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Do you have a creative outlet?

I was reading about this the other day. How having a creative outlet could help you better cope with stress and all that. It got me to thinking about what I do. It has been a while but I used to draw a lot. I actually wanted to get into illustration and do comics years ago but I never did it. I might get back into it again. Drawing more and see what I come up with. Worst case, I should be able to destress from the messes in the world and relax more.

Do you have a creative outlet?

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he will ban foreign home buyers for 2 years if he gets re-elected

This is great news for Canadians if it happens. We need this badly in the USA, property values are through the roof in the major metropolitan areas.


  • Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged Tuesday to ban foreign home buyers for two years if he is re-elected.
  • Housing affordability has become a key issue in Canada's upcoming national election, as the COVID-19 pandemic drove up property prices in the country.
  • Housing prices peaked in March this year, with an average home costing CA$716,000 ($568,000) — a 31.6% increase year over year.

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged Tuesday to ban foreign home buyers for two years if re-elected, reported CBC.

Housing affordability has become a key part of Canada's upcoming national election on September 20, as the COVID-19 pandemic drove up property prices in the country.

Housing prices peaked in March this year, with an average home costing $716,000 Canadian ($568,000) — a 31.6% increase year over year, according to the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA).

Prices have tapered since then, with the average house price coming in at CA$662,000 ($525,200) in July. But that is still 22% higher compared to last year, according to CREA.

13 Year Old Becomes Youngest Student on Georgia Teach Campus


Most colleges have a “Big Man On Campus,” typically the football star who gets all the attention.

It’s a little different at Georgia Tech this fall semester. Much of the focus is on 13-year-old Caleb Anderson, who began his first day of classes Monday as a full-time student, where he’s studying aerospace engineering. Anderson, a lanky lad who said he had a recent growth spurt to 5 feet, 4 inches, became a teenager just two weeks ago.

Anderson took an Integral Calculus class and Chemistry II and then sat for several rounds of interviews with curious reporters eager to find out what it’s like for him to be at Georgia Tech, which is consistently ranked as one of the nation’s top public universities.

“It really feels like home to me,” Anderson told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


Georgia Tech officials are unsure if Anderson is the youngest student ever, but he’s certainly one of the youngest in recent memory. Young students like Anderson are rare, but not entirely unique, on college campuses in Georgia. Martin Luther King Jr. was 15 when he enrolled at nearby Morehouse College. More recently, Sydney Wilson drew some acclaim when she enrolled at Spelman College two years ago at the age of 14.

Anderson raced through advanced classes at the now-closed Shreiner Academy when he was a toddler. An IQ test cemented that he was profoundly smart. Anderson, from Marietta, enrolled at Chattahoochee Technical College two years ago, saying he needed a tougher academic challenge than the private schools he attended.

Anderson expressed his desire to attend Georgia Tech last year, drawing immediate interest from its president, Ángel Cabrera. He w
as interested in the school because it’s close to home (his two younger siblings didn’t want him to leave the Atlanta area) and he believes in the aerospace program.

Administrators saw his potential, although Anderson hasn’t taken the SAT. Georgia Tech, which is part of the University System of Georgia, waived its test score requirements for fall 2021 admission due to uncertainty about the scheduling of SAT/ACT testing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One challenge that faced Anderson was financial. He was too young to receive any of the state’s merit-based educational scholarships, his family explained. Comedian and radio/television personality Steve Harvey offered to help pay for his education, which he’s done through his foundation. Anderson, who met Harvey, said he’s “grateful for everything he’s done for me.”

Anderson is a commuter student. His parents are driving him to campus, about a 30-minute commute. Georgia Tech has set aside space on campus for his father, Kobi, to work while his son takes classes. Anderson will be bringing lunch from home.


Anderson is taking 12 credits this semester. He’s carrying over credits from Chattahoochee Tech and hopes to earn his bachelor’s degree in two to three years. He wants to get his master’s degree at Georgia Tech and then his doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His long-term goal, by adulthood, is to work for SpaceX or start his own company. Anderson wants to provide similar educational opportunities for young people like himself.

Georgia Tech’s youngest student was surprised — and a little nervous because of the COVID-19 pandemic — by the size of one class, which was more than 100 students. Anderson said he has interest in a couple of clubs on campus and getting back into fencing.

The school has arranged for two students in the aerospace engineering program to mentor Anderson. He believes mentors, along with parental support, are critical for anyone his age considering a similar academic path.

“There is no way you can do this on your own,” he said

Spike Lee does not believe the official 9/11 report: ‘I got questions’

I want to state that the following article is rather biased but it does not take away from the fact that Spike Lee does not believe the official story.

Spike Lee is living up to his outspoken reputation again. The controversial filmmaker is dropping bombshell statements about 9/11 conspiracy theories while on the promotion trail for his new HBO documentary series, “New York Epicenters: 9/11-2021½.”

The “Do the Right Thing” director has admitted that he doesn’t buy into “official explanations” of the terrorist attacks that devastated the world on September 11, 2001, while speaking with the New York Times on Monday.

In addition to the usual talking heads — Mayor Bill de Blasio, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sen. Chuck Schumer, front-line workers — the Oscar-winning filmmaker’s new four-part docu-series also features full-blown conspiracy theorists who perpetuate the notorious notion that jet fuel can’t melt metal beams.

Lee said he’s just fine with that: “I mean, I got questions — and I hope that maybe the legacy of this documentary is that Congress holds a hearing, a congressional hearing about 9/11.”

The incendiary remarks started when Times reporter Reggie Ugwu called Lee out for featuring several members of the conspiracy group Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth in his series, as its members have infamously suggested that government officials were somehow involved in the World Trade Center collapse.

“The amount of heat that it takes to make steel melt, that temperature’s not reached,” Lee said. “And then the juxtaposition of the way Building 7 fell to the ground — when you put it next to other building collapses that were demolitions, it’s like you’re looking at the same thing.”

He continued, “But people going to make up their own mind. My approach is put the information in the movie and let people decide for themselves. I respect the intelligence of the audience.”

Ugwu also confronted Lee about why he encourages the public to question the official findings on 9/11 — but chooses not to tout conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines or voting fraud during the 2020 election.

Lee was characteristically blunt in his refusal to make excuses for any perceived hypocrisies in his public stances.

“People are going to think what they think, regardless. I’m not dancing around your question. People are going to think what they think,” he said. “People have called me a racist for ‘Do the Right Thing.’ People said in ‘Mo’ Better Blues’ I was anti-Semitic. ‘She’s Gotta Have It,’ that was misogynist. People are going to just think what they think. And you know what? I’m still here, going on four decades of filmmaking.”

Lee has not responded to The Post’s request for comment about his new project

Update: Fort Jackson Soldier Found Guilty Of Assault For Shoving Young Black Man

Remember this D-Bag? Well they hit him with charges. I think he got off a bit light but this plus the pull up he got at least let him know what the vibes are going forward.

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CNN)The Fort Jackson soldier seen pushing and threatening a young Black man in a viral video in April was found guilty of third-degree assault and battery on Monday, according to the Richland County, South Carolina, magistrate.

In April, Jonathan Pentland, a sergeant first class, was suspended of his Army instructor duties after a video showed him shoving the young man, using profanity and saying he was "in the wrong neighborhood."

A judge ordered Pentland to pay a $1,087 fine or spend 30 days in jail for the misdemeanor charge, court records show.
An attorney for Pentland said he is looking into challenging the decision.

Read more…

I got the second shot of Pfizer today my arm hurts like hell

So I got the shot around 1PM today and it didn’t hurt, I didn’t feel anything but 7 hours later my arm hurts like hell. My arm feels like the day after spending a week off work with a $1000 gift card to only fans. But no sickness, no fever, or anything right now, I feel fine. I called off work tomorrow, I‘ma try to milk two days off work from this.

Anyone else get the second shot? If so, how did it go?

Public transportation sucks!

It has been a while since I had to take the bus but my car recently had some issues and I had to get to work. The state of the buses in my area are a joke. They look all worn out and people on them, I don't know man they just act as they have never been around people in public before. This one older dude was basically shoving his whole fist up his nose just picking away at it. Another person, I think it was a woman, was just itching her scalp and biting her nails the whole time. Some of the people had masks, most of them didn't. I am glad I had sanitizer on me.

How is public transportation around you? I know it can't be this bad everywhere. I know it certainly wasn't like this when I was growing up!

You think the mental health crisis will ever be addressed?

I see so many struggles with families, it is insane. From depression to anxiety, even cases of bipolar and schizophrenia are on the rise. Then you have medical mental decline in dementia and Alzymer's. That is projected to go up 50% by 2050. Those are some scary high numbers! Seems like no one wants to talk about this stuff though nor do anything about it.

If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you'd do?

I dream all the time of winning the lottery, but I don't think I would ever, even if I play it every single day, the chance of me winning is so low. But, there is always that chance that I could win. If you happened to win the lottery, what is the first thing you'd do?

I know for a fact I'd buy myself a new house a decent car, some new clothes, and of course some new toys like video game consoles and games, maybe some tech stuff. Just about everything really. :D

I might invest some into other opportunities, and I think I would also donate a lot of it to charity and to special causes. What about you though? What are some things you'd do with your lottery winnings?

Streamers are dealing with bots posting racist/offensive things on Twitch

Did you all hear about this recently? Supposedly a lot of creators on Twitch, most being people of color and I believe they're also targeting the LGBT community. Basically what happens, is that people will be streaming, and a mass of messages will pop-up saying racial slurs, and homophobic remarks. Twitch is being called out for not taking care of this faster, and rightfully so, there's no excuse for this taking so long.

I've started to dislike twitch as of late because of how awful they run things. I hope they block out these bots soon, because people are being hurt by this big time. And it needs to stop.

Have you ever dated someone who turned out to be crazy?

Relationships can be messy and scary, but have you ever been in a relationship where your girlfriend or boyfriend was a pain to be with. Maybe they had a hot temper, or maybe they hit you/were abusive towards you. Or maybe they were just mentally not all there and were a threat to your life.

Have you ever had a really chaotic relationship? There was this one girl I dated around 10 years ago. She was awesome at first. Kind, humble, smart, and sexy as can be. But after she finished college and got a job working as in intern, she started to become a monster. She would put me down, call me every name in the book, hit me when she was really messed up and so on. I found out later that she wasn't interning at all, she was sleeping with her boss who was giving her money to do "stuff" and she went along with it. She ended up breaking up with me to date the dude.

I never understood what had happened. One minute she was the one, and then she just changed. Like she became a new person. We tried to get back together when she sobered up, but I started to see the signs again and called it there. I hear she's doing much better and I wish her all the best, but damn, I can't date her again. No way.

Have you ever had a relationship like that?

Cannabis legal where you live?

Here in Texas it's not legal to my understanding. You can get CBD oil and gummies, but I don't think you can get it legally otherwise. A friend of mine lives in Michigan and he is able to buy cannabis no problem. When do you think the whole US will legalize it? Would be even better if they legalized it federally, but we all know they won't do that anytime soon.

Have Y’all Ever Had Multiple Girlfriends At Once?

I’m not talking FWB’s or girls you aren’t serious with

I’m talking girls who legit think there the only one.

Right now, after being single during the pandemic; I hooked me a Puerto Rican girl as a gf. I made a thread about it on the Coli (no free promotion). After that I been hooking up with A Salvadorian girl & a Black girl & both pushed for committment since March so I gave in.

Now I just ended up with 3 girlfriends

And brehs let me tell you I forgot how easy this made my life back then

When one act up I just have the other come see me

I sell em a dream and I met all their parents

I haven’t done this since I was 19/20 when I had more free time (I’m 29 now) but now that I’m older it’s even easier than before

My lil cousin (20) got 7 WHOLE girlfriends as of now all different colors all different creeds

White bishes be the easiest to train not gon lie

#ToxicBoys #CityBoys we in the bulding

What is your love language?

Listen, a lot of people could save a lot of money if they knew their partner’s love language. You can connect with your partner more if you know how they like to be loved. You’re over there buying gifts when she might just need quality time. I’ll take a night indoors, phones down, talking or watching a movie with my partner before roses. What about you? Hear more about love languages here.



Anyone attend college here? Is it even worth it to attend?

I have not been interested in going to college for a while. My family tells me I should go, but I've seen too many friends and family go through student debt just to attend college, so I said no. Instead I have considering doing some form of online schooling, but not through a college. I want to instead invest into sites that will teach you and give you all the resources so you don't have to attend college for years just to major in one subject.

But yeah, no offense if you do go to college. I just don't want to get into any form of debt again, as my parents had it rough when they were in bad debt years ago. And I don't want to get stuck with student loans that will take me years to pay off.

Ideal companion as far as pets go?

Most people I know are dog people. I like dogs but only certain breeds and I am fussy with them. Like I tend to only like my own. I have a German Shepherd. A friend of mine breeds them so he sold me a pup a few years ago for half price. He is a good dog. I have actually been partial to cats believe it or not. I do have those as well. Three of them. All males. I always liked the big wild cats but you can't own them for obvious reasons or I'd have a tiger. lol

What do you prefer when it comes to pets?

What kind of phone do you have?

There are so many out there these days when it comes to smartphones. I have been back and forth over the years but I was someone who never wanted anything outside of Samsung for a while. I always got the Galaxy and got a new one every few years. I recently switched and went with an import brand. I bought a Xiaomi phone. Holy crap is the battery life so much better! It makes me wonder what the heck these other brands are doing wrong. I legit charge my phone every 3 or 4 days now whereas with the Galaxy, I was having to charge it every damn day.

Why are a lot of concerts for rap prominently white crowds?

I only became aware of this because someone made a meme about Jay Z concerts a while back and then I started looking and low and behold, so many of them are just a sea of white lol Like I am all for people enjoying the music no matter what color you are but it seems strange. I don't really go to concerts myself so I would have never known. Why do you think this is the case? Are there cases where artists attract more black crowds?

Ladies, If you could only have one out of a man, what would it be: Excitement or Consistency?

The question is pretty clear in the title and you have to pick one or the other; both is not acceptable.

Excitement - Never knowing what to expect, always something new, something novel, it can sometimes be good or bad. The goods can be super good e.g. all expense paid trip to the bahamas and as bad as you having to bail him out of jail because he was head of a drug ring, you never know.

Pros: Fun, exciting, no limits, never can be complacent.
Cons: Not consistent, you never gain stability, you never know where you stand with him, things change at the drop of a hat.

Consistency - You always know what to expect. He works, pays the bills, waters the lawn, takes care of the kids, makes love to you the same way every night, vacation once a year, doesn’t yell at you…Valentine’s, Halloween, Christmas Celebrations…everything Is the same every day.


Pros: You always know where you stand, you know the lights will be on, bills will be paid, kids will be fed.
Cons: Could lead to a boring life of monotony. You have security but could miss out on some once in a lifetime experiences due to lack of spontaneity.

@RedMoon @Harlemhottie @eclipsed @Caprice

Classic or modern gaming?

In terms of what you prefer in the realm of gaming, are you more of a person who enjoys classics from the '90s and early '00s or do you enjoy modern gaming? I feel like there are pros and cons for each one but I am starting to have a preference for classics these days. I mean I grew up with me and my friends huddled around the TV taking turns playing stuff for hours every weekend. So many fun memories.

Anyone here invest in Crypto? How long have you invested for?

I have been looking into cryptocurrency for a while now, and I honestly think it'd be a great way to make some extra money. I want to mine bitcoin for example, but I hear it's really tough to get into, and costs a lot due to having to have a really expensive PC that can mine. And if you want more, you would need to get more PCs.

But yeah, I want to invest more, but I worry that it would result in me just losing money.

Do you think we'll be made to wear masks forever?

The pandemic feels like it will never end, especially with the inclusion of the delta variant which has been wrecking more havoc all over the place. It's made me wonder, do you think masks will be required to be worn for the foreseeable future? I could totally see this keeping us in these mask protocols. What do you guys think though? Do you think we'll go back to being able to go maskless? Or do you think the future will be full of forced mask wearing?
