I used to know this girl that wanted to make an account on one of those websites to find a sugar daddy. She ended up breaking up with her boyfriend just to pursue it lol I wasn't good friends with her so I don't know if she ever went through with it but it was so crazy. I also know of a girl who...
Yeah I heard about this. Really crazy story. This is what happens when people aren't checked and they go around thinking they're better than others. I can't imagine what was going on in her head and what she must have felt when she realized she made a fatal mistake.
Only thing I really collect is key chains lol I used to travel a lot so I would try to get one from each new city I went to. Other than that, I'm not a big collector.
I don't think it should be mandated but I do have plans to get mine. I think it should be up to the individual person on whether they got the booster or not.
I went shopping for the thanksgiving meal and saw a lot of empty shelves. I feel like I’ve experienced the shortages here so maybe it has to do with the area.
Yeah I have. He was a really good guy but we just didn't stay emotionally connected. He was the type of guy that would just stay with someone because it was easier than breaking up. I needed more and I felt like I was just the easiest option for him.
Besides being well groomed, I like strong and in shape guys. Not overly muscular but just someone that takes care of himself. I think I feel similar about wanting to feel small. I'm tall for a girl and I've always been muscular so I feel awkward next to skinny guys lol
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