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  1. sourgrapes

    Dealing with spam...

    So I noticed I have been getting more and more e-mails from companies. Like ones I normally shop with online or shop with now and then. When they send too many e-mails, I normally just go to the bottom and unsubscribe to the newsletters and updates. The e-mails should stop... But they don't. How...
  2. sourgrapes

    Appropriate Children's Cartoons

    I have been paying more attention to children's shows in recent months since my boyfriend has a daughter and holy crap... The stuff they put out there for kids, turns my stomach. Most of it is legit programming designed for children to be confused and filled with hatred for anyone who wants to...
  3. sourgrapes

    Buffalo Shooting and forgivness

    I'll just say this - if people in these areas were legally allowed to carry guns, this kind of crap would not happen. He would have got shot down in seconds if these people were armed. Hell, the dude would not have risked it in the first place if this was the case. He knew where to go and who to...
  4. sourgrapes


    I don't think it is that simple cause this isn't a black issue, this is an American issue. Millions of people listen to MSM's BS and believe it. Hell, it got me a few times and I will admit to it. They aren't to be trusted anymore and more people need to wake up to that in America but so many...
  5. sourgrapes

    WTF is wrong with Cara Delevingne?

    There is a standard in the industry when it comes to various women and I feel like with everything else in the country, black women are at the bottom. They are probably told they have to sexualize themselves like this to get anywhere. They have to display it and the others do it behind closed...
  6. sourgrapes

    Woke Up Like This!

    A lot of women who spend top dollar getting their hair done don't want to get it wet and I can understand that but this is a good way to know what she looks like without being all done up! lol
  7. sourgrapes

    This BS is starting again...

    Belgium has gone into lockdowns over the monkeypox outbreaks. Expect this to spread. Be prepared. During the 2020 nonsense, a lot of cases of "covid" were actually standard flus which happens every year and the tests that were being used were only graded as being about 34% accurate. This is...
  8. sourgrapes

    WTF is wrong with Cara Delevingne?

    LOL Why are you making me laugh like this!? I damn near spit out my drink. As I said, whether we like it or not...I am not a fan of how they dress and represent us women but it is what it is. Just going to make sure my future girls (if I have girls) know their worth.
  9. sourgrapes

    Woke Up Like This!

    My sister's boyfriend once said "If you want to see what a woman looks like all-natural from the start, take her to a water park for a first date". I am all for women wearing make-up, wigs, weave, whatever makes you feel good but you have to understand that if you get too far gone with it, you...
  10. sourgrapes

    WTF is wrong with Cara Delevingne?

    These women represent us in society, whether we like it or not. They did send a clear message by not saying or doing anything about her behavior. We are second-class citizens even if we are wealthy and well-known. A lot of people are glossing over this. I don't care if they objectify themselves...
  11. sourgrapes

    The weather is looking crazy this year!

    I was looking into some of those long-range forecasts and for the US, most areas are going to be hot and dry. Some places will be hot and wet. It is looking like we should expect to see more storms and likely more droughts which is bad news for farmers and produce. We are already looking at...
  12. sourgrapes

    Kat Williams coming back with a new Netflix special

    I have not seen a new special from him in quite some time. I am looking forward to this! After all the crap Dave and Chris have been through, I am hoping more allstar black comics come forward and push through all this PC nonsense.
  13. sourgrapes

    Signs you look for while dating?

    The basics - lying, cheating, stealing, acting off, playing things up, being too specific, etc. etc. This is not foolproof though cause a lot of people can put up game for 3 to 6 months before the cracks start to show. That is why you have to be careful early on in relationships.
  14. sourgrapes

    The Importance of Putting Your Dating Interests In The Right Category

    I will just say it. They took most if not all responsibility women once had for themselves and put it on something or someone else. Not just black ladies either, ALL WOMEN. This is why so many ladies out there think they can act like hoes and still become housewives. Look at all the OnlyFans...
  15. sourgrapes

    Falling hard for someone not meant for you...

    Most people have at least one person they fell hard for and they just weren't right for them. I can't say I haven't been head over heels for a man who ran me through the dirt. Ladies do it to men just the same. It sucks but it is part of growing up. Like Sapphire said, it can help you learn to...
  16. sourgrapes

    WTF is wrong with Cara Delevingne?

    She was high on something. The fact that no one said or did anything though, speaks volumes. These ladies held it together and I have to give them props for that. I can bet you people were watching this happening hoping that one of them would get angry and start hitting her. They kept it classy...
  17. sourgrapes


    This man has never been in favor of black people. Never. Not once. Look back at the crap he was doing in the '80s and '90s. I still can't believe he has any support from the black community.
  18. sourgrapes


    I think it is smart to be as independent of the state as possible. Have funds put aside. If things ever get worse, have a plan. Have protection in mind. Maybe get an older van or something you can live out of if you have to up and leave your area. With how this world is looking right now, I have...
  19. sourgrapes

    Domestic violence amongst FBA

    The white nationalists of this country have turned people against their own. You see it within so many groups of people in America but it hurts none more than black Americans. I hear so many stories of men and women getting into physical fights over nonsense, blood being shed, cops getting...