I've only personally known of marriages done so one of them can stay in the US. I did hear of someone who got married just so they could get a military benefit and buy a house or something like that. I didn't know them personally so I'm not sure if it worked though.
It just depends on how much and the circumstance. Sometimes you have a rough year and you put on weight due to stress. I'm not perfect so I wouldn't say anything unless I felt like it went too far and I needed to say something.
I've only really dealt with jealousy from friends when I was younger. For some reason, my best friend's parents would compare us and use me against her if I ever did anything better than her. It killed our relationship because she'd try to make everything we did a competition. We eventually had...
I've never had this happen but I wouldn't like it at all. It's your choice to decide if you want to see someone or not so I feel like that's taking that choice away and forcing it. It would also make me uncomfortable with the friend because I'd be afraid they were going to do that again.
People lack common sense and then have kids. If you provoke a wild animal, that's what's going to happen. Then the animal is put down for their stupidity.
I doubt we'll get to a lockdown. I think we'll have to play it safe and see what happens. I was really hoping this was all going to be gone by 2022 lol
I think the little things a partner does for you in a relationship are so important. One thing for me is him recognizing small things that I like, even if I don't talk about them. Something like if he notices that I like my coffee a certain way or something like that lol What about you guys?
Any signs of being controlled are red flags. If she seems nervous when friends ask her to hang out or something like that. I used to know a girl who's boyfriend wouldn't let her pick up extra shifts. She wasn't "allowed" to do anything without him.
Yeah, I agree. I think frats like that prey upon people who feel a need to fit in and belong to something, which can be risky. While I don't think all frats and sororities are dangerous, the ones that are should be called out.
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