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Your views on abortion, for or against it?

The abortion debate is waging more and more these days, as I hear politicians are trying to overturn roe v wade. which made it legal to get an abortion in the US. What is your opinion on abortion? Do you find it morally wrong? Or do you feel a woman should have the choice to abort a fetus if she wants to?

I guess politicians right now are trying to make it illegal to abort a fetus 15 weeks and older, so you would need to get an abortion before that point, otherwise you'll be forced to carry the child till birth.

In all honesty. I am for abortion rights for women. I think they should be allowed to abort a fetus if they want to. It's their body, and their choice. I think at a certain point though, you shouldn't be able to abort a child. Like when you're full on showing and ready to pop. But other than that, I think a woman should be able to abort without issue.

But, what are your views on this?

Think Tom Brady wins yet another Super Bowl next season?

Dude, when is it going to end? I didn't see Tom Brady bringing the Buccs to the Superbowl last season, but he did. It's crazy to see this dude winning so many. Anyway, do you think he and his Buccaneers can win another? Honestly I hope not, because I'm tired of Brady winning them all. Lets get some younger QBs out there.

It just seems like he wants more superbowl wins, and I just want a break from the guy. What about you?

Do you ever face trouble because of tattoos?

I have some tattoos and I fear that if I show them off, it will be tougher for me to find work. Have you had any issues because of your tattoos? I want to get a sleeve on both arms, but I worry if I ever work an office job, they will not allow me to show them off at all.

I figure, as long as my tattoos on my arms and any visible areas is SFW, but anything under the clothes can of course be NSFW. :D

What are your favorite sports video games? Can include arcade or simulation or other

What do you guys consider to be your favorite sports games? I have a fond place for NBA Jam, I grew up playing the game. Plus the likes of NBA Street, NFL Street, NFL Blitz. Those games are classics. Sad to see EA not doing anything either IP. :(

As for my favorite of all time, it'd have to be ESPN NFL 2K5 on the PS2 and Xbox. It's so good, that I think it destroys current Madden NFL in gameplay, presentation and everything else. It's sad how far Madden NFL has fallen. I also really enjoyed ESPN NBA 2K5, at the time, and would consider it to be one of my favorite basketball games.

What are some of your favorite sports games?

Wigs, Weave, Natural - What is your preference?

You can answer this as a guy or gal but I want input from the ladies specifically.

When it comes to your own hair, what preference do you have? I know a lot of ladies who rock wigs and I get it. It is convenient and cheaper than having to get your hair done all the time. I have a few myself that I used to wear a lot. I have gotten weave done a few times and just didn't like what it was doing to my natural hair. It was falling out and thinning on the edges so I stopped. I decided to go natural a few years ago. I cleaned up my diet and working on my haircare routine and I am happy to say I can get some good length now! So for me, I like being natural.

Acrylics/Fake Nails - Classy or Trashy?

My opinion on fake nails is mixed. I feel like they can look nice and really add a nice feminine touch to a woman's style but some of the nails I see women rocking are just awful. Like when you get them done and have them longer than a certain length, it just screams "trashy" to me. I have had mine done and I do enjoy it but I don't go overboard with it. This is a case where less is more and if you get more, it just looks terrible. It doesn't help I got an RN degree and know about the germs those long nails harbor either.

This looks nice:

nails 2.jpg

I want the opinions of both men and women here though. Like do you think they are classy or trashy?

Do you 'move in silence?'

By moving in silence I mean keep your goals and moves to yourself until they're done or set in stone. I was reading something that said it was important for women to do this because announcing your goals can sometimes put a target on your back and you'll have people trying to tear you down. I think this applies to any POC though, you never know who's waiting for you to slip up so they can knock you down. So do you keep your goals to yourself or do you announce them?

Is boxing more popular than ever?

Sadly I hate to say it, but it seems like the Jake and Logan Paul has brought boxing back. Before them, it wasn't doing much of anything. Yeah we had Mayweather vs McGregor, but I feel like ever since these annoying Paul brothers came to the picture, boxing has gained so much popularity.

I hate these guys, but I gotta admit, without them, I feel like boxing wouldn't be this mainstream like it used to be.

But, I think it's also because people want to see these guys knocked out, and I think that's partly fueling the popularity these days.

Do you think Boxing is back? Or is it just a quick comeback before it's forgotten again?

Should everyone start wearing their own body cams?

Now that a lot of areas requires cops to wear body cams, it made me wonder if we should also wear a camera on us as well? I figure with how some cops can be sneaky, they could easily turn off a camera and do their worst as they are known to do sometimes.

But, what if we start to wear body cams as well, just as an added bit of protection? Having our phones is one thing, but we can always hid a hidden camera on us to better protect us from the lies cops may spew. I've been thinking of buying sunglasses that also work as a camera. I want to use it for vlogging, but I may use it to capture any wrongdoing cops may do if I'm in the area.

Dude, they should bring back American Gladiators

You guys remember this show? It's a competitive show where a general nobody would take on these buffed up dudes and women. If you can get past them or best them, you win. I remember watching the show growing up and how cool it would be to try the courses and challenges myself.

Who here remembers this show? Do you think you could have competed? They had this big black dude on the show and I remember always wanting to get as buff as him.

Beyonce has just turned 40 and I feel old

Our one and only queen Beyonce has turned 40 years old and it doesn't feel right. I feel so old, and yet one of the women I had a massive crush on growing up, is getting old too. But damn, she is still one hell of a gorgeous woman.
happy queen b GIF

Here's to 40 more years and longer. May you live forever! :D Happy birthday to Beyonce! :)

I think Idris Elba would make an awesome James Bond

I remember hearing the news of people showing interest in Idris Elba playing the new James Bond. I don't think he'll end up being a black James Bond, I think he'll have his own story to tell, with his own name and code word like 007. Maybe he can be the new 007 but will have a different name of course.

Idk, what do you guys think? Would you like to see Idris Elba take on the role next? Or will it go to some other white british dude?

Gender Bias In Medicine

I heard a statement made the other day that was along the lines of "doctors are to black women as police are to black men" and the comments on it were really eye opening. So many stories of women who struggled to get their doctors to listen to them and some had even lost family members due to not being listened to. I think it starts to create a really big problem where black women feel so worried about being brushed off by the doctor that they don't go at all. I also know that a lot of research isn't being done on how disease presents itself in black women. I feel like all of this is a silent killer that no one talks about. What do you think about it? Have you girls ever had any bad experiences?

Whats this declassification of Sept. 11 about?

I heard about this, someone I know brought it up. Does this mean we are going to finally get more information about what happened that day? And why wait 20 years? That seems a bit odd to me. I don't know man. This whole thing never sat right with me and I know I am not alone. Something fishy was going on that day and the days leading up to it. I doubt we will ever get the full truth of it. Probably just some spun-out story to give the US more of a reason to do stuff overseas and continue this so called war while Americans suffer.

Ladies, do you keep anything in your purse for self defense?

Awhile back, some girls around here got attacked so I decided to keep a few things on me just in case. I have a pepper spray and one of those key chain alarms along with a few other things that I keep in my car. I also always make sure someone knows where I am if I ever go out alone. I feel like you can never be too careful these days!

I blame hood rats w/money

I am just going to say it like it is... People like Cardi B are nothing but hood rats with money. They make us women look bad and give dudes some kind of false perception of how women should be and act, especially in a relationship. Since this behavior went mainstream in music, I noticed a growing issue with valuable black men not only casting away black women but actually dating and marrying white women. Some will go for Asian or Hispanic women but they show some kind of distaste for black women, as if these hoes represent all of us. I am sick of being labeled as undatable or "not marriage material" because of them. I know a lot of black women will follow this behavior and act like this but that doesn't mean we are all like that. You don't see this with any other race either. You don't just assume all white girls are drinking Starbucks. Like damn.

Do you have any dating horror stories?

My worst experience isn't so much a date but after the date. The days after he constantly texted me all day, asking where I was and what I was doing. He got more and more aggressive in how he was asking and it felt like he just wanted someone he could possess rather than get to know and date. I ended up blocking him but it started getting really worrying after awhile.

When you play sports, are you very competitive or chill?

I like to be chill when it comes to playing any sports. Whether it be baseball, basketball, or some other sport, I try not to get too competitive. I don't like getting into arguments anymore, and it usually just results in fights breaking out.

So if you're someone whois very serious about playing and winning, then I probably won't play with you. I like to be chill while playing.

I used to be competitive, but that was when I thought I was great. Nowadays people I play with, are often way better and skilled than me.

Drake's Certified Lover Boy any good? Worth the buy?

So Drake's newest album dropped today I believe and it's titled Certified Lover Boy. It has a pretty plain cover, but that doesn't really matter. How are the songs so far? I'm going to check out Spotify to see if it's available. I've been hearing some good things about it so far. Here's the full tracklist:

1. Champagne Poetry
2. Papi’s Home
3. Girls Want Girls ft. Lil Baby
4. In the Bible ft. Lil Durk & Giveon
5. Love All ft. Jay-Z
6. Fair Trade ft. Travis Scott
7. Way 2 Sexy ft. Future & Young Thug
8. TSU
9. N 2 Deep ft. Future
10. Pipe Down
11. Yebba’s Heartbreak
12. No Friends in the Industry
13. Knife Talk ft. 21 Savage & Project Pat
14. 7am on Bridle Path
15. Race My Mind
16. Fountains ft. Tems
17. Get Along Better ft. Ty Dolla $ign
18. You Only Live Twice ft. Rick Ross & Lil Wayne
19. IMY2 ft. Kid Cudi
20. Fucking Fans
21. The Remorse


Met any famous sports stars in your life? And any you want to meet?

Have you met any sports stars in your lifetime? I walked by Shaq once when I went to a store in LA many, many years ago. He was in a hurry so I didn't get to say anything to him.

I'd love to meet LaDainian Tomlinson. I was a huge fan of his growing up, so meeting him would be awesome! But I would also love to meet Mike Tyson, Tom Brady, Calvin Johnson, Rob Gronkowski, Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Kobe (RIP), and more. What are some sports stars you'd love to meet? Or who are the stars you already met?

Play any sports in school back in the day?

Back in the day I balled hard, playing basketball the most. I thought I could have been an NBA prospect one day, but nah, that wasn't going to happen. My left knee was badly damaged in a car accident after high school, so my career there was never going to go forward. Even though I don't think I would have made it on a college team even without the injury.

Anyway, I also played some football in high school, but didn't stick with it as I got a really bad concussion once and it put me off of any contact sports again. Basketball is something I still enjoy, even though my skills have went down since. It's all about fun for me these days.

How do you think people should present themselves in public?

In terms of clothing, how do you think both men and women should dress when in public?

I always felt like you could have different options according to where you are or what you are doing but you never want to dress in a way that you would feel uncomfortable walking into a church (or making others uncomfortable). Does that make sense? Some people will say you should dress for success 24/7. I don't think you need to walk around in a suit all the time as a man or in a conservative dress as a woman, but you should be tasteful in public.

Thoughts on this?
