. Pronouns don't mean shit in the real world.
    Be who you are & we'll be who we are. Don't try to force your lifestyle on us & vice versa. I LOVE OUR BLACK ALPHA MALES, PERIOD! ❤️🤴🏾🤴🏿❤️


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    Solid words. It is just crazy how much things can change in the blink of an eye. I think LGBT people should be accepted as people like everyone else but it has gotten to the point where we are to view them as BETTER than everyone else. It has become trendy to have some sort of LGBT "+" identity within our youth and this mindset is hindering them. Pronouns don't mean shit in the real world.
    Yes and I would add it's deeper than they "should be." The Creator's Universe is perfect in so many ways. It "built in" to us the necessity of perfect equality and acceptance in that, what you do to the other, you do to yourself. Meaning, in this case, full acceptance of LGBT people is the only way one can achieve full acceptance of self and have unshakable, unchanging, inner peace leading to the most inner/outer power.

    That is hard for people though, it's hard to accept EVERYTHING without judgment because judgment is habitual. We've learned to think we need it to keep ourselves positively aligned, but it actually just keeps us, distracted, "weaker", in suffering AND we don't need it to stay on the "straight and narrow."

    If we don't accept people we see "out there" we can be 100% certain there is something we don't accept about ourselves (and vice versa).

    I would further argue that it is the white collective's judgment of self that is partly causing what you describe as people having to "view them (LGBT) as better than everyone else" as well as "cancel culture" and such. They are overcompensating for the judgment and guilt of the past/present, probably most notably, regarding us.

    Interestingly, they can't overcompensate with Reparations because it, more than LGBT, appears to threaten their survival. We're worried about LGBT, they ain't. Because they know it's not a threat, but we think it is so they use it to destabilize us, distracting us from the thing they see as an actual threat: Reparations. Literally the same play they play on black people worldwide.

    We are a nation within a nation. I believe the white collective's consciousness is higher than the Black collective's (the reason we see LGBT as a threat but they don't) simply because we're at war, unstable and they aren't.

    I've noticed spiritual seekers (NOT religious) are disproportionately white. Spiritual seeking is a sign of a higher/rising consciousness and by divine design, they are mostly white.

    This is how perfect creation is: the higher the white collective consciousness goes, the more they will desire relinquishing Reparations. So, the reason they have a higher consciousness is the oppression of Blacks, but the higher their consciousness goes, the less tolerant of black oppression they'll become. Embedded within us is a built-in failsafe. The Creator's Universe is perfect!


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    Don't try to force your lifestyle on us & vice versa.
    The vice versa is not so easy. The reason one may think LGBT is a "lifestyle" being forced upon them is simply because it's everywhere (see the title of this thread). No one can claim the heterosexual "lifestyle" isn't everywhere even more so than LGBT.

    So if the standard of a "lifestyle" being forced is whether or not it is "everywhere," heterosexuals literally can't not force their "lifestyle" on LGBT.

    Of course, that is different if we are using a double standard.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    Yes and I would add it's deeper than they "should be." The Creator's Universe is perfect in so many ways. It "built in" to us the necessity of perfect equality and acceptance in that, what you do to the other, you do to yourself. Meaning, in this case, full acceptance of LGBT people is the only way one can achieve full acceptance of self and have unshakable, unchanging, inner peace leading to the most inner/outer power.

    That is hard for people though, it's hard to accept EVERYTHING without judgment because judgment is habitual. We've learned to think we need it to keep ourselves positively aligned, but it actually just keeps us, distracted, "weaker", in suffering AND we don't need it to stay on the "straight and narrow."

    If we don't accept people we see "out there" we can be 100% certain there is something we don't accept about ourselves (and vice versa).

    I would further argue that it is the white collective's judgment of self that is partly causing what you describe as people having to "view them (LGBT) as better than everyone else" as well as "cancel culture" and such. They are overcompensating for the judgment and guilt of the past/present, probably most notably, regarding us.

    Interestingly, they can't overcompensate with Reparations because it, more than LGBT, appears to threaten their survival. We're worried about LGBT, they ain't. Because they know it's not a threat, but we think it is so they use it to destabilize us, distracting us from the thing they see as an actual threat: Reparations. Literally the same play they play on black people worldwide.

    We are a nation within a nation. I believe the white collective's consciousness is higher than the Black collective's (the reason we see LGBT as a threat but they don't) simply because we're at war, unstable and they aren't.

    I've noticed spiritual seekers (NOT religious) are disproportionately white. Spiritual seeking is a sign of a higher/rising consciousness and by divine design, they are mostly white.

    This is how perfect creation is: the higher the white collective consciousness goes, the more they will desire relinquishing Reparations. So, the reason they have a higher consciousness is the oppression of Blacks, but the higher their consciousness goes, the less tolerant of black oppression they'll become. Embedded within us is a built-in failsafe. The Creator's Universe is perfect!

    My dad always says these people seek out complete acceptance because they know, deep down something about them isn't right. He is not homophobic but he is not afraid to say stuff like this either. His one friend is a gay man and he says it like it is. He tells him you can be gay or whatever and I won't judge you cause it is not my place but you can't force me to accept and be proud of your sexuality with you. Not all gay folks care about this stuff. They just want to live their lives but the ones that do, they have some deep convictions in them.

    I think the main reason reparations have not happened yet is down to people not feeling like they should pay for the sins of the past and I understand that... However, black people were promised land for their hardships and it never happened. I feel like if we were to get on the same page and take money from the taxation of billionaires as reparations, everyone would agree to that. They have excess wealth and our government does jackshit with those taxes. At least start paying back your debts owed to your own citizens!


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    My dad always says these people seek out complete acceptance because they know, deep down something about them isn't right. He is not homophobic but he is not afraid to say stuff like this either. His one friend is a gay man and he says it like it is. He tells him you can be gay or whatever and I won't judge you cause it is not my place but you can't force me to accept and be proud of your sexuality with you. Not all gay folks care about this stuff. They just want to live their lives but the ones that do, they have some deep convictions in them.

    I think the main reason reparations have not happened yet is down to people not feeling like they should pay for the sins of the past and I understand that... However, black people were promised land for their hardships and it never happened. I feel like if we were to get on the same page and take money from the taxation of billionaires as reparations, everyone would agree to that. They have excess wealth and our government does jackshit with those taxes. At least start paying back your debts owed to your own citizens!
    Your dad makes very valid points. I Again, would like to add to them.

    I know from personal experience that at some point, many gay people feel something about them isn't right. But that comes with the territory of being different. They look around and see most people aren't like them and have to stomach being told by their friends, family and strangers that they are intrinsically unnatural, that they shouldn't exist so they feel something is wrong. Who wouldn't? It would just be easier if they were straight like "everybody" else.

    Gay people generally don't feel there's something intrinsically wrong with them (beyond the "black sheep" factor) without straight people conditioning the idea into them. Like generally, black people in slavery knew they were equally as human as whites and if they didn't, it was because white people conditioned them to believe otherwise.

    (I know black people don't like it when gays "compare" the relational structure of black and white with gay and straight for many good reasons and some bad ones, but it is advantageous to understanding for us to be able to discern between Content and Structure. In the conflation of the 2 is were misunderstandings and deceptions lie.)

    Of course, there are some gays who are good at ignoring BS from straits, but others aren't. Those are the ones who fight the hardest or not at all and just kill themselves, directly or indirectly. If they fight, they fight for themselves AND your (general, "your") children. Who better to fight for a LGBT child than an LGBT adult?

    I totally get "you can't force me to accept and be proud of your sexuality with you" but there is another side to that. Pride is held because being gay in a straight world is a threat to self esteem at best, a threat to your life at worst because if straits really don't accept you, they just kill you because they think you are a threat to their life.

    You see the vicious conundrum here: gay people push acceptance because they don't want to be killed by straight people and straight people don't want to accept them because they don't want to be "un-bread" out of existence by gay people. It's really because both sides don't listen to the other. If both sides took the other side's experience (not belief) as truth, there would be no problem.

    Everybody is reacting rationally from their perspective, but from the other's perspective, it looks irrational. NO ONE sees the full picture (but God) but everybody thinks they do. People don't like to think the other side might actually have a piece of the puzzle.

    I think you are correct on your withholding of Reparations reasoning. Like with the previous subject, it's people looking at something from one angle (usually the one most convenient for them) and thinking that's all there is to it. We all do this.

    Yeah, it is understandable that white people don't feel they should have to pay for the sins of the past, but do they feel black people should have to pay for those sins? Because without Reparations, that's EXACTLY what's happening.


    Sixer First Class+
    It's backfiring now. The one group they brow beat to death about it is black men. Two things happened in the last few years that has turned the corner.

    1. Tariq Nasheed's 'Buck Breaking'. Gays couldn't cancel it. It sold very, very well on Amazon despite Amazon trying to kill it with not having it appear on their top searches by name.

    2. Dave Chapelle. They tried to cancel him on his special and couldn't.

    They overstepped and I predict it will become bigger and bigger in the black community to be vocal against it being pushed on us.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    You know what needs to happen, gay people and trans people who are sick of all this nonsense need to just walk away from the LGBT all together. They no longer represent a healthy lifestyle, they are going out of their way to target children, they are openly targeting black people... It is likely filled to the brim with racism and there is WAY too much pedo behavior.


    Half Black
    Be who you are & we'll be who we are. Don't try to force your lifestyle on us & vice versa. I LOVE OUR BLACK ALPHA MALES, PERIOD! ❤️🤴🏾🤴🏿❤️
    It's why when I see some black people trying to bleach their skin especially our male, I keep wondering what's wrong with them because we are perfect with our skin colour. Why do you want to look like those people who are the source of our problems?


    Royal Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Stone Mountain, GA
    It's why when I see some black people trying to bleach their skin especially our male, I keep wondering what's wrong with them because we are perfect with our skin colour. Why do you want to look like those people who are the source of our problems?
    God made us perfectly. Our hair, skin, bodies, etc. We don't need fake anything, brightening cream, liposuction, etc. Take care of ALL the gifts God gave you, period!
    #WeAreTheChosenPeople 🤴🏾👸🏽


    Latin America
    They LIE because they know society won't accept them because what they indulge in is repugnant and ungodly! If it was SOOOO flippin normal why do they need to force it on society?!! You're born BLACK but CHOOSE to be gay!
    They are just trying to get the whole world backing them and it's why they have decided to push their nonsense down our throat but it's not going to work with me no matter how much they tried.